Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2373: Regret

Sun Hao saw the side of the animal husbandry and ghosts, and he could not smile.

He did know what was going on, and he also sensed that inside the tower, the small fire had already appeared on the back of the side.

A small fire rat, unremarkable, on the extremely fast side of the animal husbandry, is really not very noticeable.

The side of the dog's paws pointed forward, and the mouth was pretending to be a model. Wang Wang shouted: "Give me a decision..."

Daewoo guarded Nanyang in the same year, and Xiaohu assisted for many years. He also knew very well about the ability of small fires.

When I saw the small fire appearing on the back of the side of the animal husbandry, I knew to Daewoo what was going on.

In the same year, the cooperation with Daewoo and Xiaohuo was quite skillful. After many years of cooperation, it is natural to talk again.

While grazing a word export, the Da Yu gods were drawn, and the large array of six monks broke out instantly. The air and the yin formed, instantly turned into a sinister spear, and took it to Daewoo.

The Nether Dragon, designated by Bianmu, suddenly burst into a sudden moment, and involuntarily stiffened in the air. The huge body seemed to be solidified in an instant and turned into a stone sculpture.

Above the sky, Miha stunned: "There is really a hand in the side of the animal husbandry, really settled?"

At this time, he raised the spear to the right hand of Daewoo, and the body jerked forward and his arm slammed out.

The spear was thrown out and turned into a blue line. The speed was extremely fast, the target was extremely accurate, and the target was slammed.

The Nether Dragon in the stiff state is too late to dodge, and the Glancing Spear has always entered from his right eye.

The huge slamming force impacted the Nether Dragon to retreat a few feet away, and Zhang mouth uttered a scream of screaming: "Oh..."

Bianmu did not have the slightest compassion, and hurt the water dragon. The thoughts and the will quickly said: "Come back..."

The dog's paw pointed: "Give me a..."

Do not hesitate to Daewoo, the right hand a trick, to pull everyone's sinister power, once again use the formation method to form a glaucoma spear, take a flight and a spear out.

A bang! Accurate, the second spear once again tied the Nether Dragon, directly through the other eye of the Nether Dragon.

The eyes of the Nether Dragon are not physical, but they are the real key to the Nether Dragon. It is the burning dragon of its soul.

Today, the two longan are penetrated by two Da Yu spears.

The Nether Dragon really suffered a heavy blow. In the midst of misery, the huge body slammed down and fell on the ground of the battlepan, dying.

Seeing that it is not alive!

Bianmu screamed screamingly: "How about, rice hoes, and the priests are amazing!"

Mich said in the channel: "Strong, you have two things in the pastoral, but I really want to know, will this be an accidental phenomenon, the ability to fix should not be so easy to use?"

Bianmu immediately replied: "Wrong, for the great side animal husbandry, the body is a matter of minutes, Daewoo, the third head on the right, the bone dragon, the next goal..."

Undead dragons are also vital. Being hit by the key points will also be attributed to true rest. This kind of rest is the real failure to reincarnate and completely die out.

A powerful Nether Dragon was killed.

The warriors watched and took a breath of cold, and the battle once again fell out of everyone's expectations. In the fierce confrontation, the first to be hit hard was not the monk of the ghost family, but the undead dragons did not have any signs. Was strongly defeated by a strong and strong undead Nether Dragon.

The undead dragon ancestors roared angrily, and the remaining undead dragons were arrogant and arrogant, launching a round of storms, above the battleship, huge and thick dragon claws, dragon tail, with a powerful dragon, falling from the sky, bursting with yin Falling from the sky, a retaliatory attack was launched against the ghosts, especially the battlefield of Daewoo.

Two of the dragons even stared at the side of the animal husbandry and the small fire, and the claws quickly caught it.

A dog is like being killed by a companion who has just been killed. It must be destroyed.

The ability of the side animal husbandry is not strong, stealing the chicken and touching the dog, the effort to dodge and escape is not to say, flexibly slamming in the air, and the mouth is still screaming: "I flash, I flash, I flash again, can't hit, hit No, you still can't hit..."

