Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2371: Without showing weakness

Long Zu actually took the inch and challenged the psychological limit of the soul ancestors. All the ethnic ancestors who watched the battle raised their spirits and looked at the soul ancestors to see how he responded!

Among them, especially the ancestors and the ancestors, the heart is filled with the feeling of watching the big play.

Others did not know the terrible of the Soul monks, but they saw it with their own eyes. Long Zu actually gave his face a shameless face. Actually, he still had troubles. This time, it was really good.

Do not believe that Sun Hao can still stand.

Sun Hao’s temper is no better, and he can’t stand this kind of unbelievable behavior.

What's more, Sun Hao is not afraid of the Dragons. It is only that there are only a few monks around him who are involved in the Battle of the Red Moon. It is a waste of more places. I didn't expect to take a step back and it was actually seen by Longzu. bully.

There was still a faint smile on his face, but there was a lot of coldness in his smile, and there was a lot of ridicule. Sun Hao looked around and asked, "What do you think of Longzu’s proposal?"

Others did not speak, lest the world nowhere to sneak out, Wang Wang cried: "Boss, just someone talking? How can I only hear someone fart, loud voice, stinking, Xiao Feifei, you smell it?"

Xiaoyu Feitian shook his head and said: "Wrong, how can someone be fart, clearly a reptile, this is not a person..."

Xia Chuan was calm and steady, but when he spoke, he was particularly sullen: "The description of the reptile is not very accurate. It should be a dead insect that can't die anymore, leaving only the bone shelf and not knowing what to do."

Easy road lights on the side of the hand rubbing his forehead, said in his mouth: "Let's all, pay attention to the quality, don't let Master be embarrassed, offended the first race of the undead domain, Master does not know how to live?"

Good guy, what are these monks around the soul ancestors? Actually, the collective has opened a mocking mode for Longzu. Is this the rhythm of preparing to expand the situation?

I really saw it.

Long Zu Zhang’s mouth was very unexpected.

I did not expect that the soul ancestors would be so sturdy, but the soul ancestors still do not drink? For a time, Long Zu actually didn't know what to say, and he was so angry that the whole body skeleton shivered.

Sun Hao’s face always has a faint smile, and his mouth smiles and says: “You really don’t die, you don’t die, you dare to talk to the old people of Longzu. You’re hard, I can’t control you, whatever you guys do. Whole."

After that, Sun Hao’s hands shook an arch to Longzu, and his mouth screamed: “Several disciples are stubborn, and I ask Longzu to help educate one or two...”

Xiaoyu Feitian did not wait for Sun Hao to finish, and has already interjected: "Master, Longzu old people educate us should be, but ask a question, can we remove some hard bones down the refiner!"

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, and said in his mouth: "As long as you have the ability, as you are, right, I didn't intend to let Xiaolong come over, but since I have to compete for a quota, let them just come over... ”

There are many special rules in the Red Crescent, and there are many special suppressions. However, Sun Hao also found that the treasures from the Red Crescent are quite small in the Red Crescent.

That is to say, the concentric ring is very easy to use here, almost no effort, Sun Hao is also a thought, has already Xuanyuan Xiaolong, Xiang Dayu, Zhong Wei, Wu Xianlang, Zhu Dezheng, Soul and Xuanyuan I have been recruited.

All the monks are in harmony. These are the ones around Sun Hao who are practicing the ghosts and ghosts to strengthen their own cultivation.

A few monks have now recruited and stood by Sun Hao. I don’t know what happened, and I’m a little confused.

The thoughts will move gently, and Sun Hao has let them know what happened. To put it simply, a great opportunity is in front of us. Everyone can win the other side and get a great opportunity to enter the Red Crescent to enhance their sinister ghosts.

Several disciples, especially Zhu Dezheng and Wu Xian Lang Lang, have a bright eye, and their enthusiasm is unprecedentedly high. For them, this is a matter of whether or not they can go higher in the future.

However, Xuanyuan Xiaolong and Yuxi are dispensable. Their own qualifications are excellent. The ghosts and ghosts are not the focus. Xuanyuan Xiaolong even said with a grin: "Is there a need to do so?"

Sun Hao shook his head, and his eldest son always liked rebellion. He really didn’t listen to his own words, and he was much worse than his own disciples.

