Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2402: Dragon Slayer

The sun was invaded by the mountains and the sea, and the autumn light was on its way.

Every year, the world is full of old people, and the whole world is crying deeply.

When Sun Hao floated up and stood, standing in the domain of Morgan, looking at the battlefields where the smoke was everywhere, and seeing those broken walls, the heart could not help but deeply sigh, unconsciously, and there was nothing in the heart.

The layout of the Terran is 10,000 years, and the three tribes are charred.

In a certain sense, the current tribal wars of the three tribes are inextricably linked with themselves. They let Wu Weilang layout and let Anderville implement it. It is indeed a good goal for his own strategy.

However, when I really stood on the land of Morgan's domain, I saw the scorched earth after the war, and I saw the ordinary civilians of the lonely and homeless Morgan Protoss.

One will be successful, and his plan is a success. But behind this, it is the accumulation of hundreds of millions of bones.

The Terran may really benefit from it, but the other races in the imaginary world are afraid of being in the midst of this thousand-domain war.

Perhaps, after the battle of the thousand domains, the Terran can be the strongest in the top, and lay the foundation of no life, but behind this, it is the price of the blood donation of hundreds of millions of other races.

Once upon a time, have you grown to such a hard-hearted position? One word can decide the world, and one can kill the world. Can you really stand on the sidelines and resolutely implement it as planned?

Standing in the air, standing in the air, overlooking the millions of thousands of miles of war-torn Morgan's domain, Sun Hao's face gradually became heavy.

Among the branches of the network, Dao Tianji opened his eyes on the building wood, and said in his mouth: "The heavens and the earth are not benevolent, and everything is a hyena. When the monks practice to a certain height, especially after the Mahayana, they realize the heavens, 刍Everything in the dog, agarwood, this is the road you have to go through. At the height of yours, you have actually punished on behalf of the sky, every move, all coincide with the secret..."

Luo Pengfei also took it out and said in his mouth: "Okay, don't say so much about the cow's nose. So tell you, you don't fix these three strong people now. If you go to the future, it is bound to be At the same time, the undead protoss themselves are full of aggression and expansionary races, you must not let them attack the tribes, and the other races of the imaginary have become a mess, the result may be It’s worse than it is now.”

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and suddenly understood the meaning of the two peerless words.

To put it bluntly, it is a word, don't care, resolutely implement the original plan, how about it, how?

What do you want to do and boldly do it, that's it.

Suddenly sighed in the heart, Sun Hao said: "Thank you for the two friends to solve, Shen Xiang understands, but it is just a heart and soul."

Tian Tianji said at this time: "Agarwood, the so-called machine is born from the heart, the heavenly cycle, since you are now feeling, I am afraid that it is the cause and effect of the heavens, the matter of the deficiency, I am afraid that some accidents have changed."

Sun Hao stunned, did not fully understand the meaning of the heavenly machine.

Luo Pengfei came out and said: "The nose of the cow likes to play a riddle. I just said that this is called a tiger, and the tiger is also hurting. Agarwood is laid out for a long time. When planning others, it is estimated that there are also causes and effects. Look at the heroes of the world, if you are not good, there will be monks in the set up to deal with you."

Sun Hao nodded, and his body rose and arrogant. He said, "It turns out that I understand it. However, I really want to see it. Now, in the illusion, who can do it?"

Tian Tianji and Luo Pengfei were silent and silent.

Sun Hao, they felt the kind of unswerving heart, and felt the pride of the top.

Think about it, it is true. If you get the same period, they were not able to reach the point where Sun Hao is so dominant and arrogant.

The practice of the nine major veins goes hand in hand, and the nine major cultivations will be merged into one. This kind of cultivation foundation is enough to dominate the imaginary. Anyone who wants to count Sun Hao is afraid to take care of his own weight.

Under the unified coordination of Wu Chonglang, the nine great protoss launched a guerrilla warfare similar to the flying and tribal territories in the Morgan Divine.

Under the cover of the Thousand Legion, the undead protoss within Morgan's domain were playing harder and more cautious.

However, they still persisted stubbornly.

Among the nearly a thousand races, the more powerful and unruly races have slowly worn away some elite warriors.

