Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2401: 0 domain war

Wu Chuanlang said it well.

Too many allies are not a problem. Many of the allies have different customs and habits. It is quite troublesome to bring together a meeting.

Even if it is the wisdom of the intellectual, it is a shame to organize a discussion.

For example, some races like to be active during the day, but some races are used to sleeping during the day.

For example, some races like to run on the ground, while others like to swim in the water; for example, some races like to live underground caves, but some races like to stay in the trees to cool...

Anyway, the intellectual idiot is amazing, and all kinds of things are not suitable.

A thousand things, the dog bites the hedgehog, can not start, the coordination is quite difficult.

Some difficulties that were not unexpected, as the race increased, appeared in front of the intellectual.

For example, if you are in a hurry, Zhizai said that when you arrange for a crab master, you must fully consider that they are rampant races.

For example, if you are in a row, you can't put the half-go and the wolf monks together because they are born to be deadly enemies.

Various kinds do not adapt!

These problems require intellectuals to go to the screening a little bit, and it is not easy to form an expeditionary army of more than a thousand.

Zhizai declared: "The people of the family are too enthusiastic. The formation of the expeditionary army takes a little time. Please do a good job in the statistics of the troops and conscientiously do a good job of matching the forces. I will allocate the troops to me, and I will arrange them together..."

A total of more than 1,400 races began to report.

Statistics take a little time!

At the time when the intellectual idiot was too busy, the army of the undead gods broke out against the sacred land of the tree and the violent attack. Jin Liuwei first appeared in the sight of the monks of the imaginary tribe.

The powerful army was devastated and violently attacked, killing the original taste of the forest.

The tree people's holy land quickly fell.

The tree people have no choice but to send out a series of letters of help. Unfortunately, at this moment, the Terran is busy setting up the expeditionary army.

Wait until the formation of the Terran Expeditionary Force is completed, the daylily is cold! In less than a year, a large blockbuster of the Shuren people’s holy land was occupied, and a large block of the original taste of the forest was conquered, and the rare resources inside were looted.

The tree people can only stay on the last holy mountain, keep the last fire, and look forward to the expeditionary army of the Terran to help.

At this time, Wu Canglang, who is incarnation and sorrow, suggested: "You predecessors, the strength of the tree, the sacred mountain is too large, we have already grabbed the tree people, and now there is still some time, why not go to the Morgan Protoss and the flying people to trouble him. A little trouble, make a little money..."

Who is not willing to make a fortune! The ancestors of the nine great protoss suddenly smiled and shouted, and everyone immediately turned to the flying people!

There are many masters of the flying people, but they can't resist the massive attack of the corpse army and the million Jin Liuwei.

The nine great Protoss entered the sanctuary of the Flying People. In the white clouds of the Holy Land, they were smoldered by the undead races. A large number of holy flying people were shot in the air, and some of the flying people fell into dark angels...

The Flying People suffered a more horrific battle of the genocide than the tree.

In the end, I also retreat to the true core of the holy land in the city of Xiancheng, relying on the big array, strictly guarding the defense, and sticking to the last line of defense.

Originally, with the idea of ​​Wu Xianlang, the Flying People were offended by Master’s most embarrassing race, and they simply took the opportunity to completely defeat them.

It was true that at this time, Wu Xian Lang laughed and found that the nine great Protoss tasted the sweetness of robbing resources. They were so impatient that they died with the flying people. Several races gathered in the army and sipped and killed the Morgan Divine.

Ok, this is one of the plans for Wu Youlang.

I didn’t expect these guys to be so self-conscious now that they couldn’t stop themselves, and they couldn’t stop the boat. It’s really necessary to quickly make the Morgan Protoss seriously hurt. Wu’s leisurely let go of the annihilation of the flying people, and Jin Liuwei cooperated with other Protoss to attack Morgan’s domain. .

The Morgan Protoss is the most powerful of the three major races, with the largest number of intra-clan flying ships and the largest number of monks.

Although it was suppressed by the Nine Undead Protoss, it also maintained a certain combat capability. In particular, some high-ranking spaceships formed a powerful mobile unit, which caused a lot of damage to Andrei's corpse army.

