Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2413: Messy

In the battle for undead gods, there are very different battles. Many battles, even historians of later generations, and later analysts, do not know how such a secret battle will occur.

The male and female witches, after the army led by Gewang Wang entered the territory of the flying man, suffered a guerrilla warfare of the undead protoss, and, under the circumstance, began to stop, as if watching the fighting situation of the middle army.

The coalition forces of the Chongtian and Changer families are in the vast jungle of the Shuren tribe, and they have started a tug-of-war with the undead protoss.

The Chongtian and Changer are all ethnic groups who love forests. The life of the undead protoss is full of hatred from the bones. It is an uncoordinated contradiction. It is needless to say that the battle is going up and down.

However, the fighting methods of the undead protoss are very ridiculous, and the two ethnic groups are led by the army, but they are not necessarily able to solve the battle quickly.

The battlefields of the Middle Road are the biggest and most complicated. The battle is a hundred years, and the results are even more impressive.

First, there were differences within the Terran monks. Some monks held a wait-and-see attitude. Some monks advocated active attacks. At this time, the ancestors Shen Xiang did not stand up for mediation.

Just when the various families expressed strange incomprehensibility, the insiders of the human race came out, and the ancestors of Shenxiang had already intercepted the nine ancestors of the undead domain, and they were in the midst of a battle between the imaginary and the genius. .

Waiting for the ancestors Shen Xiang and the nine protoss ancestors to win and lose, the Terran camp broke out very strange battle.

The specific battle process is not very clear, but the battle is fierce.

The result is also very tragic.

It is said that the predecessors of the Terran Zhengyuanzi were among the undead protoss, and the calculations of the Yinshou family were besieged by the top ten Yinhuang of the Yinshou family. After three years of fierce fighting, Zhengyuanzi was unfortunately fallen.

The result of the war was shocking. The Terran lost a member of the fit and strength. It is said that it has also been cultivated to the mid-term of the fit, which is a significant loss.

What is more puzzling is that such an important battle lasted for several years, and the top ten immortals, and the double-faced witch **** did not support in time.

There is no reasonable explanation given within the Terran.

Zheng Yuanzi suffered a huge loss, and the top ten Xianjun stood up to clean up the mess. There was no disagreement within the Terran and began a series of attacks on the undead domain.

The undead knights, the blood races, and the death gods were all affected by the retaliatory attacks of the Terran, and the losses were heavy. However, the sinister culprit of Zheng Yuanzi’s fall was actually hiding from the shadows.

At the same time as everyone was amazed at the various chaos, the Emperor of the Devils suffered an insurgency of the undead ghosts.

The powerful dragon cannon guards, the powerful Jin Liuwei showed great power in this battle, and the men and women of the witch family can only be beaten, without any effort.

The virgin king set up a thrilling array of methods, trying to encircle the ghosts, who knows that the ghosts actually know how to make a squad, and a million Jin Liuwei breaks out, causing huge damage to the monks of the male and female witches.

It was the servant, and the virgin king was almost degraded under the strong fire of Jin Liuwei. He could not withstand the siege of the top ten yin, and could only lead the troops from the territory of the flying people and slowly retreat.

The Ghosts occupied most of the territory of the Flying Man and launched a fierce attack on the last holy place of the Flying Man.

What is embarrassing is that the peerless power of the Flying People has been accompanied by the ancestors to fight against the ancestors. Therefore, within the territory of the Flying People, there is no strong support, and the defensive circle of the Flying Sacred Land is being pressed. The smaller, the more you see it.

In the Thousand-Dollar Wars of the Nether, there was a scene of victory and defeat.

In the middle road, the Terran army has an advantage, killing many undead monks, and is recovering the Morgan domain.

The tree Terran territories are hard to find and difficult to distinguish.

Among the territorial people's territories, the Qiang National Coalition suffered heavy losses, and the men and women of the Witched Kings who had been sitting in the town had suffered heavy losses.

After the defeat of Gexu Wang, he led the army to withdraw from the territory of the Flying People and returned to the German Longman area to cultivate and live, and began to wait and see the results of the Thousand-Dollar War.

What makes the Zhongxu Wanzu more puzzled is that, from beginning to end, no matter what the outcome of their own battles, no matter what the results of the Terran fighting, the King of Gewang did not evaluate the situation of the virtual situation, silently accepted all the results.

