Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2416: Dingding Zhongxu (3)

In a sense, the sturdy ancestor should be the battle of the Dragon Slayer, and the better ending is the monk. As long as the time is restored, the ontological strength and the ontological consciousness can be gradually restored.

After seeing Sun Hao’s disposal methods, several great monks who resisted and resisted, they knew that they were not opponents, they all had the same kind of learning, and they became self-satisfied into some beasts, and they were willing to accept Sun Hao’s disposal to seek a way for themselves.

These versatile monks have many spare methods. After reaching the height of the fit, the monks usually have important avatars in the base camp or secret places. Usually, it is not easy to be killed directly on the spot.

Of course, if the deity is hit hard, the ability to be separated will be greatly reduced. It is no harm to keep the deity's merits in his practice. As for being punished for thousands of years, there is no way to do it. Fortunately, the life is great and the life is long. Time is not particularly long and acceptable.

Among the stars, the battle really came to an end.

Looking at those ancestors who have slept their own will and turned into self-protection, Sun Hao’s heart burst into sighs.

In particular, the zombie who floated in the void and had no friends, let Sun Hao be separated from the world.

Once upon a time, when Sun Hao first swayed the devil, the ancestors were so prestige, looking forward to the world, letting the other powers dare not.

But nowadays, he is not his own opponent. He can only rely on a long sleep to gain his forgiveness and escape his punishment.

Unconsciously, have you grown to the height of invincibility?

The monks who once needed to look up now need to look up to themselves?

The dust of the war was settled, and Sun Hao was the first to stand under the stars, and he was deeply impressed.

Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianyi left and right, standing next to Sun Hao, the heart is also embarrassed, I think that in the past, they also used to claim the king in the middle of a period of time.

But in any case, they can't do the same for Sun Hao.

In the first battle of Tu Longpo, Sun Hao directly destroyed the powerful fit of the imaginary three-in-one, such as the combined power of Sun Hao’s killing, that is, with the rise of Sun Hao, the Zhongxu Wanzu The fit of the complex has encountered an unprecedented blow.

The strength of the Zhongxu Wanzu is bound to produce earth-shattering changes.

This is really a slap in the face.

Sun Hao stepped on the corpse of the imaginary and powerful body, and climbed to the top of the emptiness. He became the first person in the virtual reality, and the first person with high strength and unmatched strength.

After a long time, Sun Hao said slightly, and said: "The two friends are troubled. Fortunately, there are two friends who helped each other in this war. Otherwise, Shen Xiang still has a lot of hands and feet."

Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianyi looked at each other and saw the gratification in each other's eyes.

Tao Tianji said: "The boy is not polite, I am you, you are me, in fact, even if I don't come out, you can call my power."

Tian Tianji also said leisurely: "We still underestimated the ambition and chest of Agarwood. I did not expect that Agarwood would let me fight with the old devil now. It seems that your pattern has surpassed me and the old devil. This is good, I And the old devil really saw the hope of the future."

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his mouth said: “The Trinity, the three people are united, and everyone is practicing together. This is much stronger than mutual restraint. The two friends help me and climb the road together. At that time, naturally, they will Have their own chances."

Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianyi looked at each other and Qi Qi said to Sun Hao: "I want to follow the meaning of the deity, I will do my best to help."

Sun Hao nodded slightly, and the gods knew that Jianmu had disappeared from the stars in the sky and disappeared. Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianji both sat on top of the wooden tree crown and said goodbye.

After the construction of the wood into the body, after the cultivation of the vein network, the whole body meridian of Sun Hao has become a huge space. Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei have in fact obtained basic freedom in a certain sense.

They can move around in the huge space covered with wooden.

Sun Hao’s Seven Miles are similar, and they can also be used on the construction of the woods. They are traveling around. Of course, in contrast, the Seven Miles have no consciousness, but they only grow their own strength while flying, but the two souls can rely on Jianmu, carry out independent practice.

