Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2422: God-making movement (3)

Really dumbfounded.

The powers of the tens of thousands of people have never imagined that such a result will eventually emerge. The big collision that I thought was the original battle that I thought would eventually become an unimaginable result.

Good guys, millions of invincible divisions, tigers and wolves, after the attack has no fruit, after being attacked by ancestors, they swiftly pledge allegiance.

It’s really unbelievable and incredible.

The undead protoss are not all scorpions, do you know a rib that is flexible? Aren't there some ghosts that don't know how to surrender, and don't die? How come to the ancestors, so humanized?

Some ancestors, the kind of self-sustaining ability, defense invincible ancestors even faintly regretted in the heart.

I knew that Jin Liuwei would surrender when he beaten. He should go up early to fight these invincible soldiers. At that time, wouldn’t he easily accept this powerful and invincible army?

But now, everything is late.

The powerful man, Shen Xiang, took away Jin Liuwei.

That is to say, the avant-garde ancestors with the strongest individual strength in the imaginary virtual group have taken away Jin Liuwei, the most powerful martial art fighter.

The results of the battle between the two sides came out.

The monk really came to the end, or rely on strong individual strength to convince the world.

The result came out, and the Zhongxu Wanzu could not help but **** a cold breath.

Originally, Sun Hao and Jin Liuwei fought, and the Zhongxu Wanzu’s careful thoughts did not look at the meaning of excitement. They secretly hoped that Sun Hao and Jin Liuwei would both lose both sides. At that time, the human race and the undead protoss would be greatly weakened. It is the gospel of the imaginary people.

However, the result was that the ancestors Shen Xiang received a million Jin Liuwei.

Good guys, originally powerful and incomparable human races, originally a prosperous human race, once again joined this invincible warrior.

In the virtual world, who can fight?

Under the human race, it may become a rare dominant race in the history of China.

Things are not over yet.

Jin Liuwei stood by Sun Hao and waited quietly.

Soon after, the million dragon cannons floated.

The monks watched the monks and suddenly remembered that the dragon cannons claimed to be the strongest force in the world, even if it was a solid wall, it could disappear under the attack of the dragon cannon, and did not know that Sun Hao could withstand it. Do not?

Also, Dragon Cannon and Jin Liuwei, who is more powerful? It is best to fight and fight him to kill you.

Miha has already laughed in Sun Hao’s thoughts: "Yang Gong, I haven’t seen you for many years, you are more and more handsome and handsome. Hey, I also put a few shots at you, then fell to the ground and joined you. Your majesty?"

Sun Hao’s heart was filled with a faint apology. The ancestors participated in the Dragon Slayer. Miha was not aware of it. However, at this time, Miha should know that the Zhuangzu had been killed by himself in Tulongpo, because there is this paragraph in the report.

It is an indisputable fact that no matter what happens, it is self-deprecating.

The apology in Sun Hao’s heart was conveyed to Miha.

In the will of thought, Miha laughter came out again: "Hey, Xiang Gong, old man, he just ran to sleep. He told me and my sister before I fell asleep. The meaning of all friends, do not die, in the future, you are the real family."

Sun Hao touched his nose and said in his heart: "It turns out that, well, you fired at me to see if your Dragon Cannon can break my defense."

Miha’s thoughts will be more serious: “You can be careful with you. I’m a dragon and a gun, no matter what, if you’re not careful, you will be murdered.”

Sun Hao’s heart burst into disappointment: “I fired at me. If you come, I really don’t believe that the dragon cannon has defeated my body and defeated it. It’s your skill. I have a way to re-aggregate.”

Michal rubbed his hand: "Then I am coming!"

Among the golden dragons with green grass, the dragon cannons set up shoulder cannons, far away from Sun Hao.

Under Sun Hao's body, Jin Liuwei Qi Qi let the position open, let Sun Hao alone face the million dragon guns.

The Wan family monks once again paid attention.

Looking at this situation, Sun Hao is not going to use Jin Liuwei to deal with the Dragon Cannon, and intends to take the attack of the Dragon Cannon alone.

This is a bit of a single-handed meaning, that is, I don’t know if there will be such a wonderful phenomenon of recognition after the fight?

