Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2430: Brothers wall

What is the difference between Xia and Zhongxu? The biggest difference may be the different grades of monks.

The imaginary monk, if he can practice in the late stage of the robbery, is basically the apex.

Under normal circumstances, the vain monks and monks are robbed of the millennium.

In other words, the lower imaginary monks, if they can't advance to distraction, are basically hard to surpass the eternal life.

In addition to some special races, in fact, it is difficult for the imaginary wisdom race monks to escape the same restrictions, that is, the long years are too long, and it is an insurmountable hurdle for the lower monks.

When it came to the bottom, Sun Hao really felt what was called 沧海桑田.

Ten thousand years has passed, and the change of the underworld has made Sun Hao completely unable to find his own footprint.

When I was soaring, I turned into an incense sword and stabbed it on the big stone. I remember that it burned into a glazed color, and I thought it would last for a long time.

But this time, when Sun Hao appeared again in the ascending position, at first glance, it was a vast ocean. I don’t know when it was already drowned in the sea.

I sneaked into the bottom of the sea, and I finally found my own place to fly, and I couldn’t see the traces of my own ascent.

Perhaps it is when I am flying, some spiritual sprinkling, the land that has soared, turned into a group of powerful sea lords, the gathering place of long-haired sea crabs, these arrogant guys, here to flourish.

Sun Hao shook his head and sighed, did not bother this group of small guys, and continued to let them think that Laozi is invincible in the world.

Once the ruins of the ancient geeks have now become a huge port city, Sun Hao walked in between, can not find any traces of Jijiabao, the only trace of the past is that there are still descendants of Ji’s family here, and this place still It is an area under the jurisdiction of the human race.

Ji Jia, Xiao Qing, Ru Xue, Ji Yuliu, etc. are really hidden in their own memories. In the world, there are not many traces of their existence.

Going away, leaving the first stop of his ascent, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with a touch of embarrassment.

The more you cultivate, the better the memory. These are like the stories that happened yesterday. It’s been a long time, and those things, those people, have already been drowned in history, and those stories have already disappeared in time. Among them, perhaps, in the eyes of many people, in the cognition of more people, they themselves are illusory.

If you have already existed, who knows that you have existed?

The second stop, Jijia Dongcheng, the location of the city, has changed.

Going far and far away, the scale is much larger than before. Sun Hao released his knowledge on the ground and found the ruined soil of a once-existing city in the ground.

Yes, this Xuanwu City is now a city built on a once abandoned city or a ruined city.

Among the different soil layers, there are relics of cities in different periods. Sun Hao counts several, and there are actually six or seven layers.

Among them, in the era of Sun Hao, the city where Ji’s family was active, because it was too long, at the lowest level, it could not find traces of its existence.

There is no trace of existence, this is the reality.

Walking again under the illusion gave Sun Hao a completely uncommon feeling.

A kind of white-eyed dog, the vicissitudes of the sea and the mulberry, rushed into the heart. When this feeling was in the middle of the virtual, Sun Hao’s understanding was not particularly profound.

Because of Sun Hao’s side, there are many monks after the robbery. Shou Yuan has a long history, because the Terran holy land under the control of Sun Hao is still developing at a rapid speed. Although the area is expanding, he does not feel much change.

Therefore, in the past ten thousand years, Sun Hao’s feelings are not profound.

Nowadays, when the reincarnation of the monks is faster and the times are changing faster, Sun Hao really feels the ruthlessness of the avenue, and truly feels the vicissitudes of time.

These places are not the places of Xianshan. The change is really too big. If Sun Hao is not deeply remembered, he will not find the land.

With deep sorrow, Sun Hao went straight to his own imaginary mother, Ling Tianjian, and did not know how the sword school is now, and there is no acquaintance of his own?

What will Ji family do in the sword school?

Ling Tianjian faction should not change much? Sun Hao, with the promise of silk, flew away in the direction of Ling Tianjian.