Jianmu disappeared, and the stars were broken. Sun Hao’s arms were on display, and Tulongpo’s sky was over, and the stars’ shrouded visions were scattered, revealing a riddled, chaotic battlefield.

After such a fierce battle, Tu Longpo has completely turned into a place of burning fire. Above the mountains, there are scorched earth everywhere, and the grass is not born.

Infinite suffocation, belonging to the infinite grievances after the high monks were killed, shrouded in the dragon's slope, a thousand miles away, fearing that for a long time, it is difficult to get close.

Tu Longpo, Po Long.

Sun Hao leisurely sighed, thinking in his heart, perhaps many years later, here will produce a powerful incomparable suffocating, become an important place for monks to condense.

More than a dozen places where the great powers of the gods and the gods are broken up, and more than a dozen places of great sorrow and grievances are really a place of sorrow and sorrow.

Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away. On the ground below, the bones of the bones were scattered, and the blood of the blood ancestors was swayed. Nowadays, some changes have begun, and some strange spirits that inherit the unyielding will of the ancestors are gradually generate.

At the same time, the massive hustle and bustle has gradually wandered around in this thousand miles. This place has become a veritable valley of death, and you can see squatting in the gloom everywhere.

If there is no cloud of undead clouds in the sky, you can see the sun in the sky. This place is really like the undead domain.

Slightly looked around, Sun Hao sighed, did not take out the scattered resources after the fall of the power, left it to the later monks, the body shook, disappeared in place.

The moment when Sun Hao left, the giant corpse floating in the air, and the body of the billions of people on the ground suddenly shocked. It seems that there is a very important thing happening. It seems that the ancestors and the ancestors are sighing that the comet finally Departed.

Tu Longpo has returned to calm, the ancestors, the ancestors and several powerful ancestors who have fallen into this place have begun to sleep for a long time, slowly licking the wounds and slowly recovering, as to whether they can finally find the chance to wake up, then It’s really only the old genius knows.

When Sun Hao appeared again in the Terran camp, it was already a hundred years away.

After a hundred years of development, the Terran army has been at its peak.

When Sun Hao came back, it was the time of the Terran resolution. The Zhongxu had just had an earth-shattering event, and the upper echelons were negotiating how to deal with it.

It is the month, the holy places of men and women, and the Kelman Dragon Field encounters the mad attack of the army led by the undead king of immortality.

Hundreds of millions of powerful people, the army of the corpse of the army formed into the Kelman, the men and women of the witches broke out in a terrible battle The order of the corpse itself is very high, the strength is not weak, plus their The attack is a kind of toxin with diffuseness, so after the encounter between the male and female witches, it was quite uncomfortable.

The most horrible thing is the king of immortality. The big lich who wears the undead crown can actually seduce the corpse warriors from within the body of the sorcerer and the sorcerer.

After the fierce battle began, the number of corpse warriors who entered the Kelman Dragon Field actually had a tendency to roll over the snowballs.

The male and female witches suffered from the fate of the Flying Man and the Morgan Protoss. A large expanse of land fell under the poisonous bomb of the corpse, and a large number of monks were killed on the battlefield.

The battles that broke out in the sanctuary of the male and female witches were beyond the expectations of everyone. I did not expect that the undead king would not take the good Morgan Protoss and sneak into the holy places of the men and women, but they also succeeded in sneak attack. Go in.

In any case, after the men and women have experienced this battle, they will inevitably be badly hurt.

The male and female witches who could not resist the main force of the middle line, that is, the Terran monks issued a signal for help. When Sun Hao returned to the Terran camp, the Terran is discussing whether he should help.

When Sun Hao came back, he immediately understood what was going on. This should be arranged by Wu Chuanlang, deliberately killing the battle between the male and female witches.

In the past, in addition to the strength of the Chongtian and Changer families, the strength of other races has been in the midst of the virtual war.

If you follow the layout of Wu Chuanglang to implement step by step, in the end, even the Chongtian and Changer families will encounter calculations, and their strength will be greatly damaged. In the end, the most powerful ones will be left with only one person.

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