Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2481: Sweeping the battlefield

Those who are weaker, the most hopeful is that they will have enough luck in the early stage of the battle to meet a large team and become one of them. At the very least, their battle order will not be too low.

Only two monks will be alone in the theater.

One is Dandan Awu, a monk who understands and does not know the hidden rules of the theater. Relatively speaking, such a monk is rare, because most of the disciples who participated in the combat test basically have several friends. They are all concerned about how to achieve better results in the theater.

Dandan Awu is a special.

There is also a kind of real-powered lone ranger. The strength of the monks is higher than that of other disciples. Even if they encounter a siege, they will have the confidence to break out. Such monks are also disdainful and warm.

For example, the medicinal repair of the fifth war zone of Gongshan, the proud Shama song, the first master of the tribute to the outside of the medicine, was alone in the fifth theater, and did not put other monks in the eye.

For example, the mysterious sensation of Ji Yong, also in the sixth theater of loneliness, has nowhere to go without a trace.

Within the eighth theater, in addition to Dandan Awu, the lone traveler, is also developing in accordance with the rules of ordinary foreign disciples.

Rough Najiajing Bu appeared in the eighth theater, and with his own appeal, in a short period of time, he also organized seven or eight monks, forming a team with considerable strength.

According to the normal development model, such a team can roll the snowball generally, and as long as it reaches the scale of about 50 monks, it can basically sweep the entire theater.

Najiajing Bu is also full of expectations for this external entrance exam, and the start is good. If he does not have a good chance this time, he will have a good chance to advance into the inner door.

Of course, if you want to become a core disciple, the difficulty will be quite great. Unless you can get more than one hundred disciples nameplates and swept a few theaters again, it is basically impossible.

With a good mood, Naga Wells led the team forward and quickly advanced.

In theory, the monks who have been caught by their own team at this time will wisely choose to join the team, develop together, and warm up.

The idea of ​​Najiajingbu is good, but he never imagined that at this moment, in the eighth theater, there is a monk who understands and does not follow the common sense.

After killing three monks in succession, Dandan Awu felt completely unstressed, and felt that this confrontation had no exercise effect on himself. After the departure, Dandan Awu said to the small medicine: "Small medicine, look Can I find a few more monks at a time, or find a few monks with a decent strength? These are too weak to test my fighting strength."

The small drug is responsive, and immediately positioned her in a direction.

Still coming from the bandits, when I arrived at the ground, I suddenly found out that this time the small medicine really found a group of big fish for myself, and the eight monks were accompanied by each other, and the strength was powerful.

In the bottom of the earth, Dandan Awu is a bit dumbfounded, and he wants to find a few more monks with a small medicine. Now it’s good, find seven or eight, and still don’t fight?

After thinking for a long time, Dandan Awu silver teeth bite, the heart said to fight, but if you can not beat, you are a bandit to escape.

The mind quickly calculated the combat plan, and Dandan Awu started to act.

On the ground, Naga Wells said to the monks around him a little puzzled at this time: "Strange, how do I feel that someone is peeking at us?"

Depending on the nature of the body's elixir, the drug repair will have the ability to fight different kinds of wars. The inductive power of Najiajing Bu has always been sharp, similar to the current situation, if it is not detected, it can not find abnormal conditions. It is rare to appear.

A monk around him said awkwardly: "Boss, do you want more? With the strength of our team, some people dare to peek into it? If it is someone who peeks, what can it do? Can it jump out? Can't you shoot us?"

Nagai’s face showed a smile on his face, and he said in his mouth: “That’s also, in the eighth theater, exactly, even if it’s the whole tribute, there is someone who can take me? Even if It’s Shama’s song, don’t dare to stand up and pull the wrist with me.”

When the words were not finished, the team’s sky suddenly became dark.

Najiajingbu reacted very quickly, and his mouth screamed: "Who is making a ghost, give it to me"

The palm of the hand was erected, and in the air, Nagajing Bu flew out.

The aoki wood vines above the sky shook a few times, and actually took the palm of Nagari, and still covered it down.

Najiajing Bu stayed, and said how can this be?

In fact, this moment, not only Najiajing Bu, other monks around him also responded very quickly to the vine giant network in the air to attack the past, trying to defeat this strange strange network.

Unfortunately, the real-name attribute of the strange network is too tough, and all the attacks are coming on it, as if the effect is not great.

Everyone was shocked, and there was no way out between the electric and the Flint, and they were firmly covered by the vines.

Then, a huge wooden stake hit the monk who was surrounded by the big net.

咚咚咚 All the monks caught in the big net have encountered heavy hammer hits.

The huge stakes rushed out of the ground, rushing out from the side, and slammed into the middle.

All the monks reacted in an instant, and they were actually attacked by people. They used their means to escape and fled in all directions.

Even Naga Wells had to flee in an instant. Who knows, the powerful impact of the sharp swords, there is no help but the giant net made by the vines.

The monks left and right, but they could not escape the vines. Seven or eight monks, none of them escaped from the vine cages that seem to be not particularly large, and the cages of the real yuan are too strong!

The huge impact force made the monks in the cages scream incessantly, and the monks, including the most powerful Naga Wells, were smashed with blood.

The three weaker monks were the first to stand up. After a few heavy blows, the body could not maintain the human form, turned into a body, swayed and fell to the ground, turned into a elixir, and began a long self. repair.

Nagari’s heart thought quickly, who is this? Who is this? Is it so powerful? I don’t have the power to fight back, although I’m not reconciled, but he also knows that if he doesn’t make a decision, he will suffer the same situation as the previous monks.

With one hand throwing, Nagajingb threw out his own theater card and shouted in his mouth: "I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

Almost at the same time, the other two monks also reluctantly threw out their own war zone cards, shouting and admitting, and the remaining monks, but failed to reflect, have been like the first three, have been defeated by the students, and turned into prototypes. , fell to the ground.

Above the sky, the light flashed and the greenwood cage disappeared.

The wooden stakes around it disappeared.

Nagarjingb was relieved a little, and he said that he had met a more regular monk. Otherwise, he was likely to be prototyped this time.

A long breath exhaled, Nagajing Bu flew out and swept around the gods. Just caught a small, completely strange monk, the rules of the theater fell on him and directly excluded him.

Standing awkwardly in the defeated area, I swept around and saw a lot of dejected monks. Naga Wellbu reluctantly found out that his dream was completely empty. Can you continue to stay in the tribute? Don't mention anything to enter the inner door.

Staying on the spot, Nagari’s heart kept thinking, who is she? I have never heard of Gong Gong, there is such a monk who is so powerful to such a metamorphosis!

At this time, there was a monk who shouted in disbelief and shouted: "Naga It is actually Nagar Well, wow, he was actually eliminated, what happened?"

Naga Wells suddenly felt a fever on his face and killed the heart of the loud monk!

If you are not careful, it’s a shame! Damn, who is she? How could it be so powerful?

After killing eight monks, it seems that there is still no effort, Dandan Ao is a bit confused. Can you say that the monks you encountered are weak chickens, are some small guys not?

Otherwise, how can you not fight this way?

After a while, Dandan Awu showed a small drug seedling and said in his mouth: "Small medicine, we continue, try to run to many places, and meet more people, and we will meet several strong monks." Let's go

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