Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2435: Motivated

Recommend friends new book, martial arts cosmic foodie, the future of Star Wars.

When the inherent thinking of a race severely constrains the development of race, it is necessary to strongly encourage the release of racial thoughts.

And when the thinking of a race is too arrogant, it is time for everyone to talk about the rules.

Xuan Honghong's arguments and thoughts, Sun Hao knows instantly, that is, everything needs to be divided into two, and you need to find a balance point among them.

On the road to the development of the human race, it is best to set it up so that it can be more appropriate.

Then some of my thoughts and strategies in the virtual world need to be properly adjusted. Sun Hao talked with Xuanyuanhong for a while, and his heart gradually became clear.

In the past, Sun Hao only paid too much attention to the roots of the human race. The direction was somewhat idealized. Now, with a realistic and realistic approach, the direction is gradually clear.

Hao Anyi should be the most powerful man of the Terran. When he broke away, he left the West Kunlun. The purpose should be to let the people divide and rule, that is, intentionally caused the competition of the Terran.

In fact, over the years, the Terran has relied on this approach, and it has indeed developed steadily for many years.

There are also male and female witches, and the essence is also a system of mutual restraint and mutual balance. Among the undead gods, it is simply the nine protoss that are comparable and mutually balanced.

That is to say, in fact, these races have experienced long-term practice in the process of development, and this has gradually formed a management style that is beneficial to their own race, and they can learn from one or two.

Originally, Sun Hao planned to put things together in Kunlun. I believe that with his own ability and prestige, no one can dare to oppose the monks of the Kunlun Mountains. At that time, the Terran can be twisted into a rope and develop.

After careful consideration, and after the exchange between Wu Chuanglang and Zhizai, Sun Hao decided to keep the original framework of the Kunlun Mountains and the East. The Terran monks still divided into two camps, each of which was in politics and cooperated with each other.

Of course, as a new generation of human ancestors, and it is still the kind of ancestors who have a rare history and the highest in the world, Sun Hao may not have some arrangements and deployment.

It is still necessary to do it, and it must be done better.

After arranging some things, Sun Hao quietly stayed in the Kunxu Palace for a few years. Relatively speaking, these years are the days when Sun Hao was in his life, a rare and relatively comfortable day.

In these years, Sun Hao did not run around, just drinking tea in the Kunxu Palace to read books, plus practicing meditation, accompanying his own Taoist companions, accompanying his children, and a family, it is also fun.

After Xiaozhu’s departure, his seemingly small fire completely took on the responsibility of Xiaozhu. He worked diligently every day, worked hard, and followed Sun Hao’s side to take care of Sun Hao’s life.

She is a person with no ambition. Sun Hao is in this state most suitable for her ideals. As long as she is next to Sun Hao and can see the way Sun Hao reads, she can feel good every day.

Sun Hao does not have too many management of Terran. Under the ingenious arrangement of Xuanyuanhong, East and West Kunlun are still opposite. Wushanglang and Zhiyan each manage one side, represent different interest groups, and fight against each other. Each has its own development.

Of course, Sun Hao arranged some tasks for them, and they all did their best and did a good job.

In order to balance the strength of the Kunlun Mountains, Sun Hao also released his own criminal sorcerer, let him go to the East Kunlun for good fortune.

In fact, Sun Hao is also a little afraid that the blood-scarred witch who is not shy and swearing really ran out to play wild food, or to keep his own territory.

The days are flying fast in this state.

It is getting closer and closer to the date agreed with Hao Anyi.

When Sun Hao’s time was gone, only the last five hundred years left, Sun Hao ended his leisure life. On this day, Sun Hao put down his book and looked at the fire with a faint smile: Small fire, let's go."

The little fire body that was giving Sun Hao’s shoulders shook slightly, and whispered in his mouth: “Brother, are you leaving? How good is this life?”

Sun Hao smiled lightly: "A decade and a hundred years is a lifetime, but the millennium can be a lifetime. In order to be able to live for a long time, the brother needs to constantly climb and needs to go higher and further."

The small fire lowered his head and whispered: "I understand, I will be single-minded and always follow my brother."

