Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2429: Go back to the virtual

Wu Xinglang and Zhichi are both wise men, and with Sun Hao coordinating from them, the development of the human race will naturally not show any deviation.

Over the past 10,000 years, the Terran has expanded many times, and there have been widespread and sparsely populated situations. To be honest, there is no need for the Terran to occupy the territory within the territory of the three tribes.

The reason why the tree of the tree was taken down was because the special resources there were helpful to the cultivation of the human race, and it was very easy to be included in the Terran territory when it was close to the Terran.

The reason why the Terran will choose to defend a large area of ​​the undead domain is due to two considerations.

On the one hand, the Terran warriors must grow up in battle. No race can be too comfortable. Nowadays, the status of the Terran in the illusory world is already in full swing. Among the nations, there are too few opportunities to fight with the Terran monks.

Sun Hao does not want the human race monks to gradually be squandered in the comfort, so it requires a large number of undead domain defense missions, allowing the younger generation to have something to do, there are places to train.

Moreover, this defensive surface has a very special one. Only the real Sun Hao will know the purpose and use it. That is to enter the undead domain through this area to consolidate the haze.

Among the nine races of the Undead Protoss, the Ghosts have become one of the holy places for the training of Sun Hao.

The city of shadows, in the heart of the grandson of Sun Hao, is called the shadow holy place, and is the best place for Sun Hao to practice the haze.

Of course, those who are qualified to enter are also absolutely reliable monks.

Moreover, after entering, most people do not know that they have penetrated into the undead domain. They have been in the ghost city of the nine races of the undead domain. In the hearts of most monks, this is just the supreme cultivation of the descendants of the descendants. .

In the Thousand-Dollar War, two Zhengyuanzis were cleared, and Sun Hao’s heart was a bit embarrassing, but there is no doubt that after the loss of Zhengyuanzi, the top of the Terran has completely become the person of Sun Hao, cohesiveness and centripetal force more than before. Strong.

Xuanyuanhong is a sage, and intentionally or unintentionally in the side of Sun Hao, the high-level people are divided into two camps, secretly restrained each other, the general direction is highly unified, the human race really began to develop rapidly.

Sun Hao does not like the feeling of intrigue in the subordinates. The real situation is that this state is more suitable for the balance and development of a race. Sun Hao will also close one eye and let Xuanyuan Red arrange it.

After digesting the results of the Thousand-Dollar War and dividing the site, Sun Hao personally showed up and suppressed some voices of opposition and dissatisfaction. Zhongxu really entered a more stable development period.

There have not been too many large-scale battles between the nations, and they have begun to develop.

I like to be in chaos within the territory of the Wan people. After the war, the undead protoss who robbed the land were also crouched and immersed in development.

In a thousand years, he made Andevi's eagerness to move. After being recharged by Sun Hao again, this guy ran back to repair himself, and he did not dare to be naughty.

Sun Hao did not care for him, not only destroyed all the corpse warriors he brought out, but even his deity ruthlessly killed the spot.

Of course, Sun Hao still did not completely do things, but also left him alive, or else, Andervi's life can not escape Sun Hao's induction.

It is estimated that after this battle, Anderville, who likes to make trouble, will be stable for a long time.

After finishing all this, the overall situation of Zhongzhi has stabilized.

The Zhongxu people grew up to become the gendarmerie of the Zhongxu and Wanzu, and the ancestors of the ancestors became the CCP.

At this time, Sun Hao’s ruined things were put on the agenda and entered the countdown stage.

The time of the 10,000-year agreement with Hao Anyi is less than a thousand years. This time, it is just that Sun Hao will help the Chinese people to take the ride.

After setting up everything, Sun Hao took some time to digest the income of the Thousand-Dollar Wars and further consolidate his own spiritual foundation.

In the Thousand-Dollar War, Sun Hao encountered the Dragon Slayer Bureau. This is the strongest monk coalition army in Zhongxu. Various means emerged in an endless stream. After repeated wars, Sun Hao learned a lot and accumulated many things to be digested. After the war, Sun Hao slightly practiced, sitting for another hundred years, this came to the fore and digested.

