Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2421: God-making movement (2)

The monks of Zhongxu Wanzu who can pay attention to the battlefield, including the top ten princes within the Terran, are all looking at each other alone, and go alone to run Sun Hao, who is in charge of Jin Liuwei.

One is the strongest monk in Zhongxu, and the other is the strongest combat unit in Zhongxu.

To be honest, the Zhongxu Wanzu is full of expectations for this battle.

I don't know if the individual ability of the monk is developed to the extreme, can you cover the sky with your hands? Or can a powerful unit win more?

Everyone will wait and see.

I don’t know if the Shenxiang people’s ancestors could stop Jin Liuwei’s shooting or not? Will it be a fire attack that is directly killed in the air?

There is no instantaneous movement, and there is no sudden acceleration.

The ancestors of the ancestors were golden glittering, striding in the meteor, and moving forward in the air. The speed was not very fast, and they went to Jinliuwei.

Soon, in the eyes of the public, the ancestors Shen Xiang entered the range of Jin Liuwei, and everyone’s heart was raised.

Jin Liuwei Qi Qi took up the golden power in his hand, which made people fear, and the indelible golden power was strong, and they were aligned with Sun Hao’s direction.

Good guy, look at the distance of this range, everyone suddenly found that it has exceeded 30 miles!

The ancestral agarwood still flew forward without a slow pace.

Jin Liuwei's body, rising up a sigh of momentum, the powerful Jin Hao is ready to go.

The distance between the ancestors and the incense is close to ten miles, just when everyone thinks that the ancestors of Shen Xiang will suddenly accelerate.

The ancestors Shen Xiang stood in the air and said in a loud voice: "Come on, try your fire and let you know if you can hurt your seat."

Millions of Jin Liuwei seem to have gotten orders, and it seems that they have been stirred up by the people of Shenxiang.

The golden wheat waves floated in the air, and a wave of thin willow-like arrows poured into the incense of the people.

Wanliu returned to the sect, and the goal of Xiliu was directed at Sun Hao.

The power of the imaginary and thousands of people watching the battle has widened their eyes and nervously looked forward to the outcome of this war.

Hundreds of thousands of fine willows were turned into golden torrents, and they came to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao did not hide, did not flash, stood up and stood with a faint smile on his face, and calmly walked forward from the air.

The golden thin willows slammed into Sun Hao's body, like a huge wave hitting the coast, making a wave of percussive sound.

However, the pace of Sun Hao’s advancement has not changed at all, and the impact of the previous attack has been fierce, and Sun Hao still has not had much impact.

At this moment, Sun Hao really did not use the ability to belong to the soul ancestors, did not use the commanding ability of Jin Liuwei, simply relying on his own defense power to resist Jin Liuwei.

A defense is at its peak.

A body repair is earth-shattering.

Sun Hao is really not afraid of Jin Liuwei's fine willow fire, not too slow, in the eyes of the Wan people's monks shocked, Sun Hao leisurely came to the Jinliwei ten miles area.

Such a distance, with the means of combining strength and power, can kill the enemy.

Sun Hao stood in the air, with a faint smile on his face, and his mouth whispered: "Good penetration, good attack power, impact, hahaha, if it is not the refining of this body, it is unparalleled in the world. Today is still Really not necessarily able to withstand..."

Rolling fine willows, a steady stream, hitting Sun Hao.

The golden glory of Sun Hao is standing in the air, not moving. The hearts of the monks watching the monks sigh, the strength of the people, is beyond the imagination of everyone, the powerful Jin Liuwei, after encountering the ancestors, actually made Not too much damage.

I don't know what kind of means the ancestors will use to deal with these powerful fighters.

Today, will it be the end of Jin Liuwei, will these invincible guards be killed in the air by the ancestors?

Although he is acting, but Sun Hao is indeed a fake play, Jin Liuwei under the command of Sun Hao's thoughts, the attack is carried out thoroughly, without any release of water.

Sun Hao did not use any of his abilities to belong to the soul ancestors. He relied on his powerful defensive power to resist the attack of Jin Liuwei.

Jin Liuwei's loyalty is inscribed in their bones, and their thoughts have always maintained a certain connection with Sun Hao.

