Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2412: The sorrow of the chess piece

Sun Hao and the two deputy souls have the same mind. In today's game, other monks can escape. Only the ancestors of the undead domain must stay.

They know too much.

At this moment when Sun Hao is fully committed, the seven undead ancestors are actually listed as Sun Hao’s blacklist, and Sun Hao will not let them easily get rid of.

Especially the ancestors and the ancestors.

Being betrayed by former allies, Sun Hao is very upset, no matter what the reason, no matter what kind of relationship between Zombie and Miha and Milohayou, this time, Sun Hao is always in the heart, want to put two The man won.

Undead riding ancestors rise to the sky, with the blood ancestor, to rush out of the stars, to kill a retreat for everyone.

Luo Pengfei did not wait for them to do so, above the sky, the broken sky hammer suddenly turned into a huge mountain without a friend, crashing down, the momentum of the undead riding ancestor was hammered down.

The most bizarre is the blood ancestor.

A hammer in the blood ancestors of the scorpion should be a coincidence that touched the power of the broken sky, but it seems that the blood ancestors of today have been transformed into blood and fog, and the whole body is originally broken. This state cannot be broken again.

The blood fog itself is composed of countless drops of blood. The blood ancestors themselves are in a state of broken bodies. Now the power of the broken sky is in the middle, and the result is quite funny.

Above the sky, the blood mist is divided into pieces, like a piece of diaper, which is placed in the sky.

The blood ancestors desperately want to fuse these blood fog together, but the pieces are merged, and the other pieces will break away.

The blood clots continue to divide and merge, and change and change. The blood ancestors are difficult to recover for a while.

Luo Pengfei haha ​​laughed, and the broken hammer hammered forward: "There is this seat here, you are going to die, hahaha."

Long Zu has been paralyzed, and the blood ancestors have been broken.

The remaining ancestors, the great warriors, the great death **** and the ancestors, and the ancestors felt a sense of sorrow.

The lineup came, but the ending was like this. It was really embarrassing. The ancestors sighed in the sky and said: "You friends, everyone shows their means, and they are asking for more happiness. I am leaving..."

After that, the body of the ancestors plunged down to the bottom.

Luo Pengfei wows and screams: "I am offended, I am told that you will go to heaven, there is no door, can you run off when you fall down? You think more."

The voice of the ancestors came out from the air: "I have countless incarnations of the bones, and you will kill them if you kill them. Keep them safe."

In the voice of the voice, the body of the ancestors fell down and spurted out in all directions, and shot more than twenty identical ancestors.

From a distance, these more than twenty ancestors are exactly the same, all the same shape, the same breath, the same demeanor, the display is the ancestor of the ancestors, no different.

What makes Luo Pengfei stunned is that he did not wait for himself to catch up with his ancestors. Below, the body of the more than twenty bone ancestors showed amazing changes.

Twenty ancestors were actually composed of countless small warriors, and the body of the ancestors grew bigger and bigger as they fell in the air.

When it was not completely on the ground, the sky had turned into a white sea of ​​oceans, and at first glance, it was awkward.

Look carefully, good guys, these cockroaches are exactly the same shape, and there is no way to tell who is who.

At first glance, these warriors seem to be the ancestors.

All the stars, the void is infinite. After coming in, it is theoretically impossible to escape. Unless it is broken, it is difficult to change the kind of void property.

However, in any case, there is still a limit to the limit. The same is true for the stars. In the front, Sun Hao threw out his own building blocks and climbed from the Dragon Slope to the emptiness. He reached the apex of the stars.

This is the ultimate limit of Sun Hao’s construction of the stars, and the majesty of the building wood can be seen.

Nowadays, the ancestors have once again interpreted the limits.

Twenty bone ancestors, actually twenty seas, fell from the air on the slopes of the dragons, densely covered, overwhelming, instantly filled with Tulongpo, instantly filled with old high and old, and still not finished, above the sky, actually There are also cockroaches falling down.

There were so many ripples coming in, and they all piled up on the Dragon Slope. The number was too much, and the stars could not react.

The Tianxingxing on the Dragon Slope was not broken, and the Bohai Sea broke through the big array. It appeared on the periphery of Tulongpo, and many of them smashed out from the stars.

