Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2374: Angry shot

Above the Red Moon battle, the undead dragons have successively fallen into the undead dragon repairs of the two distracting powers!

At this point, the heart of the undead dragon ancestors has actually begun to regret. .

I knew that now I shouldn’t have to take a step in the game. I have to force the soul ancestors to fight against myself.

There is no regret in the world, and the undead dragon ancestors can only swallow a bitter fruit for their choice.

The two dragons' powerful monks were killed in succession. The anger and unwillingness of the undead dragon ancestors were also reached. Now they are entangled in Huanglong, unable to revenge, and their hearts are more violent.

In the violent bite, the undead dragon ancestors screamed loudly: "The **** little Huanglong, I want you to regret it for a lifetime, I want you to make the Taoist all waste, I want you to never turn over, I curse you, I curse you. ......"

Xuanyuan Xiaolong's Huanglong was not moved, but still stubbornly entangled the undead dragon ancestors, so that he could not form effective support for his subordinates.

As for the curse of the undead dragon ancestors, Xuanyuan Xiaolong did not take him as a matter of course. In his life, he had no taboos and was cursed by the number of times. He had no feeling at all.

Above the sky, the ancestors Zhang had their own bones on the shelf, and said with a smile: "Longzu, you are not good? The battle between the two races is itself the rule of the altar. You are stopped by yourself. The strength is not good, how can you use the dragon ancestor curse of the undead domain? This is the taboo of our nine protoss to ban ..."

The battle of all ancestors, the ancestral bourgeoisie is the oldest.

The real old bones are the bone ancestors.

He knows the most things, and now that he said, suddenly, other ancestors reacted.

Different positions, the ancestors' mentality is different.

The Great Death itself is an upper-level race. When it is opposed to the Dragons, there are quite a few times. At this time, it stands out. Shen Sheng said: "Right, the Longzu curse is the most vicious, can reduce the half-life invisibly, can be invisible In the middle of the damage, the Jiuzu really has an agreement. As a dragon ancestor, it cannot be easily used. It is a special force that the true undead domain gives to the dragon ancestor. It is not your own practice..."

The ancestors said: "The nine ancestors co-covened, praying for the undead world, let Longzu you gain this ability, the purpose is to let you check and balance the undead crown, but not let it be used on this battlefield..."

Undead dragon ancestors roared in the sky: "Anyone who is an enemy of my dragons should curse. Anyone who kills my dragons should curse."

Sun Hao carried his hands, floated and stood up, his eyes slightly picked up.

When I heard the words of several ancestors, Sun Hao’s inheritance from the soul ancestors also knew how the Longzu curse was going on.

The undead crown has great power over the nine races in the undead domain, and the undead crown is born, which is likely to cause a situation in which the nine races are unique.

In order to avoid the ancestors of the undead gods from the minds of the Qing dynasty, the ancestors of the nine protoss combined to create a set of cursing techniques, as long as the eight ancestors could work together by one of the ancestors, competing for it. The ancestors of the undead crown.

Many times in the past, cursing techniques are generally mastered by Longzu, because the undead dragons have the lowest possession of the undead crown.

The strength of the undead dragons is itself the strongest race among the undead gods. Moreover, the bottleneck of the development of the undead dragons is not the territory, nor the resources. It is precisely the number of races that cannot be used. It is useless to have the crown of death.

Over time, the immortal curse has basically become a heritage of undead dragons.

After any ancestor has won the crown of undead, there are undead dragons who can fight against it. If the ancestors offend other races, if the forces expand too much, sorry, the undead curse will break out.

The effect is to drastically reduce the life of the Shouyuan and damage the foundation of cultivation.

After the death of the crown, it is often impossible to rule for too long, which is why.

I don't know when, I was entangled in the curse of immortality, and Shouyuan was greatly reduced.

Now, the undead dragon ancestors are actually in this kind of confrontation, and it is a bit inappropriate for a monk who is not an ancestor level to continually launch an undead curse.

In theory, this is only a combat skill that can appear in the undead crown.

What makes the ancestors feel uncomfortable is that the words of the undead dragon ancestors are full of arrogance, and the words of the nine ancestors are regarded as the ears.

