Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2423: Take care of both parties

The strength of Sun Hao, the real earthquake has caught many people.

The scene arranged by Sun Hao is to recover Jin Liuwei, the dragon cannon and the guardian of this drama. The purpose is to let Jin Liuwei and Dragon Cannon Shenwei participate in the human race in the future.

Of course, according to Wu Chuanlang, this is also the final stage of his layout. The god-making movement has to demonstrate the ability of Sun Hao to pass through a series of operations and show the achievements of Sun Hao’s vibrancy. Hao is shaped into a general existence of the illusory god.

The ultimate goal is naturally to establish the invincible position of the Terran through Sun Hao, to make the family reach the top of the virtual, become the overlord of the virtual, and let the Wanzu surrender.

Wu Chuanglang’s plan is quite large. The idea is that after this series of god-making movements, it is possible to let the ethics of more than 80% of the genius inherit the ancestor of the ancestors, and more than 60% of the races can learn the language of the imaginary language. The influence of the people is conveyed to every corner of the imaginary.

Wu Chuanlang believes that only by using language and writing, using culture to influence, to occupy the other side, and to assimilate each other, then the Zhongxu human race can be regarded as the true foundation of the world.

The first stage of the creation of the gods, to promote Sun Hao's infinite fighting power.

Receiving the three powerful units of the Ghosts is only one of them.

After receiving the dragon gun guard, the star officer floated.

The attack by Xia Chuan's Star Officer is a flying knife with the property of lightning attack. The damage of the Ray attribute is huge. Many monks have to run after encountering the Star Officer.

It’s really bad to be thundered.

Sun Hao is completely afraid of the Thunder, and the flying knife can't break Sun Hu's physical defense.

This kind of battle did not last long. After the routine recognition of the routine, Xia Chuan also joined the Terran camp with a star official.

The undead gods of the nine great protoss, the invincible divisions among the three legends actually joined the Terran camp and became the elite warriors around the ancestors.

This is the result of no one who has thought of it. It is also the result of everyone’s shock. The strength of the Terran has always been so powerful. Now, these three major arms are joined, and the strength is even higher.

The power of the people and the prosperity of the human race have really shocked the Zhongxu people.

After accepting the star official, Sun Hao slammed the iron and floated, but his mouth whispered: "All races within the Shuren, Feiren and Morganic Protoss territory have launched a storm. I hope that the Qiang allies will work together and fight together. Strive to expel the undead Protoss from the tribal territory within one year."

Many monks watching the war, the top ten immortals within the Terran Qi Qi Qi Qi promised: "Follow, adults."

Sun Hao nodded slightly in the air, and said in his mouth: "The leaders of the various ethnic groups listened. Within a year, everyone can cooperate and cooperate with each other. They must not be arguing with each other. One year later, the Terran will be based on the fighting among the various ethnic groups. Performance, the focus is on the management of the various ethnic groups according to the area occupied by the various ethnic groups at that time, to help the tribes achieve post-war reconstruction."

This is the meaning of meritorious deeds. At the same time, it also points out the most basic point of view. That is, when it comes to who has more sites and who gets more sites, this is a great opportunity and should not be missed.

The powerful monks who watched the battles of the Thousand-Dominion Allied forces suddenly became full of morale and cheered up in their mouths: "I will follow the instructions of the people, and I will wait for the whole army to work together and expel the undead."

In other words, there is no deterrent to the three powerful units of the Ghosts. The troops of other races are really insurmountable.

Of course, everyone knows that the premise is that the troops of the Undead King will not appear in the Battle of the Three Kingdoms.

Once the king of immortality appears, the loss of the Qiang allied forces is estimated to be immeasurable.

Sun Hao floated out and said that the spirit of the Qiang Allied Forces was revival: "The Zhongxu Terran, and the Qiang Allied Forces, despite regaining the tribes, do not care for the king of immortality. The male and female witch territories are naturally from this seat. Going to level..."

Sometimes, different people are completely different concepts for different people.

For example, for ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to build a canal or to build a road, but for a mortal country, this is not a problem at all.

