Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2417: Agarwood return

The Zhongxu Wanzu is reshuffling in accordance with Wu’s plan and in accordance with Sun’s will.

Some of the practices of Gexu Wang did make Sun Hao feel dissatisfied, but the position of Gewang Wang was better grasped, that is, he set a big array for others, and other things did not participate.

Of course, Ge Xuwang should know who this big squad is aimed at. Today's imaginary, the monks who need to be star-studded, are estimated to be few.

However, Ge Xuwang should know that Sun Hao’s lineup is extremely high, and that Tian Xingchen may not be able to trap Sun Hao.

The real purpose of Gexu Wang should be to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

Standing in the position of the king of Gewang, it is normal to have such an idea. Nowadays, the Zhongxu Wanzu, those who are high-level interracial monks, who do not want to drive out Sun Hao, who wants to press on the head The mountain of suffocation.

Sun Hao thinks that Wu Chuanglang’s arrangement is correct. Kelman’s Dragon Field really has to undergo a baptism of war. The Demise King must also pay a price for his own actions.

But in a sense, the Wu people are the second race of Sun Hao, the body of the sorcerer, and it is indeed the inheritance of the witches. Moreover, Sun Hao has also received the protection of the witches in the imaginary. Kindness is to be kept in mind, so the male and female witches can be beaten and can be weakened, but in the end, they are saved.

When returning to the Terran camp, Sun Hao saw that the monks of the Terran nowadays have become a few great emperors such as Xuanyuan Xiaolong. Of course, the double-faced Wushen Liu Qi and the **** Wang Baichen are still in the court of the West Kunlun.

The first monk of the Terran, the teacher of Xia Qingyu, and the Zheng Yuanzi who had had great grace for Sun Hao, have fallen into the siege of the top ten ghosts.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao’s heart is unbearable and unbearable.

Strictly speaking, Zheng Yuanzi has a lot of kindness to Sun Hao and Xia Qingyu. If it is not Zheng Yuanzi, Sun Hao may be killed by the body of Jordan.

If it is not Zhengyuanzi, Xia Qingyu will not be able to be robbed by the double-faced Witch God.

If Sun Hao himself, how can he not kill Zheng Yuanzi, will inevitably leave him a lifeline.

However, the monks around Sun Hao are different. Wu Chuanlang and Zhichi know the situation of Sun Hao. After knowing the Dragon Slayer, they immediately guessed that Zheng Yuanzi had problems.

Without waiting for Sun Hao to come back, Wu Chuanglang has set up a bureau to let Zhengyuanzi fall into the top ten Yinhuang. In fact, it is surrounded by several great immortals and disciples around Sun Hao. There is no chance for Zhengyuanzi to escape. , killing both of them.

Sun Haozhen’s is that the reason why Zhengyuanzi will secretly participate in the Dragon Slayer is probably not entirely influenced by the power of the Morgan Protoss. More, it should be in its heart, and it has lost its human rights. Dissatisfaction, grievances in the heart, the Morgan Magistrate's great monk sneaked in, and eventually the idea became an action.

Sun Hao also understands that Xuanyuan Xiaolong has removed the Zhengyuanzi bureau, which has been invisible and hurts Xia Qingyu.

In the recent centenary family gathering, Sun Hao already has the feeling that Xia Qingyu has already faintly opposed to Xuanyuanhong, and there is a tendency to look at each other.

On both sides, the strength is not weak. Now, with the two Taoist monks who are almost equal in position, the atmosphere in the empty tower is subtle.

In contrast, Xuanyuan Hong's pulse is slightly dominant, Xuanyuan Xiaolong, and Qingyunmen's coming out to Daewoo, Wu Xinglang, Zhu Dezheng, etc., the strength can not be underestimated. However, the strength of Xia Qingyu is not weak, and the four spirits of the island of Wanshou, together with Luo Mei and Zhi Ti, also have a similar battle with Xuanyuan Red.

Of course, knowing the personality of Sun Hao, although the two sides are secretly fighting, but the surface is in a relatively calm state, no one dares to mess.

Before Sun Hao did not return, the upper class of the Terran, whether or not to support the male and female witches, formed a certain difference, the essence of which is that Xuanyuan Hongyi and Xia Qingyu are in the dark.

