Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2491: Totem war

Antoine up and down, the biggest event at present is the foreigner disciple.

Compared with the past, this small test has a huge difference.

In the past, the foreigner disciples will also have some talented characters, but they are often single-minded geniuses.

For example, the genius of alchemy, such as the genius of potential stars, for example, the strongest genius in actual combat.

Usually, these three geniuses will not coincide, and each will have its own owner.

But this time the quiz, but turned out to be a generation of characters, from obscurity, to the radiant, bright eyes, is so easy to complete.

Dandan Awu, a small test, has let Antog up and down no one knows, no one knows.

This little girl is really amazing.

Alchemy, in the process of the small test, directly advanced, step into the sky, become the master of alchemy!

The master of alchemy is enough to become a peak of the new existence! This is enough to mark the past few exams, outstanding achievements, can be recorded in the history of the fierce results.

Under normal circumstances, monks who practice hard alchemy will be slightly inferior in their ability to repair their strength or potential.

The purpose of hard training alchemy should be to improve your cultivation environment!

If the number of potential stars is sufficient, it should be the hardship to fight. After all, for a monk, the combat power is always the first. Alchemy is stronger, and it is only a means of assisting cultivation.

Who knows, Dandan Awu, who released a big bomb, followed by another bomb!

After the alchemy test, the number of potential stars is eight stars! It is also the disciple of this year.

However, since then, everyone thought that Dandan Awu's surprise for everyone will stop here, because the information shows that Dandan Awu's repair is also like that, it is said that it is still a mature adult appearance.

That is to say, the repair of Dandan Awu is almost the existence of the bottom of all monks.

Everyone thinks that she should have nothing to do in the battle test, and it is very likely that even the basic test qualifications are difficult to obtain!

As a result, from the beginning of the battlefield rankings, Dandan Awu was in the top ten of Gongshan.

Moreover, it has also gone all the way, flying fast and tying the drug mountain, taking over the first, and with two younger brothers rushed into the Nami War Zone.

Nami in the war zone, good guys, other monks are still slowly tempting, no big-scale battles, Dandan Awu has led the two younger brothers again in a peerless posture, rampaged, took the lead to the total totem Theater.

Other medicine hills don't know the bottom of the yellow calendar black cloth and Wu Mengang Zhuo, Gong Yaoshan knows, who wants to tell people that Wu Meng An Zhuo can enter the total theater, can have the qualification of Nami core disciples, before today, Those who are familiar with him will definitely think it is a big joke.

But this happened like this, it is incredible.

Dandan Awu has achieved the greatest feat since the history of Antom, and the three tests have become the man of the three major tests.

It is said that many old monsters on the top of the totem have already taken the test of the outer door, waiting for the final result of the assessment, and Dandan Awu, who is likely to become a pro-disciple of the old totem of the totem, step into the sky.

In the battlefield of Nami, a warrior of a battle group chased after him, and forced the three monks of Dandan Awu into a dead corner, that is, the transmission area.

The transmission array can't be easily opened, unless you can get enough battlefield nameplates, so the warriors think that these three unlucky ones are dead this time.

Forced into the dead end, everyone was afraid that the dog jumped into the wall and began to slowly push up.

The little girl in the middle shook her head to everyone, as if it was helpless. The little medicine on the top of her head kept moving, as if it was very disdainful.

Just as the warriors kept approaching and saw that they could launch an attack, the little girl raised her hand and threw out three battlefield nameplates.

Is this the performance of admit defeat? The regiment monks caught the three battlefield nameplates and stopped pressing. After all, what everyone needs is the battlefield nameplate. All three have already accepted the defeat, so there is no need to kill them.

But at this time, some strange things happened to the warriors. The three monks were not excluded, and there was no such thing as a failure. Instead, they started the transmission array, and the white light flashed and sent away. .

How is this going? The warriors did not know that in fact, everyone had just turned around at the gate of the ghost, and the heart was still wondering, I don’t know how such a wonderful thing happened.

A monk suddenly said: "Don't you admit defeat in the transmission array, can you start the transmission?"

No one gave him the answer, he couldn't throw his nameplate and try it! This is a mystery anyway!

The battle mode of the total theater is different from that of the big theater. The core test concept of the total theater is to test the individual combat ability of the monks.

Therefore, there is no war zone in the total theater, and the monks who are sent in are also randomly transmitted. Even the monks of the same Yaoshan will be randomly transferred to different areas after coming in.

The way in which the total theater is opened is that the monks of Xianfeng can get enough nameplates to enter the total theater. When someone enters, the total theater will start.

The totem's total theater battle list will also open.

Dandan Awu, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Mengang Zhuo appeared on the battle list, showing that the three men took the lead in the total tomb of the totem.

This means that the three people have gained a first-mover advantage in the battle of the total theater. The rule of the Totem total theater is that after entering the theater, they are ranked according to the accumulated merits.

In the case of the same merits, the ranking is based on the length of time supported within the total theater.

When the three people are advanced, they will occupy a certain advantage.

At the same time, the three can take the lead in familiarizing themselves with the situation of the terrain and gain certain advantages.

Regarding the total theater, Huang Li Heib also knows a lot. Before he came in, he had already explained to Dandan Awu, at least let Dandan Awu know how to get his own merit points.

The battlefield of the total theater is composed of two parts. One part is naturally the nameplate of the war zone in the hands of other monks. Each nameplate symbolizes one hundred wars. The other part is that after the various animals born in the total theater are killed, they can also gain military exploits. .

However, the acquisition of this kind of warfare will have greater fluctuations according to the strength of the beast, the weakest beast, the score will be very, and the powerful beast is said to have a score of up to one thousand. In history, within the total theater of war. The highest score that has ever appeared is said to have reached 5,000.

Legend has it that the total theater of Antoin is actually undeveloped. The outer periphery of the 100,000 mountains is also a barren land. The area waiting for further development, each totem is a small-scale development operation.

There are thousands of people in the virtual world. Each race usually has one or a few large, floating land. These land float in various forms in the void. Many land is still in the shape of a sphere, but Wan The family stood on it, and it was miraculously flat, without a slight slanting feeling.

Every land has a lot of wild areas that have not been developed. Those places are quite dangerous, and they also have many peculiar cultivation resources.

All the imaginary circles are committed to the development of ridiculous areas. The same is true for pharmacies. The pharmacy is in the middle of the virtual world. It has three forests, including the tree and the elves. Huge land, among these landlands, is dominated by forests and grasslands.

Among the forests and grasslands, there are also strange ecology and resources with special diversity.

Although the difficulty of land reclamation is quite large, the harvest will be very good.

This area of ​​the outer door test is considered to be a semi-opening, that is, the beast that is powerful to a certain extent has been removed by the old totems of the Antoine, and has not had time to use the area completely occupied by the totem power.

After the disciples came in, the main battle, or from the land reclamation, such a battle, but also get resources, why not?

After Dandan Awu entered the theater, the drug was immediately excited and appeared automatically. He flew around the head of Dandan Awu. The spiritual fluctuations also indicated that he found some good things, perhaps for Dandan. Awu or he himself has some help.

As long as it is not the killer to kill the drug repair, there is no psychological burden to deal with the beast. Dandan Au nodded and acknowledged that the small medicine circled and led Dandan Awu to the nearest target.

In the other two directions, after the two guys, Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo came in to the theater, the first thing was not to find any exploits, but to drill into the jungle and become a body, stealth, and start. It’s time...

Can you beat you first?


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