Sun Hao flew in the air and quickly entered the range of the Dragon Cannon.

Miha was very excited, and his little hand waved, and he called out: "Attack."

Above the sky, the brilliance blooms in an instant, and the huge roaring sound resounds through the sky. After the attack of the Dragon Cannon, the sound and light effect is excellent. It looks like the mighty, bigger and more horrible than Jinliuwei's.

Sun Hao feels his own changes and moves forward slowly.

Other monks may be really hard to resist under the erosion of sound waves and sound and light, but Sun Hao has no problem at all.

Among the Halloween Palace, Sun Hao reincarnation, broke into the 18th floor of Hell, and the various kinds of torture imitated there gave Sun Hao the physical experience of the whole body.

In other words, this kind of attack by Dragon Cannon is really the body of Sun Hao.

Plus, if you haven't seen it for many years, Miha blames Sun Hao's, and you can't really kill your own Taoist.

When the real attack, Sun Hao can feel it, the Dragon Cannon is not much fighting spirit, when attacking, there is a bit of perfunctory responsibility.

Can such a fighting attitude get the strength of Sun Hao?

Gently shaking his head, Sun Hao thought, this Miha, acting is so lame, not professional at all.

Withstood the bombardment of the dragon cannon, Sun Hao flew to the sky above the dragon cannon, and floated out, his mouth whispered: "It is not easy to repair, and God has a good life. Today, my ancestors are not for themselves." I hope that I can take you down and climb the Fairy Road together. If not, I will ruthlessly stop."

This is exactly the same as that of Jin Liuwei.

It is threatening to persuade.

The imaginary and fragrant people sighed in unison, Qi Qi was shocked, and the ancestors of the ancestors were so powerful that Jin Liuwei did not wear it, and the Dragon Cannon was not killed.

Just don't know that those who look like the nose is taller than the eyes, will the proud dragon artillery guards be recruited?

Among the dragon cannons, there is much less to be born.

At this point, most dragon guns feel a bit inexplicable.

Sun Hao is the soul ancestor. They are the heroes of Sun Hao themselves. How do they still need to be married? I don't understand.

It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You have to take the lead in front of you.

Miha took the lead and said in front of the team: "I swear to follow the adults, fight the emptiness, and promote the world."

Behind her, a million dragons and squadrons followed Miha and shouted.

The imaginary monks of the imaginary family were shocked to see that the great ancestors of the ancestors and grandsons received a powerful invincible master. The monks who were envious of envy and hatred in their hearts were also very surprised to find out. The fact that it looks like a mighty dragon cannon is actually a female soldier!

They don't say anything, I really don't know!

Sun Hao is also quite surprised. I did not expect that the million dragons and the gods are actually women. It seems that the gender of the ghosts may gradually change according to the gender of their respective leaders.

I don't know the difference between the soul and the male ghost.

Sun Hao’s heart is thinking so, the original design of the script, there is a slight deviation.

Miha, who is jumping off his character, turns his eyes and leads his own dragon cannon shouting out a slogan that makes Sun Hao stay and let the monks of the Wan nationality sing a slogan: "The adults are mighty, the dragon guns are willing to become adults. Soldiers, waiting for the adults to be pampered, follow their lives, no regrets..."

Good guy, this is a million female soldiers screaming out, this kind of voice, this kind of squad, is really shocking.

Some lascivious monks thought about it, what about a million female soldiers? Can you eat it? One day, you will have one million days!

Envy and hate.

Sun Hao is very speechless, and Miha’s gimmick is really in the crowd, and it’s a slap in the air! Shaking his head, Sun Hao said with a deep voice: "Well, you will be the guard in the future, and you will fight with the seat in the future."

Miha shouted, behind him, the million dragons and the squadrons cheered together, and the voice was crisp and clear, as if the girls were enthusiastic...

Continuously received two powerful fighters, Sun Hao's voice is always the same, the Zhongxu Wan nationality monk has already had a very bad feeling, the ancestors of the incense, has been powerful to the point of tyranny.

In the imaginary family, who would be the opponent of the ancestors?

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