Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2490: Drug family

In other words, before Dandan Awu was encountered, that is, before Dandan Awu was encountered in the office, Huang Li Heib felt that his outside disciples' career was actually a little mixed.

Mix everywhere, bully and bully the younger brother and sister, and swindle and swindle to steal some resources. The position of the outside entrance exam is to stay in the outer door, and to become an inner disciple in the future, that is a good thing.

The office encountered Dandan Awu as a turning point in his life. Originally, Huang Lihei thought that the Anbu floor was the biggest gain in his own event, and thus he became the ambition of becoming an inner disciple.

The effect is not bad, and I have changed from a mix to become an elite monk with some appeal.

Really arrived in the theater, after the start of the battle, Huang Li Heb was almost driven out of the battlefield, only one step away from the goal, Dandan Awu appeared.

That, Dandan Awu's body, a strong air!

Dandan Awu, a strong and terrifying strength, Huang Li black cloth suddenly found that in the incident of the church, Yuhe is his real harvest, Wangfu!

With the help of Yuhe Wangfu, he got the help of Dandan Awu, which is called a flying sky!

If you are not careful, you will enter the Nami War Zone!

Now, it’s a careless attempt to enter the Antoine Total War Zone. It’s not just that you’ve gotten into it. It’s even more ridiculous, even your own younger brother, because he’s tight with himself, he’s also brought to the total theater. .

At this moment, the real masters of Gong Ya Yaoshan, what Shama songs, Bamo pick up, at this time must be carefully and fearfully search for enemies within the theater, try to attack!

After two battles, the three men won a total of thirty-three battlefield nameplates, and after each ten, there were three balances.

Wu Meng An Zhuo took the ten battlefield nameplates he had assigned, and said in his mouth: "When the black cloth brother, Hou battlefield, you decisively stayed waiting for the Awu sister, it is still the most correct choice, I was almost at that time. It is recommended that we follow the big team to mix together. Now it seems that you are still a big vision of the **** cloth."

Huang Li black cloth grin: "Looking forward to a hammer, do you think that I will do the kind of misintegration? Awu helped us into the war zone, but we are not waiting for her, this is not my character, I This is called good intentions and good news..."

The three men completed the strategic mission of the Great War Zone, and did not continue to stay here, and they walked easily to the transfer area.

I haven't arrived at the delivery area yet. On the top of Dandan Awu's head, the small medicine gently swayed a few times and crossed the arc in the air to remind Dandan Awu: "There was a war group that found us and is coming to us. Wrapped up..."

Dandan Awu’s face showed a very weird expression, and his mouth said: “Black Cloth, be careful, someone is eyeing us.”

Huang Li black cloth touched his head and said: "No, we have completed the task. At this time, there are still people who are going to die, Awu, or else we will clean them up, who will let them not grow their eyes. What about it?"

Dandan Awu knows the surrounding terrain and says: "The other party decides that we can't pass the transmission array, so there is no monk over there, we want to force us into the vicinity of the transmission array to kill, forget it, don't follow them. In the past, we passed it in the past."

Huang Li black cloth nodded, said in his mouth: "Ang Zhuo, go, come on, don't get caught, Awu, or you break it."

Awu nodded.

Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng Ang Zhuo ran and ran away in the direction of the transmission array. Dandan Awu followed, more than a foot slower than the two, and also flew away.

There were a total of 19 drug repairs in the package. When the other side wanted to run, they suddenly rushed out from the hidden state, followed by the three people, and rushed in from several directions.

The small medicine circled on the top of Dandan Awu, and the branches and leaves were erected, showing a strong sense of fighting. The spirit fluctuations were expressed: "Awu, these guys don't know how to live, you give them a trick, ice or Thunder, or a storm, can be, keep them in the water..."

Dandan Awu was shocked. The tricks of the small medicines were all big kills. Once they were thrown away, it is estimated that those who chased them could not run.