However, over the past 100 years, more and more Jin Liuwei has born his own will. In addition to loyalty, they have also produced some self-ideals and some self-seeking.

In the past, Sun Hao has been letting him develop freely. In addition to the unified actions of the military, Jin Liuwei also practiced in his own time most of the time.

Jin Liuwei, who has the will, is also a group of quite special existence among the ghosts, and its status is equivalent to the nobles of the ghost family.

Over the years, Jin Liuwei has gradually developed a sense of pride and glory from the depths of the bone marrow, while their invincibility, their pride is also increasing.

But today, when Sun Hao reappeared and let all Jin Liuwei launch an attack on himself, all the arrogant Jin Liuwei suddenly discovered that there are still monks in the middle of the virtual world who are not afraid of their own arrows.

Can not penetrate, can not break the defense.

A wave of fine willows was hit by the impact of the reef. Jin Liuwei found that his attack on the king of Jinliu actually had no effect.

By the way, in their hearts, Jin Liuwei has only one king, that is the soul ancestor, which is the king of Jinliu.

Within the Soul, they only recognize Sun Hao, and other Yin Emperors simply cannot adjust them. Other Yin Emperors will not mobilize them. Every time, Wu Xianlang wants to call Jin Liuwei to participate in the war. In fact, they are all Sun Hao. The result after personally ordered.

I haven't seen the king of Jinliu for many years. Now I see each other again. Jinliuwei feels glorious and has a feeling of frustration.

The glory is that the king of Jinliu is still so powerful, or is it so arrogant, it is the boss of everyone. What is slightly frustrating is that the power of the king of Jinliu makes them realize that their own range, their own attacks, there are also A completely helpless monk.

Fortunately, this monk is the king of Jinliu. If it is replaced by other monks, Jin Liuwei will not be hit hard.

Fortunately, many Jin Liuwei even understood the meaning of the king, that is, don't be too proud, be humble and cautious, or else, Jin Liuwei will be terrible when encountering an irresistible opponent.

After shocking Jin Liuwei and letting Jin Liuwei realize that he is not invincible, Sun Hao really began to act.

However, Sun Hao is drinking in the air: "It is not easy to repair, and God has a good life. Today, my ancestors are not for themselves. I hope that you will be able to take over and climb the fairy road together, if not, Hugh Blame me for being ruthless."

The monks of the Zhongxu Wanzu, who watched the battle, showed their expressions of disapproval on their faces. Although the ancestors were repaired against the sky, it is no less than whimsical to regain these powerful undead arms, not to mention other ~www.wuxiaspot. Com~ just said this language, it seems that they are not connected?

The Wans monks know that among the undead races, a large number of undead creatures are actually ignorant ignorants, except those undead monks who truly generate self-will.

This is the ancestor of the cow!

However, the real result is to surprise all the monks.

The ancestors floated up and stood in front of the million Jin Liuwei. After shouting out the words, the million-like militant Jin Liuwei miraculously stopped the attack.

The wheat waves are ups and downs, and Jin Liuwei seems to be communicating.

Did you stop the attack? The Wansong monks are puzzled, and these Jin Liuwei can understand people? It’s really rare, can you say that these Jin Liuwei will be monks? If it is true, then the strength of the ghost family is too strong, and can actually make such a luxurious lineup.

The truth, the truth of history, is often concealed in a variety of appearances, and now there is this scene, which has been recorded in the annals of history, and has been passed down to the scenes of the ages.

After a brief exchange of millions of Jin Liuwei, Qi Qi faced Sun Hao and said with aloud: "With one's own strength, the enemy of millions of fine willows, the ability of adults, let me wait for the oral administration, today, I would like to honor the adults."

After that, the million Jin Liuwei Qi brushed to Sun Hao, deeply stunned, expressing conviction.

Sun Hao laughed and said, "Get up."

Jin Liuwei Qi brushed his body and stood in the air. Sun Hao said aloud: "In the future, you are the guardian of this seat, and you will be given the name of Jinliu Shenwei. I hope that you can accompany this seat, follow this seat, and fight for the virtual. Yangwei world..."

Jin Liuwei Qi Qi shouted loudly: "Swear to follow the adults, fight in the virtual, and promote the world..."

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