Dodge a few times, find the target, and the animal husbandry and pretend, the dog's paw one, yelled: "Wang, give me a..."

The real match is a small fire and a move to Daewoo.

At the time of the priest's screaming, Daewoo had already grasped the blue-eyed spear with one hand.

Just as the skull dragon was swallowed by a small fire and instantly imprisoned in the air, the glaucoma spear in the hands of Daewoo had already thundered and thundered.

Accurate and powerful.

The glaucoma spear runs through the forehead of the bone dragon, crushing the hard skull of the bone dragon, a bang, the inner core of the skull, the core area of ​​the bone dragon, and the soul dragon fire.

The powerful striking force struck the huge body of the bone dragon and flew backwards several feet away. The bang of the body fell on the ground of the battle plate. The huge body shape made the floating battle plate vibrate involuntarily.

To Daewoo's spear, he couldn't help but raise his right hand and screamed in the sky.

Sun Hao, who is carrying his hands and standing still, has also revealed his cherished look in his eyes. The two gauze spears that have just been to Daewoo have reminded Sun Hao of his past in the Nanyang.

At that time, I developed many powerful warship skills on the Fengyun. Among them, there was a move to Daewoo that had just been displayed, and the unparalleled spear.

To Daewoo now, it is just a modification of the unparalleled magical spears, and with the power of the big force, formed a combat skill similar to warship skills.

Because the repair is completely different from that of Nanyang, the killing power of the Qingguang spear at this time is also extremely powerful, and the undead dragons with high strength can't resist it!

Of course, if the undead dragon repair is not fixed by the side of the animal husbandry, can be free to dodge or full defense, then the Daguang's Qingguang spear will not have such a brilliant result.

Looking at the way of yelling at Daewoo's arm, Sun Hao's heart sighed with sighs. As a disciple of his own, he unconsciously and deeply impressed them with his own brand.

Even if they have always been stocking them, they rarely teach them by themselves, but some of their fighting abilities seem to be inextricably linked with themselves. Perhaps this is a descendant!

Sun Hao’s heart sighed this time, and the hearts of the warriors were shocked.

An undead dragon is being slaughtered. It may be just an accidental phenomenon. It is quite horrible that two undead dragons fall under the same trick.

That can only explain one problem, that is, the undead dragon repair can not stop the opponent.

Undead dragon ancestors screamed in the sky, fanned the winged wings, slammed the long tail, and slammed into the battlefield that had just killed the undead bone dragon. In his heart, he had hated the group of people in Daewoo, and abandoned the Xiaolong with Xuanyuan. Entangled, hands-on, killing the battlefield here.

Huang Long screamed in the sky and yelled in his mouth: "I don't think..."

The long tail swayed violently, and did not wait for the undead dragon ancestor to run far, and had been entangled in fearlessly.

Above the sky, Huang Long's body tightly caught the undead dragon ancestors, the tails were stirred together, the claws were caught each other, and the mouths were biting each other, that is, he was not allowed to easily support the undead dragon repair.

On the entire battleboard, the battle was in a state of urgency.

At this time, another battleship, the friendly battle between the death gods and the black warriors has already won the game. The death gods have a slight advantage, and twelve monks have the opportunity to enter the undead altar. The Black Warrior family also received eight places, both of whom were satisfied with the result. The two ancestors were relatively polite and did not move.

The battle between the undead knight and the blood family is relatively less intense than that of the soul and the undead dragon. It is not so intense, but the real battle damage is still on this side.

More than 70 monks have fought each other, and the number of monks who have been killed by both sides has exceeded ten. This is also a real war.

Of course, in the eyes of all monks, the battle between the soul ancestors and the undead dragons is the horror to the extreme battle.

Those who fall on the top of the battleboard are all unrelenting dragon repairs. If under normal circumstances, in a place other than the undead domain, a distraction will appear and it will definitely dominate.

In a state of prosperity, it is not a distraction of the state of repression, but it is one of the few monks who stand at the top of a race.

Even if it is an undead dragon, its combined power will not exceed ten. It is conceivable that the position of distraction is perfect.

Do not know that the undead dragon ancestry now regret it?

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