Helplessly shaking his head, Dandan Awu said: "Small medicine, these people have been cleaned up, and it has no effect, don't waste effort."

The small medicine leaves are shaken, and the air is hovering, revealing a spiritual fluctuation, expressing their own meaning: "In fact, after these medicines are repaired back to the original shape, they are very rare elixir, but they can be closed. Alchemy..."

The meaning of the small drug was not expressed. Dandan Awu’s heart was already furious, almost roaring. Dandan Awu expressed his feelings of anger, and his heart screamed: “Small medicine, shut up, as medicine Repair, itself is the body of the elixir, I am also Dan Dan, then you are not going to take me back to the original shape, take alchemy?"

The small medicine smashed in the air, revealing the grievances of the silk, and shook his body and said: "How could it be, how could I hurt Awu, I just said it."

Dandan Ao’s heart calmed a little, and once again conveyed his will: “Remember, small medicine, we can take herbal medicine, or take the medicine to make alchemy, but in any case, this has a basic rule, then That is, all the elixir that achieves the above-mentioned ruthlessness, I, Dandan Awu, will not take them to alchemy in this life, but it is a real grasshopper, and it is evil!"

The small drug seems to understand and understand, and the air accompanied Dandan Awu while flying fast, while saying that he knew it, and will not be in the future.

Dandan Ai’s heart sighed long and said to the little medicine: “Small medicine, you have a lot of magic in your body, all five things, all four are prepared, the medicine is strong, you think, if you are not in the medicine family, If it has become a ruthless material, it has become my life-threatening medicine. What do you think will happen after you fall into the hands of other ethnic monks?"

The small drug swings in the air, indicating that he does not know.

Dandan Awu long sighed: "The drug family is medicine, you will become a good, peerless medicine, and it will be squandered with high prices, and then it will be used to dispense medicine, alchemy, the final result, then It’s just that there’s no bones, and it’s been made into a panacea.”

Being refined into a panacea? ! The small medicine shook a few times in the air, and did not show my fearful expression in good faith.

But right away, the small medicine also said that Dan Dan Awu was crying and laughing: "Au, when you are alchemy, you will throw me into the Dan furnace and refine it! I feel so comfortable with me, I feel like this to me. Very important, I feel relieved, I will not be corrupted..."

I hope that I will be used to take the elixir of alchemy. It is estimated that the sky is underground, and this is a small drug! Dandan Awu’s heart was filled with a smile.

However, at the same time, Dandan Awu is also judging. Perhaps, if he refines his small medicines, he will be able to better exercise the fire resistance of small medicines. Maybe one day, in the future, he and the small medicine will be caught by the alien monks. If you live, you can take advantage of the resistance to alchemy.

The medicinal family is a mouth-watering race. Many aliens, such as the Terran, such as the Morgans and some of the most wicked monks, will secretly kill the drug repair, catch it and return it to the original shape and use it for alchemy.

Every year, there are a lot of medicines lost for this reason.

If it is not the power of the drug god, if it is not a drug-stricken drug family to fight down a relatively stable, relatively safe territory, the medicinal monks who lost their lives may be more.

Legend has it that many foreign monks have an endless stream of means, and there are all kinds of techniques of alchemy. Any elixir is in their hands, and it is difficult to escape the fate of refining. Because of this reason, when the medicinal monk's strength is not strong, he rarely leaves the pharmacy territory to go to the activity.

Even if the strength is high, the transitional robbery period, the drug family monk who completed the life transition, will go out and try to cover up his own feet after going out, not letting people discover that their own body is a perennial elixir.

Medicine family is medicine! This is the reality of the pharmacy!

While communicating with the small drug, Dandan Awu followed the yellow calendar black cloth and Wu Mengang Zhuo, and stunned, like a panic, flew away to the transmission array.

Huang Li Heib first stood on the transmission array and started the array. He sighed in his mouth: "Like Awu, I am not afraid of others catching up with the dead monks. It is really too little..."


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