Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2411: 2 manpower breaking (3)

The husband, the second man is also broken.

The power of the two is enough to break the sky and become a big man.

Perhaps in the past, the meaning of the words of the big ancestors to the husband was not very understanding, but today, seeing the power of the two deputy souls of Sun Hao, suddenly, they have a personal feeling.

Before the Dragon Slayer, everyone only knew that the ancestors and grandchildren had already won the championship, and they needed to work together to remove them, or to expel them to Zhongxu.

Only when the ancestors and grandchildren are driven away, then the general trend of the imaginary will gradually embark on the formal, and the imaginary people will be able to overthrow the mountain that is in the hearts of everyone.

Before the war, the ancestors were full of confidence, and the strength of the ancestors was stronger. In the face of such a strong lineup, everyone should be unable to stop it. At that time, it is estimated that everyone will get what they want.

It is precisely this kind of thinking that these ancestors of Zhongxu will be moved by the old bones and quietly participate in the Dragon Slayer.

The Flying People, the Morgan Protoss, and the Tree People even sacrificed their racial temperament, disregarding the grievances of themselves and the undead protoss, leaving behind stereotypes and actively participating.

It is really too strong for people and grandchildren, and we need everyone to work together to remove them.

But who knows that after the real war, everyone suddenly discovered that the ancestors of Shenxiang have grown to the height that everyone can only look up to. It is very likely that even if the ancestors of the ancestors are in the middle of the emptiness, they will become the masters who can be called the number.

Perhaps, under the Mahayana, the ancestors of Shen Xiang have no rivals.

Even if it is this kind of camp, this kind of 20-strong lineup of imaginary talents is still not allowed.

Not only can't it be bad, the bad thing is that the stars have been controlled by Sun Hao, everyone can only fight in the endless starry sky of the big array, and can not escape, that is to say, they have turned themselves into a shackle.

All the great ancestors have more or less some magical alternatives. They will really fall on the spot. It may not be too much. However, once they are killed on the spot, they will be badly hurt after this battle. It is estimated that there is no longer any power to hinder the rise of the Terran.

Undead dragon ancestors and tree ancestors were first killed.

In the mood of your ancestors, they began to turn different ideas.

Nowadays, the war situation has become very clear. With everyone's fighting ability, it is impossible to expel the ancestors. It is estimated that the final result of this battle is that this party has lost a lot.

So now, it is time to prepare some way for the escape. They are all old-fashioned monks, and each of them gradually plays a small ninety-nine.

As long as you can escape and save your own strength, at that time, at most, the Terran can hide far away. The worst thing is to compensate the Terran for something, and you no longer meet with the ancestors.

If the imaginary is so big, just find a place to hide and hide, and the ancestors could not find themselves?

The end of the undead dragon ancestor and the tree ancestors told the ancestors that death can only be a dead end.

Things can't be done. Everyone started playing a small ninety-nine and began to look for a way out.

The stars are indeed powerful, but they should be destroyed by the ancestors. If they are willing to use their brains, they will not have no chance to escape.

Relatively speaking, the true gods and the true devils with better strengths are the most breakthrough. Their own rumors are not shallow. When they are all set up, they also deepen their understanding of the road.

Just when the undead dragon ancestors and the tree ancestors were killed on the spot, the ancient ancestors and the ancient ancestors looked at each other and understood the meaning of each other's eyes.

The two men were almost mobilized, and the top of the sword in the hands of the ancient gods appeared a big day, and the palm of the ancient ancestor held up a round of the moon.

Sun and Moon Tonghui, cover the Sun Hao holding the stick.

Sun Hao is dancing with a stick, fighting for the sky, without showing weakness, and attacking: "The power of the sun to the yin, want to break my defense, impossible, eat me a stick..."

Sun Hao practiced yin and yang, and it is quite clear that the spells after this fusion often have many magical abilities.

However, Sun Hao has the confidence to take this move.

A stick out, Sun Hao wants to break this trick.

But the scene of Sun Hao’s accident happened. The two ancestors’ sun and moon Tonghui attacked themselves. This was just a scorpion. The real attack direction turned into a nine-day star.

Without waiting for Sun Hao to rush, the ancient ancestors and the ancient ancestors have been issued together, the sun and the moon crossed a long line and rushed to the sky.