Sun Hao smiled and touched her ordinary face, and a whistling in her mouth, her body vacated.

Almost at the same time, in the direction of East Kunlun, there was a violent roar in the sorcerer's day, and the body appeared on the East Kunlun.

It is not completely unprepared over the east and west Kunlun.

Wu Chuanlang and Zhizai have already led many monks in the air, and the two holy places of the Terran, the Ten Masters of the Terran, and other high-ranking monks have already arrived, waiting for Sun Hao to appear.

East and West Kunlun are far apart.

However, after the rise of the Terran monks, the East and West Kunluns have formed a powerful momentum.

The two momentums are relatively distant, like two giants, glaring at each other, no one is convinced.

Sun Hao’s vacancy is the result of the withdrawal from the two momentums. Two powerful and incomparable momentums converge on Sun Hao’s deity and punishment.

The whistling sound, the roaring sound, is integrated into the air.

The deities of Wu Tian and Sun Hao met in the air and merged into one. The East and West Kunlun seemed to be at the same time. Two powerful momentums were condensed on Sun Hao’s body and turned into a powerful pillar of the sky. Go straight into the void.

Over the vast territory of the Terran, the powerful momentum is like a bright lighthouse in the sky above the various virtual domains.

The vast family of the people, the masters who have been trained to reach a certain level are all shocked, jumped from the place of practice, and looked at the direction of the Chinese people in the distance.

The human race is very prosperous, and the trend of a single big one has already taken shape. The Zhongxu Wanzu, who is the opponent, is a spur of the sky, representing the Qiyun of the Terran, representing the fighting power of the Terran.

The ancestors of Shen Xiang, brought the Chinese imaginary people to a new height. For hundreds of years, the Terran has already ordered the world in the real sense.

If there is any unresolved thing in any race, as long as the joints of the Terran are opened, things can often be solved. Which race encounters the difficulty of destroying the tribe, as long as the human race is shot, it can be settled immediately.

The Terran has become the real boss of Zhongxu, and the Terran has become a law enforcement team that maintains the continuation of the illusion.

Whoever dares not to accept, whoever fights, offends the Terran only one end, the genocide or is enslaved.

In the era of ignorance and aroma, it is the age of the human race.

I don't know what kind of big moves the Terran will make this time. Look at this power and watch it. It will definitely not be weak.

It should be a few hundred years of people who did not show up, Shen Xiangxiang appeared again ready to display earth-shattering means.

I don’t know what the ancestors are doing.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao and Kunlun swept away, the momentum of the human race fell into the eyes, seeing those high-powered monks, seeing the calm army and soldiers, Sun Hao’s face burst into a bright smile .

The development of the human race for many years has already solidified a very strong foundation in its own hands. It can be said that after 10,000 years of ruin, the lineup of the monks of the Zhongxu people will not be too weak. In these years, the Terran The opponent can only be the Terran himself.

Today, on the west of Kunlun, the floating monk is Xia Qingyu. Her side has some high-ranking monks, such as Daewoo, Zhu Dezheng, Wu Chuanglang, Xia Chuan, Xiaoyu Feitian, etc. The weak 涫涫 and other grandchildren of Sun Hao.

Interestingly, as far as the top monks are concerned, the ones who really stand on the side of Xia Qingyu are actually the ones in the East Kunlun side.

Headed by West Kunlun, it is Xuanyuanhong.

Her side, standing Xuanyuan Xiaolong, Yi Lu Denghuo, Zhiqiu, Luo charm, double-sided dirty king, **** king, killing Lu Lushan, Miha and other monks, Linger and other Sun Hao's Taoist also stood here One side.

The strength of the monks on both sides is roughly the same, and they all have a very strong lineup. The monks on either side can be supported by other races and can support a huge territory.

Standing still, standing in the air.

Sun Hao said with a clear voice: "Dear friends, the Holy Land of the Terran, starting today, welcome all the friends to observe..."

The Terran and Kunlun monks are empty and kneeling, and their mouths are cheering loudly: "See the ancestors."

In the middle of the imaginary, the monks who watched the human race in different directions, the voices of Sun Hao were clearly heard in the ears of everyone.

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