Unlike the Flying and the Terran territories, there are a large number of legions and monks in the Morgan Divine. It is the reason that after the undead races are eliminated, it is difficult for the unruly monks to find a chance to resurrect their own strength, and the troops cannot get Effective recovery is also a little less.

Undead knights, undead dragons, and high-order undead races such as Death are not too small in the Morgan Divine.

At the beginning of the battle, the high-ranking monks on both sides did not participate in the battle. The two sides did not know which of the other high-ranking monks had, and they were hiding somewhere.

On the vast land, the front line is extremely long, the battlefield is over, the dogs are staggered, the fireworks are flying, various spells, all kinds of battles can be seen everywhere.

Morgan's domain is full of scorched earth, a little bit of a trend of the second red moon nest, perhaps that year, the Red Crescent is a fierce battle like the Thousand-Dollar War, which eventually led to the law disorder, becoming a place of ban.

The Thousand Domains War lasted for four or five years.

Sun Hao has never shot, and the monks around Sun Hao have sent out one by one and started to fight the Quartet.

Performing a full set.

The Qianyu army led by Sun Hao is really fighting the army of the undead protoss with Anderville. In the battle with the army mobilized by Wu Xianlang, there is no water in it. Even Wu Chonglang did not disclose any undead domain to Sun Hao. intelligence.

Sun Hao’s side, the overall coordination and command, is intellectual.

Did not give Wu Xialang water, the two sides are really playing, such a battle, is completely in the strength of the command and toughness of both sides.

Jin Liuwei has also entered the war. In addition to avoiding the Terran Monks and the Terran Army, Jin Liuwei has also begun to show his fangs and kill many powerful ethnic monks.

On the first day of the fifth year, when Sun Hao was sitting in the army and practicing on the knees, his heart suddenly moved and received a faint message from Milohayou. She had already arrived somewhere outside the Ferris Cliff, hoping that Sun Hao would see it in the past. one side.

Miha followed Sun Hao, but Mino stayed in the Zhuang to assist the ancestors in dealing with the family affairs. Sun Hao also visited her for thousands of years, but in general, it is still a little less, Sun Hao from In Minor’s heart, I felt a faint thought, and I didn’t think much. Sun Hao grew up in the air and flashed in the air, flying in the direction set by Minho.

In less than three days, Sun Hao’s body has appeared under a majestic mountain. After a little feeling, I immediately felt the breath of Miha.

With a faint smile on his face, Sun Hao showed his arms and fell to the top of the mountain.

This is a very strange mountain, the majestic mountain spread, like a dragon hovering between the heavens and the earth, but here, the dragon's faucet rising from the sky seems to be cut off by the mighty students, leaving a fairly flat high platform.

This mountain is probably the abandoned monk of the Morgan Protoss. On the top of the mountain is a huge rock, with the words of Morgan and Protoss.

The entire mountain was covered with traces of scorched earth after the war, and there were layers of scars in the forest. The patches were bare and exposed to the exposed mountains.

Before Sun Hao stood in front of the rock, his eyes fell on the rock. After a little judgment, he immediately recognized the big character on the rock: "Tu Longpo."

The first feeling, this image is very close to the image of Dashan. The second feeling is that Sun Hao’s heart suddenly has a whim, and the spirit is not surprised, his eyes are stunned.

Interesting, this is actually Tu Longpo.

Now in the virtual ~ ~ I am not the existence of the dragon? Isn't it the dragon of the world? Isn't it the existence of the supremacy of the emptiness?

In the heart of the move, Sun Hao felt it with his heart. Miha's breath disappeared without a trace, and his face showed a faint smile. Sun Hao carried his hands and stood quietly before the Tulongpo rock. He did not move, and the time seemed to be still.

On the Shoulong slope, time and space seem to be changing, and the big day hanging high in the air, unconsciously, has become a starry sky.

Layers of fog rise from the ground, and in the middle of the night, the mountains are squatting, as if the dragons are gradually taking off and hovering, and come alive.

People count tigers and tigers hurt people.

Sun Hao did not expect that the incident would happen from a person he could not forget, from someone he could not have expected.

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