Sun Hao did not express his opinion.

Wu Xianlang made a speech in the will of thought: "All the brothers and brothers, as well as the long son, Princess Sissi, I hope that everyone can try their best to win the battle. If you can climb the summit of the Red Moon, nothing else. Said, a broken body Dan."

Broken Dan! This is a top priority for everyone to do next.

In the will of thoughts, everyone suddenly felt a shock.

Zhu Dezheng also added a fire: "And, I may be promised by the political ethics, Xuan Tian soul Wu, everyone cheer!"

Xuantian soul Wu? This is a good baby.

Suddenly, Xuanyuan Xiaolong began to get on the heart, and his thoughts shouted loudly: "I have done it, brothers, things, ah, what is the dragon, the bones are still here, the martial arts, brothers, They didn’t know them when they beat them."

Sun Hao said in a moment of thought and will: "Well, you cheer, don't expect me to help you. If you are eliminated, I will laugh and congratulate."

These disciples have always been here, and they have gone relatively smoothly. It is really necessary for them to plant their heads and make them more mature.

Opposite, the undead dragon ancestors have already reacted at this time, roaring in the sky, violently angry, and several boys have not put themselves in their eyes. It is really unbearable and unbearable. "You are looking for death, I want you." One can't get in, the soul ancestors, there is a kind of everyone to open the death mode."

Sun Hao said coldly: "Is Longzu confirmed to open the deathmatch mode? Once opened, the ancestors will participate in the war. At that time, you can't say it, even the Longzu you have to stay on this battlepan."

Undead dragon ancestors roared in the sky: "Beat yawn, a big tone, open to open, not open is..."

The words "Wang Ba Gu" did not say anything.

Above the sky, the ancestors opened their mouths and screamed and screamed: "Dragon ancestors don't forget, unless the old devils start the fighting, usually the nine people can fight but never fight, the old dragon is not easy to practice, thousand Don't fight for loyalty."

The huge longan of the undead dragon ancestors slammed into the bones, and the three words in the mouth swallowed. Instead, they shouted: "Destroy them and let them stay on this battleboard."

Sun Hao threatened not to participate in the war.

Sun Hao’s ministry is dominated by Xuanyuan Xiaolong.

In the face of the undead dragon ancestors, Xuanyuan Xiaolong did not show weakness, and screamed in the sky: "Brothers, doing things..."

After that, the body jumped forward and suddenly changed into a dragon of the gods, and Gangang roared and slammed into the undead dragon.

The huge bone dragon and the yellow dragon collided in the air.

In the sky, there was a loud earthquake. Under the impact, the bone dragon clearly occupied the upper hand, the Huanglong was hit and flew far away, and Gangang was a roar, his body circling and dancing, and rushed over.

Almost at the same time, the monks around Sun Hao showed their respective skills and went to the opposite undead dragon warriors.

Sun Hao really stood on the ground, did not participate in the war, but the bags around Sun Hao rushed out, and the animal husbandry also sneaked to the soy sauce, above the sky, suddenly flying sand, warfare, and launched an earth-shattering battle.

The undead nine people watching the battle have seen the change on the battlefield, and they have already fallen into a state of sluggishness.

Huge tyrannosaurus, horrible dusk snake, weird dragon, and a huge octopus that is flying in the air, almost a transparent wrist and a long gun... These are the soul monks?

The judgment of the Red Crescent nest should not go wrong! How did the Souls make so many wonderful monks?

Fortunately The remaining monks are a little normal, or else, I really thought it was a strange monk.

To Daewoo, Wu Xianlang, Zhu Dezheng, Zhong Rong, and Xuanyuan, the soul are a few of the soul of the soul.

These people floated in the air, and under the unified dispatch to Daewoo, they fought in battle and rushed to the opposite Longzu army.

Longzu was very proud and did not mobilize more monks from the family to participate in the war. In his view, 16 high-powered undead dragons packed up these little ants, isn't that the hand coming?

Moreover, above the war, the monks of the undead dragons seem to have the upper hand in terms of quantity. Sixteen to twelve, the opposite soul ancestors have not yet moved, and they stand by and watch. If they can’t beat them, the undead dragons feel that their monks can Look for a piece of tofu to kill.

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