Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2492: Peerless drug

Chapter 2492 Masterpieces

In the total theater list, there are three big names.

Everyone thinks that three people enter the totem theater, fearing that it is difficult to do something, it is best to hide first, or else, once you get into the big guy, I am afraid that I will not be able to eat.

Only when most of the medicines are repaired, everyone seeks common ground while reserving differences, and in the struggle of cooperation, it can be more long-term.

Totem battle zone, if you want to gain military exploits, it can be said that it is one inch of work and one inch of danger. The greater the combat power, the more the danger increases.

This matter, Huang Li black cloth said to Dandan Awu.

The opinions of Huang Li Heibu and Wu Meng An Zhuo are also hidden by everyone. When the big teams are coming in, they will come out to fish in troubled waters.

After the elite monks in the totem entered the theater, the battles in various places broke out at the same time, and the invisibles of the monks who entered them would be much safer.

This is also the experience of many times in the past.

This one is not suitable for Dandan Awu. After coming in, the small drug has no feeling of fear at all, but it is quite exciting and has an impulse to do a big job.

Dandan Awu, anyway, as long as the small drug does not kill innocent, other beasts or something, it is good to say that since the small drug has demand, Dandan Awu did not follow the advice of the yellow calendar black cloth, staying in place, and It is a direction and kills the past.

What is the battle of the totem war zone? Defeating a competitor is one aspect, the main source is to defeat the beast.

Sometimes, the battle of a different beast is a few thousand!

In the totem battle list, there are only three big names. When the battlefields of the peaks began to fight, the nameplates of the warriors with the monks were rising rapidly, and the totems of the battle charts changed.

Dandan Awu actually began to gain military exploits, but the acquisition of this kind of combat power makes people feel very strange.

Each time I get five battles, I will continue to increase and accumulate at a very balanced speed.

It is a bit strange to watch the monks in the totem battle list. It seems that the battles within the totem theater are at least ten, and at least ten should be at a time, but why is the battle of Dandan Awu five? point?

Also, I don’t know where Dandan Awu found, what kind of strange animals have been found, as if they are being continually killed and won the battle. Don’t watch the jump at 5:00, other monks Still not coming in, she has already jumped to more than 400 points!

The speed of beating is not slow, and it is especially durable!

It will not, Dandan Awu found a group of strange animals, is smashing people's nest? However, under normal circumstances, if the value of this alien is not high, there should be no warfare, and if the value is high enough, it is not easy to fight against fear.

Groups of strange animals may have weak individual abilities. Once a siege situation is formed, a weaker one will be expelled.

I really want to know what Dandan Awu is doing right now?

Dandan Awu is currently lying in a big tree with a strange face and looking at the front.

In front of her, Xiao Yao Yao Wu Weiwei continually beat a red-crowned golden snake with a bucket full of three feet long. The golden snake showed fearlessness and no grievances. The mouth bite a huge, empty jade in front of it. The ware, keep injecting venom into the inside!

Slightly stop, the little medicine horse squats and draws, the golden snake keeps pouting, and the body is twisted! However, it has been pressed straight into the ground and can not move.

Dandan Awu has been watching for a long time!

It is speechless that there are more than one golden snake underneath. It seems that there is a nest of red-crowned golden snakes in the vicinity. Each golden snake is squeezed out of about 20 drops of venom. After the oil is not squeezed out, the small medicine horse flies and flies. The other one came out, like the law, and kept taking poison.

Dandan Awu has been mainly practicing in these years, and he has also learned some knowledge, but he does not understand what kind of existence is the Red Crown Golden Snake, and the venom that the Red Crown Golden Snake is forced to spit out seems to have no abnormalities. Therefore, Dandan Awu is just a strange face, watching the lively in the tree, I don't know what special place there will be.

What Dandan Awu didn't know was that in the theater, he kept a close eye on the totems of the entire theater. At this time, he was surprised that there was no way to call the ghosts in the mouth!

