Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2414: Dingding Zhongxu

The ancestor of the bones is really much!

After killing a cockroach, Sun Hao can immediately feel it. This cockroach should be the embodiment of the ancestor.

So continue to kill.

For more than a year, Sun Hao was in the vicinity of Tulongpo, killing the tens of thousands of ancestors and the strength of the ancestors. With this killing, it is getting weaker and weaker.

Before the 10,000th ancestor was killed, the ancestors sighed leisurely: "I didn't expect Aquilaria to be so persistent. I have to be willing to give up to death. I have not been able to escape the Aquilaria, but I am afraid of Shenxiang. It is to be disappointed, even if you kill me 10,000 times, billions of times, still can not destroy the deity, at most, the deity is sleeping."

Sun Hao holds the stick of the gods, slanting his bones, and his face is also with a touch of regret. He said: "I believe this is the last conscious avatar of the old bone. I just want to destroy your avatar and sweep away the surrounding. These skeletons, I estimate, even if you wake up in the future, you will be repaired as a big drop, or even forget all the experiences of being an ancestor."

The ancestors slammed and slammed, Zhang Zhang said: "The agarwood is so powerful that you can see a little trick at a glance. It’s gone. I live too long and too long, and I can sleep well..."

There was a trace of mercy in the heart, but the shot was not merciless. Sun Haodou had a round of sticks and bowed to the top of the bones. The bones of the ancestors barely resisted and were instantly snapped.

With a bang, the skull was broken by a stick, and the weak soul flame floated into the air.

Sun Hao’s mouth whispered: “The dust is dusty, the soil is returning to the earth, and the ancestors are going all the way.”

The stick of the day sticks a few sticks and sweeps out.

Seven or eight golden light came out with the stick, destroying the dead, and sweeping the skeleton within the range of two or three squares.

Standing in the air, standing up in the air, Sun Hao asked in his mouth: "Bianmu, how is the situation now?"

Bianmu shook a few noses, and Wang Wang cried: "The breath is very weak, but it is all over the mountains. That is to say, those bone shelves have his weak breath. Boss, you are really wise, and the judgment is extremely accurate. I guess this. Old things are no longer awake."

Sun Hao sighed leisurely and looked up at the stars. He said, "Let's go, let's go up, it's time to solve them."

When Sun Hao destroyed his ancestors for a short time, once again along Jianmu arrived on the stars, the war continued, but above the void, it has become a chase.

Standing on the canopy, Sun Hao looked into the distance and saw only a meteor flying in the air, flying at very fast speed.

When I look at it, it is the celestial plane and Luo Pengfei are chasing the remaining ancestors.

Seeing Sun Hao’s deity came up, Luo Peng’s mouth laughed and said: “Your boy has finally killed the old bones. I have killed four powers here, haha, the benefits are much higher than you, haha, The nose is similar to yours. It took so long to kill an opponent."

Floating in the air, Sun Hao looked at the battlefield of the heavens.

Above the sky, Sun Hao saw a huge body that floated on it, dead and without a little bit of sound.

Seeing the shape of the body, Sun Hao’s heart could not help but sigh slightly.

I don’t know when, that is, during the period of chasing and killing my ancestors, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei exchanged opponents, and the Taoist planes confronted several ancestors of the undead domain, while Luo Pengfei was chasing the flying people and the Morgan Protoss. And the remaining monks of the tree family.

Tao Tianji knows that he may not be able to personally deal with the ancestors, and has already killed the ancestors in the void before he returned.

Before being killed, the zombie should return to the deity and become a huge zombie.

Looking at his body now, there is a strong shock.

After a little observation, Sun Hao suddenly understood the reason why the two exchanged.

Both of them have their own abilities. The combat power of Luo Pengfei is more manifested in attacking and destroying, but the ability of the heavenly plane is more entangled and controlled.

Luo Pengfei can kill the enemy faster, but the enemy can often get a chance to escape.

The road killing ability is not as good as that of Luo Pengfei, but it can be used to make the opponent unable to escape.

Nowadays, Tao Tianji has used the pagoda to trap the surviving undead ancestors, so that they can only struggle with their own struggles.

