Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2431: 1 is divided into 2

The monk also shouted: "This seat is Ji Xiangnan, this seat is the real Jijia ancestors, descendants of the ancestors, who are coming, please do not interfere with the Ji family affairs..."

Both boys are playing their own banner, no wonder the two gods are helpless! Sun Hao’s heart suddenly burst into tears.

The two boys' attitudes are still very proud. The first appearance of an old man in the world, his head is high, and he has not taken his eyes to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao screamed coldly, and said in his mouth: "Look at your eyes, take a serious look at who is in this seat, and how can Ling Tianjian’s sword seat lotus be used? Ling Tianjian is not a sword of the Ji family, the sword seat Tradition, when is it lost?"

The monk holding the portrait said: "No matter who you are, whether you are a human monk or a portrait of an ancestor in my hand, it is best to respectfully give me a dagger, or else you will eat it for a while. Not walking around..."

Sun Hao was angry in his heart and screamed in his mouth: "The fox is a tiger, and you are a good boy. You are fined 30 big sticks."

Reaching out, the portrait falls into the hand.

Without saying anything, the Stickman flew out and pressed the monk into the air, oh... a series of sticks knocked down.

The strength of this monk is not weak. In the later period of the robbery, the combat power may be almost distracting, but in the hands of Sun Hao, it is really not enough to see.

A stick, so that he can not defend at all, straight hit him crying and shouting mother, skin open.

Another monk saw that the situation was a bit wrong. I quickly looked at Sun Hao seriously. It didn't matter if I didn't look at it. When I watched it, I quickly jumped down the air and shouted in the air. Ji Xiangnan met his ancestors, his ancestors Yingming, Ji Rudong, he borrowed his ancestors, and I was a bad singer, and asked the ancestors to put them on the spot.

Sun Hao snorted and reached for a stroke. The spirit card of Ji Yuliu fell into his hand, and his mouth said coldly: "Your brothers are two and a half pounds, eight and two, each with 30 sticks... ..."

Ji Xiang exclaimed in the mouth of the South: "The ancestors were angry and the disciples never dared."

Whether you dare or not, Sun Hao is doing the right thing.

Hey, Ji Xiangnan is also in the flesh.

When Ji Rudong, who is hard-mouthed, was pressed into the air by the stick, he has already seen Sun Hao, holding the portrait of Sun Hao day and night, naturally he will not admit the wrong person, seeing that he is actually the ancestors, where dare to be naughty? I also went to the crowbar.

After playing two unfilial generations, Sun Hao was a cold-song, and said in his mouth: "The old turtle, the more you live, the more you go back. The Ling Tianjian faction has such a big problem, you actually don’t care, let them both Going to the trouble, not being able to..."

The old turtle was in the air, and his mouth screamed: "The adults are angry, these two people have some origins, and they are descendants of the ancestors. I can’t help the old turtles. They can only get them to go to trouble..."

Some origins, ancestors, old turtles, why not?

Sun Haocai did not care so much, the old turtle and the next monk also squatted in the air, a stick hit.

Sun Hao’s stick is not so good. Above the sky, four monks can be said to be screaming and screaming, and blood is splashing.

After beating this time, the old turtle basically said the situation to Sun Hao.

To be precise, the Ling Tianjian faction is like this, but it is actually the trend of the times.

As Sun Hao’s power in Zhongxu became more and more prosperous, the momentum of the singular squadron became more and more prosperous, and it has become a powerful swordsman of the singularity of the tyrants. The masters of the martial arts are like the clouds, the strength is soaring, and the site is expanded and expanded. Almost reached the limit of its ability to expand.

Over the years, the development of the Lingtian Swords has emerged as a situation where the tails are not big enough, and the Terran is not well governed. The sword ancestors of the Lingtian Swords have all not heard.

In other words, the development of Lingtianjian has actually reached a bottleneck state. Under this state, the Excalibur and the fierce sword representing Ling Tianjian’s airlift and strength suddenly disappeared at a certain moment.

The swordsman was shocked and looked around, looking for it, not missing.

Not long after, Ling Tianjian sent Ji Jia is also the family of the Aquila people. Two young monks are rising rapidly. One is Ji Rudong and the other is Ji Xiangnan. Both of them are born swordsmen. The natural sword bones are very fast.

