Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2375: Broken power

Broken Sky Hammer, the power of broken heaven broke out.

Sun Hao did not expect that when he was angry with a blow and did not deliberately pursue it, it would actually break the power of the sky.

This time, you can not drink a dragon pot to drink a pot.

In the bang, the undead dragon ancestors suddenly discovered that their huge dragon tail, the white skeleton actually broke into pieces of bone fragments, and sprinkled with the air.

What made him even more frightened was that the fragmentation was still spreading rapidly into his body, and with the power of Zijin Sledgehammer, he quickly spread to himself.

As long as it is the place where the impact force arrives, the sturdy body that has been cultivated for many years and is more infinite than the gold and iron is actually broken down by a certain period of time.

The cold in my heart, the undead dragon screams in the mouth, wants to fly higher, avoiding the spread of Zijin sledgehammer.

At this time, Huang Long was entangled and restrained the undead dragon ancestor: "Old Dragon King, where to escape, hahaha, how is your keel so crisp, a hammer, actually broke, oh, you really are a Inferior dragon..."

Undead Longzu wants to discuss with Huanglong in depth what is a quality dragon!

But now, he doesn't have time, because he is horrified to discover that the soul of the ancestors is so powerful that it has a strong locking ability.

The shock wave can't hide itself.

Even more ridiculous is that the power of breaking is actually a rule of law, as long as you slam a little bit, the hit part will be forced to break.

Undead dragon ancestors even made an inference that the whole body has been judged to be a fragmented state by the force of the broken sky. The reason why it is not completely broken is that it is because of its strong strength.


Is it really going to be completely fragmented under this hammer?

Undead dragon ancestors roared unwillingly, and his heart was full of embarrassment and uneasiness. At this time, he suddenly found a terrible thing, and if he did not, this fragmentation effect could also be applied to his soul flame.

Once the soul flame is defeated, you can truly be eternal.

After the last soul ancestor, the undead dragon ancestors produced regrets for the second time. I knew that now I am not so true. I didn’t expect the soul ancestors to be so strange!

Is it really like Huang Long said that he is just a poor quality dragon with a strong heart?

He snarled in the sky, and the undead dragon ancestors swept Sun Hao with a glance. The dragon body with white body and jade suddenly burst into silver in the air.

The purple-gold brilliance of the broken hammer, the silver aperture of the undead dragon ancestors shines in the sky above the battlepan, and it is beautiful.

All the ancestors, including the blood ancestors and the ancestors, are paying attention to the battle between the dragon ancestors and the soul ancestors at this time. All the monks, in addition to being entangled together, are still unable to separate from the undead knights and **** monks in the war, and other monks are also Qi Qi pays attention to the horror of the two ancestors.

What everyone didn't think of was that, just the first move, the soul ancestor took up a huge advantage. When it was hammered down, the tail of the dragon ancestor collapsed and fell into the air.

This is not over yet, the purple gold sledgehammer shines, shrouded in the dragon ancestors, and does not rely on it, the dragon ancestors are constantly being broken, and the broken dragon body continues to spread to important parts of his body.

How is this hammer so evil?

All the ancestors have a little shock in their hearts. The body of the undead dragon ancestors is the real body of a hundred battles. The bones are as strong as the nine-day mysterious iron, and what kind of power is there, so that the bones can be broken and broken. For the pieces of pieces, fall into the air.

Beside the ancestors, Miha’s small mouth was a few words: “I didn’t expect the hammer of the small zombie to be so powerful, oh, it’s true, it’s sneaky and it’s going to pass the past...”

When Zangzu heard Miha’s words, he rolled his eyes and said, is this the original weapon of the little zombie on Xiaomi’s shoulder? Yes, my baby daughter is really two hundred and five, and the baby is taken away, and there is still a heart and a smile.

Just in the close attention of everyone, the silver light and the purple gold light are intertwined and violently collide.

Just as two huge energy **** hit together, there was a loud bang in the sky.

The broken sky hammered in the air and flew back to the hands of Sun Hao. The strength of the undead dragon ancestor was not weak, forcing it out of the state of lock and broken sky.

The broken hammer lost its target and flew back to Sun Hao’s hands.

On the other hand, the undead dragon ancestors screamed in the sky, the silver light flashed, and instantly got rid of the entanglement of Huanglong, and it also appeared on the other side.