For example, if you want to erect a fairy mountain, it is still the Sun Hao of the Jindan period. In the same year, it was a great effort in the Tianling mainland. For example, in the burial of the sky, everyone Jindeng pulled the peak. I came up with a trick to pull the peak.

For the current Sun Hao, the peak is also a wave of things.

Let's talk about the current imaginary war, the undead protoss against the imaginary Qiang army, the war lasts for a hundred years, the Qiang army fights and can't win, the fundamental reason is that several powerful undead corps are not the ones that the Qiang allies can say and destroy. .

For example, the star official, such as the dragon cannon, the most even is Jin Liuwei, of course, and the king of immortality is overwhelming, dense and numb, like the ants of the corpse.

These are the hurdles of the imaginary and tens of thousands of allies. They have become a big man, always there, and they are still undecided.

The Zhongxu Qiang allies shouted fiercely, but no one dared to easily provoke these obviously tricky opponents, and no one dared to go to the hard bones.

Even among the Zhongxu people, the Zhongxu who did not participate in the controversy began to secretly read jokes, and would like to see how the Qianxu coalition forces in Zhongxu finally ended up.

In their view, these problems, his grandmother's, that is no solution at all.

Yes, whoever can only blink the problem, no solution!

They don't think that the Qiang allies can solve those difficult problems. The final battle may be the end of the battle. In the end, the tribes are badly hurt and the site is undead.

This is the judgment of many races of the imaginary people.

Everyone thinks that the final result will definitely be like this.

But now, the great monk of the Zhongxu Wanzu suddenly found that "the old man is difficult, the old man is difficult, the boss is not difficult!"

These seemingly unsolvable problems seem to be a difficult problem for the Qiang allied army's nightmare. After the Terran and the ancestors of the People's Family, it became as easy as a thin paper.

The ancestors Shen Xiang fights Jin Liuwei.

It is easy and comfortable to take over the arms that the Zhongxu Wanzu thinks are invincible.

When it is over, it is in the glory of the king of the thousands of immortals, thinking that the ancestors Shen Xiang will organize the coalition forces to fight against the king of immortality.

Yes, the ancestor Shen Xiang said with an understatement: "This is a small problem. Don't worry about it. The past has been cleaned up."

Although the ancestors of Shenxiang did not say so directly, but the meaning is that meaning, let everyone feel relieved to restore the tribes, he went to rescue the male and female witches.

Sun Hao’s decision was not to make any communication with the Terran.

But in his own way, he expressed his attitude towards this First of all, Sun Hao decided to rescue the male and female witches. Actually, it is a kind of silent support for Xia Qingyu. This attitude shows that Sun For personal reasons, it is necessary to remember the kindness of the male and female witches. From a personal point of view, rescue is inevitable.

This is the principle that Sun Hao is a man, and it is also the insistence of Sun Hao.

At the same time, however, in addition to being alone, Sun Hao did not use the Terran soldiers. This also shows Sun Hao’s other point of view. As far as the human race is concerned, the male and female witches should not be rescued.

After all, the male and female witches have done something they should not do, and should not be rescued.

Xuanyuanhong and Xia Qingyu are all thoughtful people, and they immediately understand the meaning of Sun Hao. However, they both accepted the arrangement of Sun Hao very calmly. They did not have much anxiety. Instead, they felt that they were getting Sun Hao’s recognition.

For Xuanyuanhong, her self-positioning is Sun Hao's sage, so she is standing at the angle that is the most favorable choice for Sun Hao.

Supporting the male and female witches is not suitable for the interests of Sun Hao. Therefore, the Terran cannot support the soldiers. This is Xuan Hong's choice. Sun Hao respects her choice.

Xia Qingyu's most hope is to be intimate with Sun Hao, so he chose to act according to Sun Hao's temperament. Now Sun Haoyi has turned his back and went into the male and female witch territory, so that she also feels a high degree of recognition.

Sun Hao’s decision made the high-level controversy of the people’s controversy.

In particular, Wu Xinglang and Zhichi, two clear people, secretly gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao. They saw Sun Hao’s intentions and understood that as long as Sun Hao can stand alone and win the undead king, then Sun Hao’s reputation in Zhongxu will truly reach its peak.

The god-making movement can create a true god.

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