The running track of the moon and the sun is actually twisted like a hemp rope, constantly moving forward.

Sun Hao's slight glimpse, the stars suddenly suddenly trembled, the endless void was instantly shaken, and there was a brief calm around, and the stars were suddenly broken into a hole by the sudden sun and moon parallel spells.

The ancient demon and the ancient gods and aliens who had been prepared for a long time had already been reminded, and almost did not think much about it. The two ancestors borrowed the power of the nine-day star that suddenly exploded, and they rushed into the vortex above the high altitude.

Sun Hao’s stick is chasing, and the voice of the ancient gods has been passed over: “The ancestors, please don’t kill them all. My original intention is to expel the ancestors to the emptiness, but I don’t want to confront the Terran.”

Sun Hao holds the stick of the gods, floats and stands, standing in front of the big hole, saying in his mouth: "Since it is the Dragon Slayer, it must have the responsibility to be caught. If the two dare to participate, they must bear The relevant responsibilities come out."

Seeing Sun Hao holding the golden light, chasing after everyone, the ancient ancestor shouted: "The monks around you have the blood of the ancestors, everyone stays in the line, and they will meet in the future."

Luo Pengfei yelled: "If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed. A group of small pawns will not affect the overall situation."

The ancient **** sighed and said: "We compensate, you will not chase after the people, we are only assisting, not mastermind, as long as you do not care, we are willing to compensate."

Sun Hao has not spoken yet.

Luo Pengfei has already said aloud: "Well, you have a true oath, rest assured, don't worry that I will not find you, the bull nose is the old man of your true **** family, no matter what you hide, you can find you Come out, I want three drops of the blood of the true God..."

The ancient **** sighed and sweared, and finally said: "This time, it is really a big loss. After this war, my ancient gods have closed the family for thousands of years, avoiding the awe and majesty."

The ancient ancestors were silent and wanted to escape. Sun Haodou’s stick was a finger, locked in the direction of several ancient devils, and said coldly: “If you don’t pay a certain price, you will stay.”

Daotianji laughed: "The same, Luo Peng flying a mixed ball is the ancestor of your ancient demon. Where are you, some hiding means, it must be able to escape, I don't want much, three drops of ancient demon The blood, you can leave with an ancient oath."

The ancient ancestors in the past have already vowed that the ancient ancestors did not feel that they would be too shameful. At that time, as long as the ancestors had the means to find the ancient demon territory, they were appointed, and they swear.

After the ancient gods and the two gods paid the price, they evacuated from the battlefield and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became tense.

The two families have retired, and Sun Hao has a greater advantage.

The Sun Hao deity who is freed from it will join any battlefield, and the battle there will soon turn sharply.

It is different from the ancient demon and the ancient protoss.

The Morgan Protoss, the Flying People, and the Shuzu monks and Sun Hao have deep hatreds. It is estimated that they will not be able to leave their lives to run.

The races of the undead domain are the initiators of the Dragon Slayer. On this one alone, it is estimated that the ancestors will not let everyone pass easily.

Moreover, Sun Hao is the soul ancestor, but also the fact of the ancestors. It is estimated that the race of the undead domain will not be passed back. Today's game is afraid that it will not end.

In the hands of the stick, he slowly pointed to the battlefield of Luo Pengfei. Sun Hao said: "This seat has designed a lot of people layout makes people strong, but this seat will never hurt friends. Benefits, the nine races of the undead domain really helped a lot of this place, but at the same time, the nine races of the undead domain also took great development. I never thought that the ancestors would lay down the Dragon Slayer. ”

The ancestors said: "I don't like playing chess. I only like to play chess, but in the Red Crescent, I found myself changing from the chess player to the chess piece; the human race developed within ten thousand years. Not only my bones have become chess pieces, but the nine races of the undead domain are hard to escape the fate of the chess pieces. If I don’t kill the dragon, my heart is hard, but I didn’t expect that your strength would be so powerful, hey, I Is really miscalculated..."

When the two talked, the undead warrior suddenly raised his horse, and the wild speeded up. Above the sky, he stabbed him out. I don’t know when the blood ancestor stood on his shoulder. With the momentum of the front, the body banged. Dissipated, turned into a **** fog, violently covered with the sky, along with the undead ancestors, spread into the air.

Luo Peng flew aloud: "I want to escape? There is no door..."

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