Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2482: Sweeping the battlefield (2)

Chapter 2482 sweeps across the battlefield (2)

Try to run to a place where there are more monks? The small medicine said that it understood and began to sense the surrounding situation.

According to the request of Dandan Awu, very soon, the drug also designated a direction, Dandan Awu quickly rushed over to the past.

In the eighth theater, Dandan Awu, who had been killed in a place with a lot of people, suddenly appeared in a battle that made Nami a long and sorrowful smile.

Within this theater, if any monk wants to organize a team, it will not be possible. At most, the size of the team of seven or eight monks will be reached. Dandan Awu has been under the guidance of small drugs. Three times and five divisions, the battle was resolved, and any attempt to warm up the group became a bamboo basket.

At the same time as the emergence of a different battle in the eighth theater, the other war zones of Gongshan Yaoshan have already had a very distinct battle. Many high-powered monks have come to the fore and gradually dominated the overall situation of the theater.

Shama Qubi annihilated a team of ten people in the fifth theater, which has defeated many monks in a strong way. Now he has got a lot of battlefield nameplates, and the domineering show of the first master of Gongshan’s foreign disciples is revealed.

Jue Jiyong was the real killer, and there was no trace of it. The sneak attack killed many monks and got a lot of nameplates in the theater.

Huang Li Heib organized a powerful team of more than forty people. He pushed the seventh battle zone all the way, and got a lot of nameplates in the war zone. However, what Huang Lihei did not think was that many monks in the seventh theater actually started spontaneously. Condensed, but also formed a team of monks with weak strength. In the seventh theater, they started confrontation with Huang Li Heib, so that Huang Lihei could not easily get it.

In the various theaters of the various medicine mountains of the entire Antoine, a battle was completely erupted at this time. The disciples in each theater were joined together in a row, and they fought for their future repairs.

The high-powered monks also stand out in this battle and become a dazzling star.

Ba Mo picked up and synthesized it as a tribute to Yaoshan. In addition to one of the most powerful medicinal repairs in Shama, he was in the first battle zone of Gongshan Yaoshan, and instantly gathered a hundred monks to form a powerful force. The autumn wind sweeps the leaves and sweeps across the first theater.

At present, the first theater has not been rebellious to be ruled by Ba Mo, and his hand-named nameplate has reached two hundred, with the qualification to cross the theater.

Antotten’s outside disciples test time lasted for three days. According to the previous routine, the first day was usually the battle within the drug mountain. On the second day, some powerful monks could fight across the drug mountain. On the third day, Some particularly powerful warriors can break the barriers of Xianfeng and participate in the hegemony of the full totem.

According to different performances, outside disciples can also receive different treatment after the assessment.

Those who can fight across the region and achieve certain results can basically enter the ranks of Yaoshan inner disciples.

Being able to break through the barriers of this drug mountain and participate in the battle between the entire Xianfeng, then this disciple may become the core disciple of Xianfeng.

A monk who can break through the barrier of Xianfeng and enter the whole totem, will inevitably become the core disciple of this peak, and there is also a great possibility to become the core disciple of the main peak of the totem.

In a word, the better the performance of the foreign disciple's assessment, the higher the status will be. Bamo picks up this way. There is only one hour of war, and the monk who has obtained the nameplate of two hundred theaters is really rare. Ah, the strongest Shama music in Yaoshan is a lot worse.

It is also said that Bamo Geng has successfully advanced into the ranks of the inner disciples and became the first disciple to advance.

The list of the tribute drug mountain power index, the name of Ba Mo pick up, the high, the number of the nameplate of the two hundred theaters is also amazing.

A drug is repaired in a war zone, but it can be obtained, but at most, there are only two hundred battlefield nameplates valid, and more, no statistics.

The order of the monks, such as Shama Qubie, Huang Li Heib, and Jue Ji Yong, is also quite high. In the top ten war zones of Gongshan, there are basically monks with relatively prominent performance in each theater.

The most surprising thing is the eighth theater.

The seed master of this theater, Najiajing Bu, has already been eliminated. The most powerful monk has become a monk with a reputation that is not known, but a famous monk Dandan Awu!

Not to say that Dandan Awu practiced alchemy spent a long time, so the strength is not a minor, is it a minor monk? How did you get this look like this? How did she go to the first place in the eighth theater? Although she was not ranked in the top five in the overall ranking of the combat power index, but she was exposed to the outside, this has already shocked everyone's attention.

Especially the monks who know Dandan Awu, such as Yuhe, can insert a duck egg in his mouth at this time, isn't it, Ai's sister's fighting power is so strong?

But Awu’s sister really looks like a minor drug repair! What went wrong?

The most depressing, or Najiajing Bu, after coming out, from the refreshed list of the strength index, he knows who is expelling himself from life! Not who is Dandan Awu?

What kind of guess is the other person's judgment, and what kind of judgment is made by others, Naga Well does not know, Naga Well Bu does not explain anything about this matter.

But inside, Nagari has a kind of dark mind, let you guess, let you think that it is an accident, relying on it, it is not necessarily the opponent of the little girl.

You are watching my jokes now, and you will know that, in fact, Grandma’s, it’s simply that the strength gap is too big and there is a hammer that is funny.

Dandan Awu and other monks, the speed of obtaining the power index is indeed very bad, on the one hand naturally because she is a lone ranger, on the other hand, it is precisely the merit of this guy.

Is Dandan Awu not going to let the small medicine find more people to kill? The small drug was executed very thoroughly, often carrying Dandan Awu in the eighth theater, wherever people go.

This small drug does not calculate the distance, nor does it calculate the killing efficiency. It is a place to find people to kill. As a result, Dandan Awu runs all the time, not from the east to the west. Is killing from the north to the south...

This long-distance attack process can be highly efficacious.

Fortunately, Dandan Awu's strength is enough. After each rush to the ground, it doesn't take long to end the battle. Therefore, the combat power index is also rising steadily. Although he failed to enter the top five of Gongshan, he also entered. The top ten.

Such achievements have also shocked many people. How can people who are familiar with Dandan Awu yell? It feels weird.

Huang Li black scorpion, Anbu floor clothing and so on a little incredible feeling, but they clearly remember, the day the little girl, when faced with their pressure, is so pitiful, plus at a loss!

They couldn't connect this little test, Dan Dan Awu, who dazzled the stars, to the little girl of that day.

The difference between the front and the back is simply too big for people to believe.

High peak, An Amu whispered: "Only eight stars and eight? Sure enough, gold will eventually shine, can suppress my monks in flying kites and erect eggs, after all, will not be ordinary, Antotem, fear is The wind is rising..."

Bamo picked up the first to start a cross-regional battle.

The inner disciple is not his ultimate goal. His minimum plan is to rush out of Gongshan and become the core disciple of Nami Peak!

Which theater is chosen as your second battlefield? I thought about Bamo picked up the goal and finally targeted the eighth or the sixth theater. The seed players in these two theaters are familiar with each other. Nagar Wells must have gathered a lot of strength. However, he should not die with himself, you can choose.

Jue Jiyong’s sixth war zone is also a good choice. The kid is a lone ranger and will not bother with hard work. In the past, he should be able to pull up the team and pass the game quickly.

After thinking a little, Bamo picked up a choice that made him happy for a lifetime. He picked the sixth battle zone and started the first cross-regional battle of Gongshan.

The monks within the theater do not know their own theater rankings, nor do they know the fighting situation in each district. Everything needs to be judged by themselves. At this time, a correct choice is crucial.

Shortly after Bamo picked up the first cross-region, other powerful monks gradually completed their own mission within the theater and began to choose cross-regional battles.

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