Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2410: 2 manpower breaking (2)

The impact of the undead rider was affected by the reincarnation of Luo Pengfei.

Above the sky, when two straight long lines suddenly hit, there was a laugh from Luo Pengfei: "Undead knight, but so, give me a roll..."

With a bang, the two sides collided like a comet, bursting into a loud noise, and the knot was actually hit together.

At this moment, the outcome is clear.

Undead riding ancestors like a projectile, was hit back high, and above the sky, a **** rain.

Luo Pengfei haha ​​laughed and rushed out of the distance, which stabilized his body and shouted in his mouth: "Who is coming again?"

The stars have been broken, and it is difficult for the ancestors to form a joint force. Although they are also besieging, they can no longer borrow the power of the martial arts. They can only use their most powerful fighting ability to attack their opponents.

In the actual battle, everyone’s big moves are all kinds of attack moves that are different from the enemy. In many cases, they can only be on the opponent alone. Once others are involved in the battle group, they have to face the opponent at the same time. Move.

Of course, everyone is an old-fashioned figure. Once they start the war, this kind of cooperation between them is quite tacit.

At this moment of undead riding and ancestor flying, Luo Pengfei just stabilized his body, above the sky, the cold light flashed, and a huge axe shadow was cut down.

I don't know when, the zombie has already leaped high, holding the axe and slamming down.

This axe, without mercy, slammed the momentum of Huashan over the top of Luo Pengfei, Luo Pengfei instantly produced the illusion, even if he is a mountain, this axe will be split in half.

Taikoo fierce sword heads up in one fell swoop, swordsmanship skyrocketing, Luo Pengfei's body, and then hit up in the past, his mouth wowed: "Don't think that I am afraid of you, see if your axe is powerful, or my fierce sword Stronger."

Watching the battle to this day, Sun Hao suddenly appeared, Luo Pengfei this guy, the most like hard hit, when the other side's attack came, he did not hesitate to hard, and the other side launched a counterattack.

The momentum is amazing, the opponent is firmly suppressed, and the opponent is frightened, that is, the play of Luo Pengfei.

The way of playing the heavenly machine is much more mysterious. The town that must condense the empty tower must be condensed with the golden light of the empty tower, and some of the rules of the heavens have their own ability to rotate, just right, playing the opponent can not understand the head and brain. It is very uncomfortable.

Perhaps, the soul and the devil are the two sides of their own character, and their own way of attack is between the soul and the soul.

I am fighting against the sky, but I will not use the same means as Luo Pengfei. I will use all kinds of means, but the real battle is still carried out by the deity under the support of fighting spirit.

In other words, in fact, their own fighting style should be a combination of the characteristics of Luo Pengfei and Daotian. Perhaps, Luo Pengfei represents his own violent side, and Tao Tianji represents his own wit side.

The soul and the devil should be their own characteristics.

The fierce battles unfolded among the stars, and the three major battle groups, in the void, burst into fierce fireworks.

The tall and unparalleled law, the golden golden body, the flames of the sky, the fluttering snowflakes, the giant wood, the ice arrows... all kinds of attacks, all kinds of battles, hit the sky above the dragon's slope.

If there is not a guardian of the big star, it is estimated that Tu Longpo has now been razed to the ground.

A weaker monk, once involved in such a battle, fears that it will be annihilated in an instant.

The battle lasted for ten days, and the slamming and slamming Luo Pengfei first achieved an impressive result. The unfortunate one was still undead dragon ancestor. After hitting the power of a broken sky, when it was hit again, one can touch .

Among the stars, there is no place for the undead dragon to escape.

The broken hammer also has its own power to lock the air. It is a fierce battle for ten days. Luo Pengfei’s key greetings, the undead dragon ancestor tail, the broken claws, and the broken wings, the body can be broken, the weight is light, and the support is hard.

Finally, the battle to the tenth day, the broken hammer hammered a hammer, the center of his forehead, a loud bang!

It has become unbreakable, and it is impossible for a new generation of undead dragon ancestors who have broken their heads to scream, and the entire huge body trembles violently in the air.

Unwillingly screaming in the roar, a bang, the body of the undead dragon blasted, flesh and blood, and the sky began to rain.