Xia Qingyu personally went to the male and female witches to see Sun Hao, knowing that the male and female witches have the support for Sun Hao. She also knows that with Sun Hao’s personality, no matter what the wangwangwang did, Sun Hao They will all be rescued, so her claim is to save immediately.

Xuanyuanhong also knows Sun Hao's choice, but unlike Xia Qingyu, she believes that any race that attempts to be unfavorable to Agarwood must pay a heavy price. Any attempt to be unfavorable to Agarwood is not good for Aquilaria. Go out and clear it.

Therefore, Xuanyuanhong’s opinion is that I am not going to fall into the well. I have to do my best to save the troops and save the door.

They have different opinions. Before Sun Hao did not return, the top of the Terran can only push and squash and discuss the results.

The double-faced witch **** Liu Qi and the blood-stained king cannot understand this strange phenomenon.

However, their friends, friends, and priests do not know where to go to play treasures. If you don't understand, you can only play in the war, and you don't know what to do.

They understand a little bit that the monks of the aristocratic agarwood seem to have differences of opinion. The strength of both sides is quite equal, otherwise it will not happen.

It’s really a big forest, what birds are there.

Beside the ancestors, the branches are flourishing, and the monks are endless. It is strange to be able to disregard the department.

The two-faced Wushen Liu Qi and the blood-stained king two guys kept pondering, and the blood-blooded witch Bai Jie ran out of a sly idea: "Brother, two-phase public, or we simply erect a flag, in Daxianggong By the side, regrouping a bunch of people, come to a three-legged..."

The double-faced witch **** shines in front of him: "This can be!"

The blood-stained king also increased his interest in a moment, and said in his mouth: "Talk about it, let's talk about it, what should we do?"

Bai Jie giggled and said: "Before Daxiangong, there are a few monks who may not be the two camps. Otherwise, I will slightly apply the beauty plan, and draw a few monks to come over and join our camp."

White morning dizziness, handcuffs forehead, said in his mouth: "I said the old girl, are you dissatisfied with the desire? The two-phase public will not say it, you are so arrogant, you actually think about running out to fight wild food. I am also serving, I said Wu Bo, you don’t care about her..."

Bai Jie giggled.

Liu Qi rolled her eyes and said in her mouth: "She is the virtue, you have to let Bai Jie keep the chastity, it is really a slippery world, forget it, no matter her, but, I said Xiaojie, you can have a little leisure. Daxianggong is not as commonplace as I am, be careful that he is back, so that you are well received..."

Bai Jie grinned and said with no anger: "If you have the ability, he will come back often, so that the old lady is comfortable, naturally it will be fine, hehe..."

Sun Hao has actually come back, floating in the air, crying and laughing in his heart, yes, this is another gold woman who said his inner feelings of the strange woman ~ ~ and still more direct than the golden master woman.

Sun Hao is also served.

When I think of Kim Dae-jung, Sun Hao’s heart is faintly flooded with many shackles. Unconsciously, Kim Min Jong and Penny have gone to the market for many years. The farther you go, the higher you stand, the people around you may It will be less and less.

I don't know, when I stand at the top of the world, there are still a few monks around.

The monks underneath couldn’t discuss it. The three topics of the Witch God Palace turned out to be completely gone. Sun Hao couldn’t help but shake his head and whispered in his mouth. He said, “This seat is back.”

The monk in the room only felt that there was a flower in front of him, and once again fixed the gods, the sky above the hall, and Sun Hao, a green shirt, had already carried his hands and stood proud.

Seeing that it is Sun Hao, within the hall of the House of Representatives, all the monks are in the same position and shouted: "Congratulations to the people of Shenxiang."

This is the rule set by Sun Hao when he led the team. After all, the various monks around Sun Hao have complicated relationships. If they are called according to the relationship, Sun Hao himself will be confused.

Simply, Sun Hao asked all the monks to call themselves Shen Xiang people, so that no one can be wrong.

Sun Hao nodded slightly in the air, his sleeves swayed gently, and his body flew flat. He stood straight in the tall, hollow seat, facing everyone, stopped for a moment, and said nothing.

Somehow, all the monks saw Sun Hao’s silent back, and suddenly he felt a sense of fear in his heart. The power of the people was even heavier. Everyone’s wrangling between them caused dissatisfaction.

The double-faced sorcerer glanced at Bai Jie, and it was estimated that the words of this hoof had just been heard. Da Xianggong completely listened to the past and was angry at this time.

The blood-stained king is also squinting.

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