Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2433: Recollecting disciples

In Chongtiancheng, a distracted eager leaping out of the air, floating in the air, said with aloud: "I don't know which seniors are driving, and there is a long-awaited rush, and please let the predecessors come down."

Almost at the same time, the sky above the virtual battlefield, the highest and highest heaven, it seems to be above nine days, suddenly a huge nose, the big nose law in charge of the hero list appeared in the air, the mouth also said: "The friend, Going down again and again?"

The vision above the sky makes the virtual battlefield awe-inspiring.

Even those fearless wild animals, this moment seems to be quiet, quietly watching the sky.

Among the endless stars, the body of Sun Hao’s slenderness is looming, and his face has a faint smile. Sun Haolang said: “The Sun Yat-sen, the descendant of this family, is very happy in the present, and his heart is very gratified. The big nose bear is big, hahaha, it’s really long time..."

Above the sky, the big nose **** slammed his eyes sharply and screamed: "It turned out to be a human ancestors, disrespectful and disrespectful, rare and rare, and I didn't expect the ancestors to be so interested, actually ran to the virtual inspection, it was really imaginary. Fortunately, Xiong Da was entrusted by Zhong Xu, looking after the virtual battlefield, and asked the ancestors to give you more guidance."

The general fit and abilities are running down, the Bears Conference is unceremoniously escorting, and the powerful fit is running down, and the Bear Conference warns.

However, there are also some fits in the imaginary body that transcend the scope of Xiong Da’s management. For example, the ancestors of the ancestors in front of him are definitely not able to interfere with him.

If you get angry with this, you may not be able to eat it. If you don’t do it, you will be struggling, even if you are holding a hero, I am afraid it is not his opponent. The gossip, the powerful combination of the virtual and the powerful in this kid. More than a dozen lost in the hands!

What a horrible record! Xiong Da is really afraid to support the big, and quickly used a respectful tone, indicating that the next imaginary welcome to the immortal to inspect.

Sun Hao laughed happily and said in a loud voice: "The Taoist friend is kind, the Taoist guards the vain, the hard work is high, and I dare not teach, hahaha, I am also caused by interest, will not stay for a long time, the Taoist friend should continue to be Zhongqianwan The towns and towns keep the virtual, and maintain my peace and tranquility."

At this time, in the knowledge of Sun Hao, the sound of Luo Pengfei sounded up: "The big nose monk has my blood residue, it is my true demon monk, but his cultivation is quite high, and it is also used. The power of the hero is out of my blood control."

Sun Hao said in his heart: "Well, I have already guessed it. If I guessed it well, the reason why he would take the initiative to ask the town to keep the illusion is that it is to use the power of the hero to counter your influence, but now it is already fulfilled. ”

Luo Pengfei smiled and said: "If you are willing to add incense, it is easy to win this kid. After you take it, it will help me a lot."

Sun Hao faintly said: "Old devil, you forget it, you know that I am a human being, don't mention this matter again, you are not bad, this is a distraction and a blood, to your practice speed, as long as more Take a moment to stay on the building, you can make up for it, but don't take the opportunity."

Tao Tian said at this time: "I told you earlier, Aquilaria will not agree to do this, you have to try it..."

Luo Pengfei laughed and stopped talking, and Sun Hao’s knowledge calmed down.

Outside, the big nose bear suddenly felt the heart, as if an invisible shackle on his body suddenly dissipated at this moment, which plagued his own problems for many years, and suddenly faced the moment of Sun Hao, suddenly solved.

A little puzzled, the face of the big nose bear big face showed a surprise and maddening expression, that one of the gods and the law would agree with each other: "Thank you for the adults to help me solve the biggest problem in the practice, the supernatural powers are unparalleled. Power can be brought to the world, and Xiong Da admires it."

Xiong Da did not know what the specific situation was like. However, he knew that Sun Hao had to take the shot and solved the trouble that he could not entangle.

How did Sun Hao do it? He couldn’t see it at all. It was because of this that he felt more mysterious and felt incredible.

The same is a big fit, he has been plagued by this problem for many years. Until now, he still can't get rid of it, and the grandson of his grandson, Sun Sun, is just a stop in front of him, and he has not seen any magical powers. The problem in him has been cured.

Good life is strong, dissatisfied, no one can help, thank you Da En.