From the Kunxu Palace in West Kunlun, standing with a hand, overlooking the holy land of the Terran, and the heart of Sun Hao, there was a burst of exclamation.

Once upon a time, have you stepped to such a height? Is it a countdown to yourself, is it counted in a thousand years?

I recall that when I stepped into the path of practice and practiced hard for the 100-year-old Shouyuan, Sun Hao had a feeling like a dream.

The Chinese people have flourished and have really entered the formal. Apart from Sun Hao, the high-ranking people of the Terran have been busy all these years.

In particular, Zhichi and Wu Chuanglang became the general manager of the Zhongxu Terran, representing Sun Hao to handle things, and he was busy every day.

Sun Hao’s knowledge began, and it was swept over in the land of West Kunlun. His face was filled with a satisfied smile. The Terran is now prosperous and prosperous. It has entered a real prosperous age. To be precise, he has only laid down a large number of people. And governance, but the people below are operating, everything is in order.

I don’t have too much intervention, so the development of the Terran does not actually form too much dependence on oneself. Her own existence is just an invisible spiritual pillar, a powerful spiritual force, and a Shocked.

So that is to say, you can really go astray.

Sun Hao’s face showed a faint smile, and his body shook a little and disappeared from the Kunxu Palace.

It took more than a month to cross the void, and Sun Hao appeared in the virtual channel.

Arriving here again, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the pattern here has also changed dramatically.

I remember when Sun Hao first arrived here, the human race's airport was very weak, and it was closely monitored by the races assigned by the flying people. The human race monks could only be married with their tails, be careful, and be afraid of annoying other races and giving them their own. The airport brings unnecessary trouble.

But now, Sun Hao sees that the human race's airport dominates the party and becomes the largest and most prosperous area of ​​the entire port. The ethnic monks walking inside are all imposing, and their faces are filled with confidence.

Ok, even a little arrogant.

After Sun Hao observed for a while, he did not alarm anyone, jumped into the airport and went down.

It’s time to go into the countdown, and there’s still some time. Sun Hao plans to do two things well, and then really go to the virtual and start a new round of practice.

One of the things that had been handed over to Wu Xinglang, Zhu Dezheng and Zhichi for pre-preparation for thousands of years ago was also the last one that had to be completed before Sun Hao’s ruin, and it was the root of the human race. The big thing and the second thing is to go around and look around, especially along the path that you used to go, especially to go to the virtual look, to see the status and foundation of the human race Whether the layout is in place, but also look at the virtual ones are concerned about whether it is okay now.

The flesh crossed the void and crossed the virtual passage.

Sun Hao's speed is not particularly fast. After two months, this has rushed out of the virtual channel.

Different from the previous ones, this time, when Sun Hao came out from the virtual channel, it did not appear in the Chongtian City, but directly appeared in a majestic Terran.

With the current strength of the Terran, it is no longer necessary to borrow from the Chongtian, and the channel directly appears in the Terran.

Sun Hao’s body flashed and appeared at the exit of the Void Channel. Several Terran soldiers who were stationed saw a smile on his face. Sun Hao, who suddenly appeared, had a big mouth and was very surprised.

What is this place? Void channel! Now that a monk has ran out of the inside, how is this possible? However, there was finally a special clever monk who quickly reacted. Regardless of the three seven twenty-one, the head went to worship, and his mouth shouted loudly: "The descendants of the Terran monks, Rosie, see the ancestors."

Other monks also reacted and shouted: "See the ancestors."

No matter who it is, it can be estimated that it is the ancestor who can enter and leave the body of the void channel.

Sun Hao smiled at the monks faintly and said: "Get up, this is to come back and see, you continue to be busy with yourself."

After that, Sun Hao’s body flashed and disappeared.

A monk kneeling on the ground suddenly said loudly: "Breakthrough, I actually broke through, heaven, this ancestor has a strong eye, sweeping at me, my cultivation has broken through the bottleneck..."

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