Within the scope of the Lingtianjian faction, Sun Hao felt the burst of the swordsman's squad. What makes Sun Hao puzzled is that the large-scale swordsmen are now completely open, and among the swordsmen, the swords are shining, indicating that they are inside. Not peaceful.

Sun Hao’s heart was amazed, but there was still a race or a martial art that didn’t last long and entered the sword school?

Ling Tianjian is the mother of Sun Hao. This is a well-known thing in the top of the Terran. Anyone who is stationed in the virtual distracted monk, the first thing after going down is to go to Ling Tianjian and take a walk. The ancestors of the ancestors.

According to Sun Hao’s thoughts, unless there is a tyrannical gang robbery, there will be no race to kill the Lingtian Sword.

What do you do under the illusion of the gods? The Terran Swordsman’s so many chaos is no one to manage.

With the doubts of the silk, Sun Hao came across the sky, standing still, standing in the sky above the high Jianfeng.

The gods swept away, and Sun Hao’s face showed a thoughtful expression. The sword sentiment was soaring. It was indeed fighting. The swordsmen of the two camps could not fight, and the two sides were indeed moving. There is no intention to stay at all.

At the same time, the battle of Ling Tianjian is not that no one has ever asked. A distracted power is floating in the air with bitterness and talking to a little old man.

The look of both people is the same helplessness.

Under the battle, two old guys can intervene, but what can you do if you intervene?

Sun Hao’s knowledge was swept away and he basically understood what it was all about.

Both sides of the battle below are Ling Tianjian's own monks, not only that, the leading monks of both sides of the battle are still Jijia monks.

The two leading monks are still brothers of the Ji family.

This is the problem.

If other sects or monks of other races attack the Lingtian Swords, the natural Terran celebrities come forward to help Ling Tianjian send the storm.

However, Ling Tianjian is now fighting this way, but it is really not a human being.

Both sides of the opening were the masters of the family of Shen Xiang's ancestors, and their status was quite similar. They were cultivated as a master, and even the strength of their soldiers was almost equal.

How can the human race help?

After discussing with the old turtle, the two guards finally decided to let their brothers fight. In the end, whoever wins, who they support.

Sun Hao’s return to the virtual, this encounter with the war, said that it is accidental, in fact, it is inevitable, in these decades, Ji Rudong and Ji Xiangnan belong to compete for the ancestral land, basically every year has a big battle, a dozen is not finished Gone.

The strength is quite No one is convinced, naturally it is.

Two-pointed gods have to keep an eye on the battles of the two boys, for fear that they will destroy things that should not be touched, such as the statue of the ancestors in the Lingtian swords.

When Sun Hao came, it was this kind of battle everyday.

The two swordsmen are fighting hard, killing and forgetting to die.

In the sky, suddenly there was a clear voice of screaming: "Brothers smashing the wall, what is the system?"

In the past, the Ling Tianjian faction had encountered a similar situation. There was a great monk who had to intervene in the sword, but in the end it was still not.

This time, everyone will not pay much attention to it, or they will not be mistaken.

Sun Hao was angry in his heart, his sleeves were gently swayed, and the pressure of huge friends was falling from the sky. All the Lingtian swordsmen were kneeling down on the ground and could never get up again.

Even the two distracted powers watching the sky above the sky, but also plopped down on the Lingtian Jianfeng, a face stunned on the ground, shouting in his mouth: "Seeing the ancestors, the ancestors anger... ..."

Sun Hao did not take care of them, the body pulled out and vacated, and vacated to the sky above Ling Tianjian. A colorful sword seat rose and floated under his body. He gently touched the sword lotus and thought of the sword. In the scene where the sword king was sent to the world, Sun Hao could not help but sigh and could not go back.

How did the current sword pie become like this? It’s really confusing for the brothers to do it.

On top of Lingtian Jianfeng, two monks were left and right, rising from the bottom. A monk holding a portrait, his mouth said in a loud voice: "This seat is like Ji Rudong, who is adhering to the ancestor's clothes, who is coming, and does not leave quickly. Do not interfere with Lingtian things..."

Another monk held the Ji Yu Liu Ling card and ran out unwillingly.

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