But the two are born to be the opposite of each other. When they are young, they fight each other. Whoever sees each other is not pleasing to the eye.

In the process of practice, the two gathered a group of people around, each led a group of swordsmen around, and began a battle.

The old turtle can still stop, but not long after, the strength of the two has surpassed the old turtle, and both of them have moved out of the banner of Sun Hao, the old turtle can only close one eye. Eyes.

For the whole millennium, the old turtle gradually realized that the Lingtianjian faction suffered a real bottleneck in the development of the next virtual. If you want to further develop, it is either divided into two or the sword and the sword are combined into one.

Ji Rudong and Ji Xiangnan are suspected of the reincarnation of the sword of the Excalibur. The struggle between the two is actually to determine the development direction of Lingtianjian.

How do you say that the two boys are pulling their own tiger skin and fighting hard. In fact, it is the strength of Ling Tianjian’s own power, and its own savings. In a sense, it is the time to kill Lingtianjian.

The development of Ling Tianjian has already encountered obstacles. Has it surpassed the scope of the virtual sect?

Sun Hao looked at the four monks who stumbled in the air, and then glanced at the Lingtianjian faction. Those thousands of thousands of monks in the battle suddenly raised a feeling of glory.

The general trend of the world, the long-term must be combined for a long time.

Everything is very bad.

In the past, Sun Hao did not have personal experience, but nowadays, seeing the situation of Ling Tianjian, Sun Hao suddenly has a feeling that no matter what height he is now raising to the human race.

It is very likely that when you leave, the Terran will be extremely prosperous.

In fact, the two camps that Xuan Honghong deliberately created to divide the autumn are very similar to the current situation of Ling Tianjian.

The difference is that you are still in the middle of the emptiness, and you can make the Chinese imaginary people develop according to their own will.

But what if you are not in the middle? Who can dominate the development direction of the Zhongxu people?

Even if it is a few of his own disciples, is it not a piece of iron? The old-fashioned monks of the double-faced witch **** and the blood-stained king are not very close to their disciples.

Now that the Terran is united, what will happen after waiting for their own ruin?

Perhaps, the glorious dynasty that he has built up, the grandiose human race that he has built up, will take a long time to fall apart.

So, is there a way to solve this problem?

Sun Hao sat on the knees of the sword lotus, looking at the sky long time no way.

After a long time, Sun Hao sighed with a long sigh, and said in his mouth: "Without the invincible world, it is difficult to manage the aftermath. After all, the children and grandchildren have their own children, and Fu Fu, I have a long time, it is difficult to manage the world, it is difficult to count In 10,000 years, I have won the foundation of ten thousand years, and eventually I can’t stop the time..."

Several monks called a ancestor.

Sun Hao stood up and laughed: "The world is not benevolent, and everything is a dog." The saint is not benevolent, and the people are walking dogs... Hahaha, why should I manage that wide? ”

Ji Rudong kneels on the ground and shouts: "My ancestor, I am wrong, you can't leave me alone, I will change it later..."

Ji Xiangnan was very difficult to get a consensus with his brother, and he also shouted: "Old ancestors, you can't care, Ling Tianjian is now riding a tiger, just wait for the ancestors to decide..."

Sun Hao shook his head and said in his mouth: "What is the trend of the general trend? What are you deciding? If you fight each other, it is difficult to distinguish between them. If you don't fight, then don't break up a proper or not. You are separated, Hahaha, Ling Tianjian faction, from now on, one divided into two, one 曰 Dongjian; one 曰 西剑, you two, each party, are considered to be my shackles, go, how to develop in the future, but also look at your own creation ......"

Sun Hao’s mouth whispered, and Shen Xiangjian came out of the air. A sword squatted down, and in the middle of Ling Tian Jianfeng, the huge Jianfeng should be cracked by the sword, and the sound of the bang was divided into two.

The sleeves are swayed, the agarwood sword hovering in the air, flying and dancing, oh... a series of sword shadows are shot into the Lingtianjian faction.

The sound of the thunder sounded, and the entire Lingtian sword was divided into two equal sides under the agarwood sword shadow. In the middle, it was a void, filled with the powerful sword of the agarwood sword.

Sun Hao said slowly: "Are you satisfied now?" rw

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