On the road to the slightest nod, Sun Hao said: "Thank you for your friend, come, I will help you."

Dao Tianji and Sun Hao had the same connection, and they heard a whisper, and they had to condense the empty tower into the air, and a huge town word flew out.

In the battle against the heavenly machine, the surviving undead ancestors, the big warrior, the great death god, and the undead ancestors were all suppressed on the void and could not move.

Sun Hao is holding a flying stick and flying out of the sky. He is full of gold and glitters. If he is a **** of war, he will enter the golden light of the sacred air tower. When the club head picks one, Sun Hao has a stick to the undead ancestors, and the ancestors have a sullen sigh in their mouths, and the body is involuntarily picked up by his stick from his mount.

After leaving the mount, the strength of the undead ancestors suddenly weakened, and the resistance suddenly fell. Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and the undead ancestors were instantly taken into the air tower and handed over to Xuanyuanhong and Siling.

The horse that lost the knight stood in the air at a loss, kept humming, not knowing what to do.

Sun Hao did not take care of this undead war horse. The body is like a top, a hovering, a stick falling down, and falling on top of the head of the Great Death.

The Great Death was suppressed in the golden light of the Sumi, and he was unwilling to squat, holding the huge sickle in both hands and cutting it at Sun Hao.

This knife seems to be very laborious and there is no killing.

Sun Hao, who came from the air, had a feeling of intense pain in the heart, as if his soul had to be cut off in an instant.

Knowing the sea and the sky, it represents Sun Hao’s seven-year-old Taikoo Lei Beast, Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, Destroyed Golden Silkworm, and the sinister sorcerer, all of which have their strongest fighting abilities. .

The seven sickles appeared in Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea and the seven insults of Sun Hao. This invisible force is very difficult to guard against. Fortunately, the seven branches of Sun Hao are powerful and face the sickle. Without showing weakness, each of them broke out and stabbed the sickle in the air.

Outside, Sun Hao has resisted the pain, and the stick is accurate, and a stick falls on the top of the big death.

The great death that was suppressed by Jinguang could not escape.

After a loud bang, the head of the Great Death in the black cloak was smashed into his neck, and the big death with a sickle became a floating headless body.

In the belly of the Great Death, an unspeakable roar broke out. The cloak on his body shook, and a head came out from the cloak. His hands were directed at Sun Hao, and a knife was cut.

Sun Hao did not hide or sneak, ate a big sorrow and a knife, and his hands were Once again, a stick fell, and the head of the Great Death was once again chaotic and became headless. The body.

Sun Hao had a death knives, and the days were not particularly good, and his mouth was sullen.

The death sorcerer and the grandson are unwilling, the strength of the seven big points is very strong, and it can completely defeat the sickle that has attacked itself, but the pain of being cut is real.

Sun Hao, who has a painful feeling of pain, is born to the gallbladder, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, wielding the stick, oh, oh... keep falling on the head of the big death.

The whole body of the Great Death was degraded from the sky, his head was smashed, his neck was flattened, and his shoulders were smashed.

At the end of the day, the Great Death had only one pair of legs and a pair of arms, unable to float in the air, his hands still clasped the Death Scythe, but finally he was unable to wield a sickle to attack Sun Hao.

Sun Hao sighed, and the stick in his hand slammed down. He smashed the arms of the Great Death, and cut off his life. The stick of the gods was picked up. The sword of death was picked up and must be condensed inside the empty tower. Producing a bit of attraction, the Death Scythe was sucked into the tower.

The Great Death, who lost his death sickle, still stretched out his hands tenaciously, constantly chasing in the void, trying to catch his own weapons.

But without the head, I can't catch it!

Sun Hao leisurely sighed, did not take care of the big death, fighting the stick, pointing to the last **** warrior.

The great warrior witnessed the death of the Great Death and the ancestors, and his heart was filled with fear. In the face of Sun Hao, a burst of desperate roar was heard in his mouth.

Sun Hao sighed and said softly in his mouth: "Daoyou, please go all the way."

The scorpion hovered and flew a bunch of flowers and fell.

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