Luo Pengfei was dumbfounded, and said in his mouth: "Rely, this is Lai Pi, actually relying on the quantity to pile up, the deity, what should I do now?"

Sun Hao put his hands on the stick, and his face showed a faint smile. He said in his mouth: "You and the soul continue to stop other ancestors here, and the old bones will be handed over to me."

Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianqi said Qi Hao, Sun Hao, a vibrating stick, descended from the sky, like an arrow, straight into the sea of ​​bones.

According to the stick, the massive scorpion was instantly opened by Sun Haodong, and a golden light channel was created. However, after Sun Hao’s killing, the cockroaches gathered again. From afar, it’s still a piece of 屠The sea.

Sun Hao is quite down, and the animal husbandry has already appeared on the shoulders. Even in the middle of hundreds of millions of people, there is a side animal husbandry, and the ancestors do not want to escape easily.

In the middle of hundreds of millions of people, Sun Hao murdered wildly.

The Stickman has locked one of them and seems to be plopping, but his eyes are flashing with awkwardness.

Seeing Sun Hao like a fairy, holding a stick to kill, this mouth sighed: "In front of Shen Xiang, it is really difficult to escape, Aquilaria is a strong tracking technique, it seems that Shen Xiang this time is not to remove the old bones."

Sun Hao stood up among the hundreds of millions of people, and the stick of the day pointed to the ancestor. He said softly: "People say that the older you live, the more refined you are. I am actually very strange. It is obvious that the situation is on my side. How do you? I will take this risk and lay out the dragons. I think that this is awesome, you should know the most..."

The ancestors grin and laugh, and the bones of the chin seem to fall to the ground: "Hey, once the Dragon Slayer is successful, the power of agarwood will be taken away by me. Besides, I also think that this design, You should be able to completely fall off your horse, the most unsatisfactory, you can also drive you to the virtual, hey, I did not expect Aquilaria, your strength has been so strong, so miscalculated."

Sun Hao was silent, and the stick of the sky trembled and swallowed Jin Mang. He said in his mouth: "This seat has never been fortified against friends. Moreover, I have never designed a friend or an ancestor. You let me down. ”

The ancestors smiled and said: "That is two things. I set up the Dragon Slayer Bureau. I have never used it as a friend of yours. Of course, once I have deployed as your friend, it is not good for you to be alert. It’s up to you to find out, oh, avenues, the means of exhibition, and the aroma of incense, I can only admit defeat."

Sun Hao sighed and said: "Maybe I am wrong, maybe you are wrong. Sometimes, when a monk is alive, he must have his own psychological bottom line and stick to it. Once you lose it, you will have it. What is it, nothing, old bones, I will send you a ride..."

The stick of the gods went forward and took the shot.

The bone ancestor had a bone gun in his hand and laughed. "This old bone is rusted, but don't want to take it easily."

Knowing that the beggars around him are not the opponents of Sun Hao, the ancestors did not mobilize the warriors to help, wield the bone guns, and fight with Sun Hao.

After a full day, Sun Hao screamed, and his forehead smashed his forehead, and his head was smashed, and the fire of the soul was also shaken by a stick.

Just, seriously, Sun Hao said with a cold voice: "I want to pretend to be a ghost in front of this seat, I am afraid that it will not be done, and she will be arrested."

On the shoulders, the side of the grazing nose, the dog's face showed a very strange expression: "Good guy, this old bone thief fine thief, if not this dog ~ ~ may really be him Escape, Shen Xiang, the old bones have escaped from the stars, and ran outside to escape."

The escape means of these great monks really made Sun Hao stunned.

All the stars can not stop their escape method.

However, there is a side animal husbandry, any monk can hardly escape the pursuit of Sun Sunhao, Jianmu has broken the stars, and Sun Hao’s understanding of the law is naturally able to move in and out, the body is shaking, Sun Hao is holding Sticky, golden, and out.

A moment later, Sun Hao’s fighting stick pointed to a hill in the battle. He said, “You have to have a **** when you play a chess piece. You don’t have to hide, old bones, come out yourself.”

The voice of the ancestors came out from the hill: "I am the chess piece you laid out in the world. You are not a chess piece of heaven. We only have 50 steps to laugh..."

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