Sun Hao smiled lightly and said softly: "Get up, don't thank me, I suggest you continue to hold the heroes, and stay in the next five thousand years. At that time, there will naturally be no sequelae."

Xiong Daxin was convinced and said with a loud voice: "Thank you for being an adult, the adults are relieved, and Xiong Da is absolutely safe and secure. He is once again stationed in the eternal years to thank the adults for their kindness."

Sun Hao slightly decapitated: "That would be a hard friend."

At this time, in the city of Chongtian, the Yinpeng soldiers were kneeling on one knee, and under the leadership of the Scorpion Mausoleum, held up the silver sword in their hands and shouted loudly: "See the fragrant incense ancestors and meet the fragrant incense ancestors."

The distracting power of Chongtiancheng has also respectfully bent down deeply, and said in a loud voice: "I didn't expect that after ten thousand years, adults will still come to me, this is the blessing of my heavenly city." The fate, the adults have a good support for my sky, but I am a glory monk in the sky, and I also invite adults to enter the city."

In Chongtian City, most monks do not know who Aquilaria is.

But at this moment, I saw Sun Hao’s terrifying power and saw that the gods and gods that stood in Tianyu were all gods and gods, and naturally they could feel the powerful influence of Sun Hao.

Distracted by the ancestors, Chong Tiancheng cheered up and down: "Also invite adults to enter the city."

Sun Hao stood in the air, and said in his mouth: "Since the battle of Chongtiancheng, the Terran and the Chongtian and Long Ears have concluded a long-term and stable alliance. Not long ago, I led the tribes to lead the Qiang army. , expelling the undead protoss, recovering the vast territory of the imaginary, today, I will not go into the sky, here, I only hope..."

After a pause, Sun Hao continued to say: "I hope that the Terran and the Chongtian people will watch each other and friendship will last forever. I hope that the two generations will strengthen exchanges, learn from each other and make progress together."

The Chongtian tribe was slightly disappointed in the mind, but still agile, and said in a loud voice: "Thank you for the adults, I don't want to forget, the adults are relieved, the virtual people and the sacred people are good, the exchanges are there, the future. It will open a new chapter under the leadership of adults."

This distracting ability to speak is also a set of personal things.

Sun Hao nodded to him and expressed his approval.

In the end, Sun Hao turned his gaze to the direction of the Yinpeng Warrior, and said with aloud: "I didn't expect this seat to be seen after 10,000 You can also see Yinpeng Xiangxiang Tianyu, you are very good, not weak. This prestige, I hope that you can continue to maintain, and pass on the Yinpeng Tianjian era, making it a real blade of my humanity."

The Suiziling took the lead, and all the Yinpeng team monks shouted: "I will follow the adults, I will remember."

Sun Hao nodded with satisfaction and said to the Xunziling: "You have obtained some of my inheritance, and it is also my registered disciple. I hope that you can digest the light group carefully. After entering the virtual world, you can go to the holy land of the people and become naturalized." A pulse."

Zhaizi’s face was reddish and his mood was stirring. He said in a loud voice: “The disciple understands, thank you for the Master, and the disciple must not live up to the expectations of the Master, and strive to become a disciple of Shizun as soon as possible.”

The monks who did not know the identity of Sun Hao were already sighing that the scorpion of the scorpion was really good luck, and was actually accepted as a disciple by a fit and powerful ancestor.

Those who know Sun Hao’s identity, know that Sun Haoxiu is a combat force, and now a monk in the status of the illusory identity, suddenly look at the scorpion.

This kid, step into the sky!

Ancestral people. That is the true master of the virtual, the invincible existence.

This kid is a coincidence, and actually got the robes of the ancestors, it is a miracle in the miracle.

This is really luck, Hong Fu Qitian.

Sun Hao laughed and laughed, and the sky was gradually rising. Sun Hao’s body gradually disappeared into the sky with the stars. The distant Tianyu came from Sun Hao’s clear voice, and suddenly it was the sword. The chivalrous line of the population of Xian Taibai.

Zhao Kezhen Hu Wei, Wu Hook Frost Xueming; silver saddle as a white horse, like a meteor; ten steps to kill one person, a thousand miles do not stay; things went to the clothes, deep hiding and name...

In the Chongtian City, the monks shouted: "Gong Gong ancestors..." rw

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