Other ancestors have anger in their hearts, but they don’t care about themselves, but they don’t have any personal feelings.

Sun Hao here, I feel very bad.

The undead dragon ancestor cursed his own eldest son, cutting down the life of his eldest son, destroying the foundation of his eldest son, which is unbearable.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao asked with a little concern: "Little dragon, how do you feel? Is there a big problem? Need help?"

Huang Long’s eyes blinked like Sun Hao’s, and he said, “Do you say that there is a big problem? Anyway, I have realized that my life is fast-moving, and this curse is constantly producing results...”

Sun Hao’s heart was stunned, and Shen Sheng said: “If you don’t die, you will take care of Xinyi’s skills. If you continue to do so, then you will not be merciless.”

Xuanyuan Xiaolong's age is not big. After becoming a Huanglong state, it is a long life, a little bit damaged, but it is no big deal, but the loss is big, but it will really affect the future improvement.

In the face of Sun Hao’s deterrence, the undead dragon ancestors who have already killed the red eye are even more angry, and they scream in their mouths: “The soul ancestors, there is a kind of you who come up too, seeing me cursing you are also half dead.”

This is a good size, I don’t know what to do?

Sun Hao floated in the air, his mouth said coldly: "You are not dead, the dragons are self-respecting, this trip to the Red Crescent, this so-called dragon ancestor who does not know how to be self-respected, mistakes made several times before and after, no wonder you are doing this for the end. Undead dragons, it turns out that your heart is simply the next three. Now, since you don’t want to face your face, I will let you know today. Some people, you can’t afford it...”

With one hand and one stroke, Sun Hao’s hand appeared a broken hammer.

A big bang in the mouth, a hammer thrown out.

The purple gold hammer rose with the storm, and the sky flashed, and it fell to the undead dragon ancestors.

Sun Hao yelled into the next three abuses, the undead dragon ancestors were furious, Longzui aimed at Sun Hao, and opened his mouth: "You are only three abuses, your family is under the three abuses, Laozi’s heart is as hard as Iron, I can re-enter the practice when I am old..."

I haven't finished talking.

The Zijin Sledgehammer has come hollow.

The huge impact force rushed out with the sledgehammer, and the front of the sledgehammer seemed to have a transparent mask. It was also like a sledgehammer passing through, and the space was broken.

The nine ancestors, as long as they have time to watch, at this time have all looked at the scene of the undead dragon and the ghost family.

Who can be more powerful if the undead dragon ancestors and soul ancestors are right?

The undead dragon ancestors are one of the true strongest beings in the undead domain, especially in the Red Crescent, where the undead dragon ancestor’s body is strong, and the other ancestors have been slain.

Under normal circumstances, the undead dragon ancestors are synonymous with invincibility in the field of immortality.

The contemporary soul ancestor is the youngest existence and the most mysterious existence, especially when the soldiers are fighting. The magical Jin Liuwei is even more shocking to all the ancestors.

I just don’t know what the fighting abilities of the soul ancestors will be in the real power confrontation.

Even the ancestors and the ancestors who knew Sun Hao’s true identity were full of curiosity at this time. They also wanted to know the awe-inspiring ability of the legendary agarwood overhaul.

The legendary agarwood, what is the result of the battle against the peak of the undead gods?

The broken sky hammer crashed down.

The huge dragon tail of the undead dragon ancestor flew up and smashed toward the broken The mouth was also a big bang: "Give me a roll."

Sun Hao had no intention of shooting.

Undead dragon ancestors do not know life and death, angered Sun Hao, this hammer, Sun Hao is angry with the shot, the whole body is repaired into an explosion, the powerful force plus the weight of the broken hammer itself, formed a heavy blow.

Such an attack, among the undead gods, absolutely no one can easily get it.

Not dead dragon ancestors will not work.

A loud bang, the broken sky hammer hit the huge dragon tail of the undead dragon ancestors.

In the sky, huge waves of energy flow from the whistle, from the center of the impact.

The broken sky hammer purple golden light flashed.

Standing in the heart of Sun Hao's heart a little bit, the good guy, the first time he used the broken hammer, actually triggered the power of the sky.

I don't know what the undead dragon ancestor will be made by the power of the broken sky! (To be continued...)

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