Only his current state is still not good.

There is only half of the dragon's tail left, and it has become a bald-tailed dragon. What's more, even if he is now full of silver, he gets rid of the shattered hammer, but from his tail, he can see that his The dragon's torso is still slowly disintegrating.

From time to time, pieces of silver fell from his dragon's body.

All the ancestors were sighing at the same time as the two powerful players, but they also took a breath of cold, and the hammer of the soul ancestors was too shocked.

Long Zu has forcibly repelled the hammer, and his body is still falling apart!

What kind of effect is this?

Among the on-site monks, only the two fighters, Sun Hao and Undead Long Zu, knew what had happened.

The broken sky hammer hit the undead dragon ancestor and broke the power of the broken sky.

At the moment of the hit, a broken judgment was issued, which broke the body of the undead dragon ancestor, not a part.

Now, it is only the strength of the undead dragon ancestors. With its own cultivation, it has forcibly maintained its own dragon body, and will not be completely turned into fragments immediately.

In fact, according to the judgment of the law, the undead dragon ancestors at this time, the whole body has been broken!

Sun Hao and the undead dragon ancestors are well aware.

Sun Hao smiles and stands, can't see what the dragon ancestors will do!

Undead dragon ancestors are horrified and roaring.

In the glimmer of silver, the undead dragon ancestors said with sorrow: "The soul is a child, today's gift, I will not die, the dragon will never forget, miss today, I am not dead dragons call you..."

After the words have not been finished, Sun Hao’s face is full of smiles, and his mouth is cold and cold. “Longzu is not long-term. If you dare to say in front of this seat, the dragon is my dead soul. This seat will immediately start the deathmatch mode. Believe it or not, you will not be able to return to the Dragon Repair today..."

The rumors of the undead dragon ancestors came back.

In an instant, he thought of his previous two regrets of his own humiliation today, a cold war in his heart.

If you sin the soul ancestors too much, the undead dragon ancestor and the soul group are on the right, relying on, it is not necessarily who is more disadvantaged, the soul boy is too evil.

The proud and undead dragon ancestors were a little scared. They roared in the sky and were not willing to roar. The undead dragon ancestors shouted: "The nine people have an agreement, unless the red moon is judged, we can't open the dead battle mode..."

At this time, it reminded me of this convention.

I don’t want to start, the undead dragon ancestors are not the opponents of the soul ancestors. Other dragon repairs are not even a level. Once the soul ancestors die, they will die, and if they are not good, the dragons will really be overwhelmed. .

The other ancestors looked very strong, but in the tone, they began to wear soft undead dragon ancestors, and there was a faint sorrow in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, the undead dragon ancestors were also scared.

Just a trick, the soul ancestor forced the undead dragon ancestor to the point of admitting the softness of the service, a powerful soul ancestor!

In the sky, the zombie said: "Hey, I know now, why are you at the beginning?"

Sun Hao snorted and said in his mouth: "Agreement? Loss you still want to get an agreement, you believe in abandonment, you use the undead curse automatically, and repeatedly threaten to die, today, I will let you know what is really not dead... ..."

In the voice of the voice, Sun Hao’s right hand was raised, and the purple gold broken sky hammer made a great effort, and the cover turned to the undead dragon ancestors.

Above the sky, the silver is shining, and the undead dragon ancestor who is still cracking has been shocked. If he comes again, he will really be able to burst and break.

I can't help myself, I screamed in the sky, and the undead dragon ancestors shouted: "Dragon Festival ~ Long, the lang, with me, together to tide over the difficulties..."

Silver light suddenly made a big fuss, and the undead dragon ancestors flew up in the air. Every time they fly high, they leave a huge dragon body under the body.

As soon as the dragon appeared, it immediately slammed into pieces, and a piece of rain flew in the sky.

When the undead dragon ancestors rushed, they had already rushed upwards to the top ten feet, leaving a full seven dragon bodies in the air.

Every dragon body appeared, and it failed to escape the fate of fragmentation.

The white keel that fell and floated like a snow fluttering, covered with a battlepan.

These dragon bodies are actually the real undead dragon body, and the source of the undead dragon body is actually the other dragons that are fighting above the battle.

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