Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2434: Xiaohong’s point of view

Recommend friends new book, martial arts cosmic foodie, the future of Star Wars.

After the virtual walk, the plan of Sun Hao’s heart gradually became complete.

The vain monk's reincarnation is very fast, the replacement of the monk is faster, and the imaginary now is not the future of the emptiness.

Originally, Sun Hao was going to knead the Chinese people into a group, forming a highly centralized unity, and concentrating on it, making people's great development and prosperity. After a virtual trip, Sun Hao suddenly knew, even if he planned again. Well, the management is wide, and there is a day when the time passes.

Perhaps the more you manage, the more unfavorable the future of the Terran.

What is best for yourself to be left to the Terran? Sun Hao began to think about such a question, what is the real foundation of the world?

The site is not, the territory is not, even if you give the Terran another sacred mountain, it is not estimated.

The inheritance is one. I remember that when I created his whole body, I got the blessing of the power of air transportation. That is to say, the inheritance created by myself is enough to form a sustained and long-lasting influence on the human race.

When the next scorpion battles against the scorpion, the exhibition should be the one that is passed down by oneself.

The Shenxiang College has already opened to the next virtual family.

Xunziling should be the outstanding descendant of Shenxiang College.

However, only inheritance, in fact, is not really the foundation of the long-lasting existence. If you really want to pass it on, it may still be a spiritual will.

However, the spiritual will is hard to say clearly. What do you need to do to make people understand and let people understand their spirit and will?

What kind of spirit and willingness can I leave behind to the descendants of the human race? These are all topics worthy of consideration and exploration for Sun Hao.

Or maybe, Sun Hao feels that he can completely ignore it, and according to his original plan, he can complete the layout of the Zhongxu people. The so-called children and grandchildren, Sun Fu, do so much?

Sun Haofei came up and returned to Zhongxu, but until Sun Hao returned to West Kunlun and returned to Kunxu Palace, he still could not get the corresponding answer.

Sun Hao feels that his spirit and character are in line with his nine major practice systems. It belongs to a more complex fusion. What needs to be left for the descendants of the human race, really needs serious thinking.

Back to the Kunxu Palace, sitting cross-legged, after a long time, Sun Hao recruited Xuanyuanhong.

Looking at the change compared with before, the eyes are still a little confused Xuanyuanhong, Sun Hao’s heart is filled with a touch of warmth. Over the years, Xuanyuan Red has quietly followed Sun Hao’s side and managed the management of Sun Hao for Sun Hao. The empty tower is a big event for Sun Hao.

It can be said that with Xuanyuanhong, Sun Hao has more practice time, and many things are Xuanyuanhong helping Sun Hao to check for missing.

After Xuanyuan Red came in, he smiled at Sun Hao.

The two people have the same mind. Basically, as long as there is any idea in Sun Hao’s mind, Xuanyuanhong will be able to perceive it immediately.

After perceiving the confusion of Sun Hao, Xuanyuan Red said with a light smile: "Huo, in fact, these things have been arranged by the people of leisure. Regarding the deeds of the people, the Aroma College has been educating and arranging a special The textbook, spread among the agarwood colleges, has been subtly affecting the descendants of the Terran."

Sun Hao slightly decapitated, said in his mouth: "This should be the result of your deliberation with the leisure and intellectual idiots. With your help, I am really a lot easier."

Xuanyuanhong grinned and said: "These are actually doing the grass. She is very concerned about these things. She tries every means to shape you into a real god-like figure. It is a bit overkill."

Sun Hao said awkwardly: "Hey? Is he also taking the opportunity to preach her teachings and organize her church?"

Xuanyuan Red nodded and said: "Yes, I feel that the Terran needs faith and needs worship. Therefore, she secretly developed the church and used you as the true God to absorb some members."

Sun Hao’s brow wrinkled and said: “I don’t advocate the development of the church on a large scale, nor do I want the Terran to develop fanaticism, which is a bit contrary to my ideals and original intentions.”