In the core area of ​​the Morganic Protoss, in the Morgan Divine, there was a continuous war between the two sides. The undead protoss finally relied on their own strengths of thousands of times. As the ant army spread, they gradually gained the advantage and gave the Morgan Protos their true core. Forced to go in.

Seeing that the Morgan Protoss also suffered huge losses, when the territory shrinks and shrinks, the Terran finally came to good news. After several years of planning, the Terran is finally highly effective, and it has a full-scale 1,500 races. The army, declared war on the undead domain, began to intervene in the battlefield of the undead domain and the tribe.

Thousands of nationalities, thousands of wars.

Under the leadership of the Terran, it almost spreads the entire emptiness, and it can be called the battle of the Zhongxu war. It began to erupt.

Under the advice of Zhichi, the Qiang people agreed to join the Xilunlun Holy Land of the people, and establish the "Sacred People's Alliance". The Allied Forces were the supreme commander of the ancestor Shen Xiang, elected the top ten commanders, 100 generals, and thousands of commanders. In the same way, the soldiers were divided into three directions, and they made a chaotic direction to the undead domain. At the same time, they launched an offensive.

The left road is dominated by the Chongtian, with a commanding of three hundred races, supporting the Shuren tribe; the right route is dominated by the male and female witches, and the three-ethnic army is also commanded to support the flying people's territory; the middle road is led by Sun Hao, with nearly a thousand races, the mighty Swing, killing the territory of the Morgan Protoss.

The war broke out on the territory of the three tribes.

Zhichi named it a glorious glory expedition. The purpose of the battle was to expel the undead protoss and to recover the three great gods.

They are all tall!

The battle was also unprecedentedly fierce, and the devastating and devastating intentions did not appear. The three-way army encountered the stubborn resistance of the undead domain.

On the battlefield of the vast tribes, every day, large-scale battles broke out. The number of undead warriors killed every day was hundreds of millions. At the same time, the number of monks who were consumed was also large.

The Thousand Domains Allied Forces did have the upper hand, but the Undead Warriors showed their resilience beyond the norm.

The state that often occurs is that after killing a large number of undead warriors, it is not long before those undead warriors who have been killed have come out again, all over the sky, everywhere, killing and killing.

Killed softly. Still have to kill, everywhere, the area of ​​recovery, not long after, and filled with many undead warriors everywhere.

The race monks of the undead domain, like the mouse, do not fight with the expeditionary army at all, but as long as the expeditionary army leaves, these undead monks rush to the battlefield to resurrect the undead warriors who have been destroyed. Don’t spend the night. The number of undead warriors will be much restored. If you count the monks who were gathered after the death of thousands of monks, the total number of undead warriors in the undead domain seems to have an increasing trend.

This is the real undead natural disaster!

Among the big tribes, there are all kinds of toxins in the undead domain, full of decay and decay, which is already a sign that the immortal cloud is about to spread. Once the cloud of immortality is occupied in the tribe A certain area, then, even if it is a thousand-strong coalition, it is difficult to expel the undead protoss from the big tribes.

The monks of the nine races of the undead domain do not fight with the coalition forces. It is this kind of you coming to me. You are coming, I am playing the escaping game, and I am always trying my best to delay the time and let the undead cloud cover the tribe. Large domain.

Once you can swallow the three major domains, the size and area of ​​the undead domain will be greatly expanded, and the power of the nine non-death oracles will be shocked.

Under the proposal of Wu Xianlang, the undead gods of the nine great protoss called this war "the shadow of death", which is exactly opposite to the glorious glory that Ying Zhiyan proposed. In the end, the shadow of death is stronger. It is still shining glory to shine the world, it has already touched the whole emptiness.

The war of this scale is actually a rare battle in the history of China. Whether it is a war or a race without a war, at this moment, the final result of the battle is closely watched.

The battle between the left and the right roads is in a stalemate state. What is different is that the army led by the elite of the middle road has already pushed the cliffs and blocked the core troops of the undead domain.

The area around the Ferris Cliff has become a huge battlefield. The battlefield is so large that Sun Hao’s abilities have been taken care of. Nearly a thousand races, that is, nearly a thousand regiments, have unified command, but the mobility is also quite large, and Sun Hao can only be constrained.

The battle of the Thousand Domains broke out in the Moroccan deity. On the earth, smoke was everywhere, and smoke was everywhere.

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