The golden crown of the golden snake is called "Dragon Crown Gold Too Snake". The snake venom secreted by the ordinary monk can make a hundred ordinary monks instantly deadly. Even if it is a famous medicine monk who is famous for healing, he will not dare to provoke it easily.

It is considered to be an old monster of the pharmacy who has been practicing the distraction level. Nothing will go to the trouble of finding these poisonous things.

It is too dangerous! This thing is still a group of nature, there are dozens of nests, once the group is besieged, forming a poisonous fog area, it is simply the domain of life.

In short, this is a very difficult poison, no one is willing to provoke the poison, of course, the reason why Antoine is not eager to clean up these dangerous animals, as long as this snake is more leisurely and honest, as long as you do not provoke it, and They will not actively attack the monks, and usually they are hidden in the depths of the earth. It is really rare for monks to pick them up.

As the saying goes, things are rare, "Dragon crown gold too climbing snake" is extremely toxic, high-powered monks are difficult to clean up, and their venom is also very precious, is an extremely rare and extremely rare alchemy herbs.

Moreover, the venom of this Taipan snake is not secreted under special circumstances, and it is not freely secreted. Usually, there is not much storage. The monk is trying to take it. It is also very difficult. History, the venom of Taipan snake is quite rare, every drop. The venom is worth the price.

Well, even the totems grow up and they can't easily get this precious medicine.

Today, Totem Dachang was surprised to see that the so-called super-extreme material of Dandan Awu’s **** was actually done without any effort.

The sturdy material of the scorpion can walk through the ground and it is not difficult to find a snake!

The most important thing is that the sturdy material of the scorpion can suppress the snakes from moving too fast, as if to give the Taipan snake an infinite weight, so that the Taipan snake is on the ground and is pressed into a cake.

The old geeks are helpless. It is very difficult to get snake venom when they kill. The big snake that was bitten very uncomfortable has to kneel down and obey.

A precious venom, a drop of amber, reflects the golden glow of the sun.

That can be cherished, can not meet the elixir!

The totem elders’ eyes are only missing. He has already seen it. Dandan Awu’s gimmick, precisely, is that An’u’s gimmick should not know the cherished venom of the snake venom. Look at the excitement.

Then, the totem is constantly turning the eyes and beads, thinking about what kind of method you need to use, and changing some venom from the little girl's hand!

The little girl has been accepted as a pro-pass by Totem Anwang, who can only be soft and have to use her brains!

Fortunately, the total totem of the Totem is personally concerned. If the king personally comes, these cherished venoms have nothing to do with themselves.

Nami Dachang is really a good friend! Fortunately, he reminded himself that Dandan Awu had already entered the total theater and asked himself to take care of one or two. Otherwise, he could not find this extremely valuable information.

Dandan Awu's fascinating material is really a strange existence. It can be said that in addition to the intellectual problems, the other aspects are simply impeccable.

In addition to not being able to train to become a qualified drug repair This plant is the world's strongest auxiliary remedy.

In fact, for a monk, after practicing the distraction, the importance of the elixir has been reduced, and the position of the elixir that can assist the practice will be more important. It is also said that the current medicinal medicine of Dandan Awu seems to be similar. There are natural defects, but the height of the old monsters, but it is known that the future of Dandan Awu is limitless.

An Totem may actually have an unpredictable monk who has never been seen before. This is the real reason why Totem An Wang accepted Dandan Awu.

Ultra-extreme deciduous material, this is the answer given by the elders of the potential test. The totem has also consulted the corresponding information, not to mention that the human family of the virtual family has indeed recorded this elixir, and the name is still similar.

Called the ultra-polar medicine, the legendary alchemy god, one of the most valuable elixir between heaven and earth, the legend is the kind of peerless elixir that can refine the help of the fitennian monk to break through the bottleneck and advance to the Mahayana period.

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