Undead dragon ancestors, broken corpses, oh!

The bone ancestor sighed.

Luo Pengfei haha ​​laughed: "Niu nose, how, let your cows blow the sky, it is not my first to get the results, hahaha, harvest a small reptile..."

The Tao Tianji looks like a refined, as if the clouds are light and windy, and the actual situation is quite good.

Anyone can lose, can not lose to the old rival Luo Pengfei, Yang Tian a haha, Dao Tianxiao said: "You are just luck, just met a bad luck, every time in the power of the sky, or else If you really want to kill them, you have to count the time."

Luo Peng fluttered proudly: "Sometimes, luck is also strength, hahaha, do you have luck with me?"

Not to be outdone, the heavenly machine laughed and said: "If this is the case, then I will also show you a hand. I have to condense the empty tower, give me a photo, old tree, you come in, my family is just a poor house guard..."

Among the nine-day stars, the star that represented the tree ancestors was suddenly shrouded in the golden light of the condensed tower. The powerful pulling force was transmitted from the smuggling tower, and it was difficult for it to persist. Now, floating in the air is like a rootless duckweed, and it simply stands still.

Involuntarily, Shuzu swayed his own branches and was taken into the air tower.

Just entering the tower, above the sky, there was a long-song, a scream, and a look at it, Qinglong, Suzaku, Dangkang and Tianxiang have been surrounded, their middle, and a treasure of solemnity, tall and unrequited The woman stands in the sky.

The ancestors set the gods, do not know where they have arrived, and do not know what happened to them.

Xuanyuan Red said slowly: "The heavenly machine said it is good. The yard and the incense-scented yard are indeed still a big tree to decorate the facade. Are you squatting? Or are you planning to resist? This is a fragrant incense, true female Xuanyuan. red."

The tree ancestors perceive the monks around, and their looks changed dramatically. They shouted: "Four spirits, the eight arms, the emperor, when did you come over..."

Qinglong Xianjun Wang Yuan said with a low voice: "We have always been in the tower, but it is your so-called Dragon Slayer that does not need us to shoot."

Shu Zudun is as earthy.

On the battlefield outside, the tree ancestors suddenly disappeared! Morgan's ancestors screamed: "Damn, what the **** are you doing?"

The Daotian mechanism of course said: "The devil has already destroyed the undead dragon ancestors, and I naturally have to have a confession to destroy the tree ancestors, saying that everyone has played a half-pound."

Luo Pengfei knows what is going on, not doing it, and shouts in his mouth: "Hey, hey, cow nose, how can you do this? Actually use the power of the pagoda to help you destroy the enemy, this is a bit bad..."

Daotianji smiled and said: "Is there anything wrong? You have not relied on the power of the broken sky hammer to destroy the undead dragon ancestors? I am now using the power of the pagoda to destroy the tree ancestors, but we really beat it. Flat."

Luo Pengfei blew a series of battles with his opponent. He shouted in his mouth: "Is this the same? If you move this move, how many enemyes will be destroyed, no, you cheated..."

The heavenly machine laughed.

The words of Luo Pengfei also scared the ancestors who fought around.

Is this strange tower so powerful? How many are destroyed, will it be too exaggerated? This Dragon Slayer, isn't it really going to give everyone a dragon?

Compared with the two quarreling deputy souls is still a combination of strength, Sun Hao who failed to enter the Mahayana category, it will not be able to achieve the results in a moment, the fighting sticks Jin Guang masterpiece, Sun Hao In the midst of fierce battles.

However, as the battle continued, Sun Hao had gradually gained the upper hand with an enemy six.

After years of polishing, Sun Hao’s practice has gradually become more mellow. Compared with the battle of the Red Crescent, Sun Hao’s combat power has increased many times.

I thought that when the Red Crescent was in the battle of the Red Crescent, Sun Hao could not do so with an enemy six.

You know, Sun Hao is now facing, but the true ancestors and the ancestors of the true gods, in contrast, their cultivation and combat power are slightly higher than the nine undead ancestors of the year, but even so, they It is still firmly suppressed by Sun Hao and cannot be moved.

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