Including his own time of almost falling, he did not express any opinion on this, the attitude is quite strange.

The fact that Zheng Yuanzi fell, he did not pay much attention, as if he accepted this reality very calmly.

The imaginary battle of the Thousand Domains has been playing for hundreds of years. In terms of the situation, there has been an absolute advantage of the Terran. At the same time, the powerful fighting power displayed by the undead ghosts has also shocked the Terran, and the people do not dare to act rashly.

Among the two camps, the Terran and the Undead Ghosts gradually became the true core of both sides.

Each has its own powerful power.

The power of the Terran is endless in the top fighting power. The top ten sages plus high-level monks such as the double-faced Witch God and the Blood Stained King are enough to shock any undead protoss.

The power of the Ghosts is due to their special Jin Liuwei, Dragon Cannon, Star Officer and other arms. Fighting is a devastating effect.

Moreover, the ten yin emperors of the Yinshou family are also very powerful, and they are not weak, that is, they have not seen the famous soul ancestors, and they do not know whether they have been restrained by the ancestors.

The king of immortality, the great Lich Andervi performed quite low-key in this battle. His corpse army always stayed in Tibet in the east, a cautious look, not dare to confront the ancestors, and the scale has been Not coming.

What is strange is that the king of immortality does not seem to be particularly enthusiastic about the thousands of wars. It seems to be waiting for something, always in a wait-and-see state.

The commanding power of the undead king to the undead protoss is also greatly weakened by his inaction, and the undead protoss mainly rely on the ghosts to be deployed.

Of course, the Undead King's Witchcraft is exceptional.

The intricate battles and the battlefields of the dogs have been playing for hundreds of years.

In the Thousand-Dollar War, the land of the Flying Man, the Morgan Protoss and the Tree was devastated, and large areas of land became scorched earth. The once vast and prosperous land became a huge grave and a burial ground for the rare villages.

The cloud of immortality did not hang over the big tribes as scheduled, because their power expansion was strongly resisted by the Terran.

At the same time, however, the tribes were almost dead, and there were not many civilians except the fighting monks.

In the past 100 years, the three races that have adhered to the Holy Land have also been exhausted.

The resources are basically consumed, and a large number of ordinary members who migrated from the country have no food, no clothes, no disasters, and many members have died of hunger and sickness.

The three tribes are sorrowful.

Among the holy places, it is also full of bones.

Seeing that the battle has been going on for about a hundred years, the battle between the two sides is still endless, and it is amazing that the ancestors of the ancestors and the nine undead ancestors still failed to win the game.

Up to now, the races of the Thousand Domains Wars have been understood.

Before the people's ancestors and the undead ancestors did not win the game, the Thousand-Dollar Wars will not end. Everyone is waiting for the unveiling of the unknown to decide the outcome of the victory.

On top of a majestic mountain, wearing a crown of undead, sitting cross-legged, like a stone carved Ande Wei leisurely blinking.

In front of him, there was a ghost of a thief's eyebrows.

At the moment of seeing Wu Chuanglang, Anderwei could not help but sigh softly. He said, "I know, at the last judgment moment, the master is really powerful. In the hundred years of war, the master never used the concentric ring, just oneself. The power to destroy the Dragon Slayer, hahaha, I know that the so-called Dragon Slayer is just a farce."

On Wu’s face, there was a smile on his face. He said in his mouth: “Don’t remind you that Master has the existence of the Dragon Slayer, but he did not participate, and did not provide them with any help, including intelligence, so You can be excused from death, but you have to behave now, or else, when Master destroys the enemy, you may be worse."

Andervi’s face showed a bitter smile, and he said, “Let’s say, what do you want me to do?”

Wu Xiulang said with a light smile: "Master is not good at Kelman. Although he is not directly involved, but the middle has also inserted a hand, Master explained, you can go to Kayman to make trouble, other things, you Just don't participate."

Andrei leisurely sighed: "After this war, in the middle of the virtual, who is still a human opponent? The master is really good calculations, nothing more, compared to Zheng Yuanzi, I am good, Gewang Wang is almost the same attitude as me, now But it is necessary to fight for two people, so that the satisfaction of the owner becomes..."

Wu Chuanglang was slightly stunned, and his smile disappeared.

Andervi stood up and said, "The male and female witches dare to participate in the Thousand-Dollar War. It is not in the eyes, pass, goal, Kelman, attack..."

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