Xuanyuan's little face reveals a confused expression. He said in his mouth: "Sometimes, she went with her. Anyway, she can't really unify everyone's thoughts. One more organization is just more than one. A sect, only the daughter wants to play, let her go, let's say, we can't control them for a lifetime, and then, the grass is already big."

Sun Hao asked: "Isn't you still married?"

Xuanyuanhong sighed and said: "That girl, the horizon is high, saying that the world is undecided, why is it home, I see that he has repaired the gods, and Shouyuan is still far away, so there is no reminder."

Sun Hao’s eyes are awkward: “What is it like? What is the world’s overall situation? Now I am a native of the Spring and Autumn Period. Her son has become the co-owner of the world. How many races are using my family’s incense, how can she still not? Looking for a lover? It’s a lot of control."

Xuanyuan Red said in a confused way: "You have no use for my eyes. You have to tell the little ancestors yourself, can't I tie her into the cave?"

Sun Hao blows his beard and blinks his eyes. After half a ring, he found that he really didn't have a particularly good way. He allowed himself to cultivate the sky, and the means were unparalleled. In some places, it seemed to be powerful and nowhere.

Yes, it was originally for Xiaohong to give himself an idea, and the result was a problem that the second file could not solve.

Sun Hao, who thought he could do everything, suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Xuanyuan Red looked at a little depressed Sun Hao, whispered: "Hao, some things, in fact, we don't have to be too smart, it's hard to get confused, isn't it better?"

Sun Hao asked: "Can the human race be confused?"

Xuanyuan Red whispered: "How can you be confused? If you really understand it, it is not necessarily a good thing."

Sun Hao said a little, and asked in his mouth: "Give an example to illustrate."

Xuanyuan Red took a look at his own wording and then said: "Hao, do you think that a race is a good point of thought, or is it stubborn?"

Sun Hao thinks and says: "It should still be better to liberate the mind. After all, stubborn thinking means that you don't understand the flexibility, which means that the mind is rigid. Such a race is probably difficult to establish in the middle and longevity. ”

Xuanyuan Red whispered: "Yes, Ideological liberation is better, then I told you that if you want to liberate, you will probably encounter some problems that you can't think of. For example, you can't use your spirit. Take control of everything, you can't use your will to influence the situation, or else you will ban people's thoughts."

Sun Hao nodded slightly and understood the meaning of Xuanyuanhong.

Xuanyuanhong told Sun Hao on the side that he could pass on some spiritual will to the Terran, and he could leave some useful wealth to the Terran, but he could not force the Terran monks to be the same In that case, the Terran may be really dangerous.

Sun Hao is still answering this question.

Xuanyuan said in his red mouth: "Hao, I will ask you a question again. Is a race a good faith? Or is it better to be honest?"

Sun Hao has always been a model of honesty and integrity. He immediately said: "Nature is to talk about honesty, and people don't believe in it. Is there any problem with this?"

In Xuanyuan's red eyes, he also flashed his fascination and said in his mouth: "So what I want to tell you is that if a race advocates emancipating the mind, then it is very likely that it will breed all kinds of behaviors that are not honest."

Sun Hao stayed: "Emancipating the mind and stressing integrity should not be the opposite?"

Xuanyuan Red shook his head: "It's not the opposite, but it's a bit of a singularity. Liberating the two words is a broken meaning. It means to break the inherent thinking. In good faith, there is a solid one. The meaning, that is, the need to stick to certain rules..."

Xuanyuanhong did not finish, Sun Hao has thoroughly understood what she meant.

In reality, if the idea of ​​race is very open, then all kinds of thoughts will appear, and many of them will break the inherent thinking. Honesty requires everyone to operate according to certain norms. Naturally, there are some contradictions.

Then, Sun Hao is puzzled. Is it necessary to liberate? Still speaking honesty, telling the rules?

After a long time, Xuanyuan Red said leisurely: "I have also thought about this issue for a long time. The final conclusion is that we need to allow these various contradictions to exist. As a race, what we need is to find a balance among them. ......"

Nothing is absolute, isn't it? Sun Hao fell into meditation.

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