Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2493: Magical and unstoppable

The second four hundred and three chapters are unstoppable

The totem is long and sometimes thinking, but fortunately, Antoine does not have the kind of old-fashioned monsters that have been practiced to the extreme. Otherwise, Dandan Awu can not keep this decaying material. (@¥)

The totem's big heart is unclear. After reaching a certain height, some rules will become less and less restrictive to the monks. The drug family is not allowed to take the remedy for alchemy, but it is only for ordinary monks, essence, and many powerful drugs. Those high-ranking old geeks, maybe when they caught the ruined material, they might even get some medicine to repair it.

Where the light shines, there is always a shadow behind it.

At the same time as the general direction is correct, there will always be many unspoken rules that are not recognized by ordinary monks.

Totem Dachang looked at the tree, comfortably watching An Awu, who received the regular venom, and sighed with a heart. I hope that the growth of this little girl will go smoothly, I hope she can grow up quickly without encountering that kind of thing. Dark magic hand.

Antotem did take a series of measures and means to cover up the true information of many Anau. But her light is still dazzling, God is still unstoppable, and it is inevitable that many people have already paid attention to her existence.

For now, she takes the poison of the snake, which will definitely make people feel incredible, and the theater scores will go up beyond the understanding of people.

Real theater points are actually not only available after the monks have won. The monks have acquired some resources for cultivation within the theater. They are also able to have points. The premise is that these resources must have sufficient weight to ignite the induction of the monk nameplate. In the case.

Unfortunately, the poison of the snake is the cultivation resource for this point.

Moreover, there are still many battlefield scores for the poison of Taipan Snake, which is calculated by the drop, and each drop can get five points.

A too climbing snake, more than twenty drops of venom, is actually about a hundred points. There are nearly 30 Taipan snakes in one of the areas of the Totem Theater. This hidden deep guy encounters a small medicine of God. After that, one was not spared, and was smashed to take poison.

As a result, for a few hours, Dandan Awu’s total theater scores have been rising at five or five points, and have risen to more than three thousand points. This has stopped! Days, more than 3,000 points, this is equivalent to Dandan Awugan lost 30 opponents, and at this time, other Xianfeng just had a monk from the Great War Zone to get enough combat power to stand out.

That is to say, other monks have just come in, and Dandan Awu’s battlefield points are far ahead.

The scores of the three thousand totems in the theater have been enough to achieve the first good results in the past.

Dandan Awu, too fierce!

This time, the foreigner disciple test, Dandan Awu is too strong, the top three in the list, one rides the dust, the old is amazing.

After waiting for a few hours, the small medicine was only a fart, with a bottle of golden yellow, amber crystal clear liquid, flew back, the treasure like a hand, Dandan Awu can feel small The pride of the drug is not the same.

These venoms are perceived by small drugs, which are a kind of cherished medicinal materials that can be used for alchemy!

The small medicine said: "If I am not afraid of their toxins at all, if it is not my "heavy" technique, these big snakes will not obey at all, hey, no one can be so relaxed and happy, take out these The value of the medicine."

Dandan Awu perceives the idea of ​​a small drug, and his heart is not clear. He touches the leaves of the small medicine, holds the small medicine in his right hand, and puts it to his mouth. He gently kisses it and says: "Working hard. You are really good at small drugs."

The small medicine showed a shy look. The branch smashed the place where he was kissed by Dandan Awu, and twisted it. Then he flew high and flew in the air, and sprinkled a piece of starlight.

Packing out the Taipan snake, Xiaomao found the next target in Starlight, and he found the value of the spiritual resources of the city, with Dandan Awu flying quickly to the destination.

In less than a moment, Dandan Awu began to harvest resources again.

Totem theater points are starting to look up again.

Empty, pay close attention to the long totem of Dandan Awu and the small drug, at this time once again revealed a sly and speechless attitude.

A large piece of high mountain jungle, Dandan Awu is following the guidelines of small drugs, constantly planing.

Not long after, her hand, a small grass-like plant has appeared, and the mouth is very strange to ask: "Small medicine, you said that this thing is worth the price, is a good medicine? But why am I not? Can you sense any medicinal properties?"

This grass is very special, the top of the head has grown the shape of the grass, and the root part below is not the root, but a golden yellow dry worm, this thing, Dandan Awu this drug repair Actually, I could not perceive the medicinal properties. According to the truth, it is not a medicinal material.

Empty, the small medicine body circling and dancing, the branches and leaves move in and out, saying: "I can't be wrong, it is him, the medicine is restrained, the appearance can't be seen, and the collection will never suffer."

Dandan Awu will be suspicious, take this strange medicine carefully and look at it. After a while, the front is bright, and the mouth says: "Small medicine, will this thing be unearthed Cordyceps?"

The leaves of the small medicine body swayed indiscriminately, a little head, and also shaking their heads, not knowing what to say.

Dandan Awu understood what he meant. The medicine said that this thing is definitely a good thing, but in the end, he can't say it.

After all, small drugs work by instinct, small drugs, is the super-inductive ability of various herbs, but really does not have much discriminating ability.

Dandan Awu studied the alchemy with his brother, and he also learned the knowledge of the weak medicine. The snake was too far away from the door. She didn't learn it, so she couldn't recognize it for a while, but Cordyceps, she was wearing a green shirt. My brother has learned it.

In front of this little finger, there is still a small nameless medicinal material hidden in the soil layer. It should be a famous name. Many young insects can use the young eco- Cordyceps sinensis, which is true and medicinal introverted.

There are clouds in the classics: "Summer grass and winter worms are snow-capped mountains, and summer leaves are riddled with mites. Roots are like dead wood, and when winter leaves are dry, the roots are wormed into insects."

Tsingtao brother taught Awu's alchemy that the Cordyceps sinensis has accumulated a very strong medicinal property before it was unearthed. This is one of the best alchemy herbs.

The totem of the sky is long and a bit dumbfounded. He also recognizes Cordyceps sinensis, but because this form of Cordyceps sinensis is too rare, I really didn’t think that the dying material of Dandan Awu would be so god, actually I can perceive the restrained Cordyceps sinensis and give it out before he is unearthed. This is a real value.

Because of the need to distinguish the medicinal properties, most of the drugs can only be found after the emergence of Cordyceps sinensis, in order to perceive the existence of grass, and to pick the medicine.

However, after the unearthed Cordyceps sinensis, its true efficacy has lost at least 70%.

It is not easy to unearth, and the medicinal properties will be affected by the environment after being unearthed, and the efficacy can only be saved by about 30%!

The difference between this is really no huge!

Antoine's, the drug repair knows that Cordyceps sinensis is not more valuable before it is unearthed, but few monks can find his clue before it is unearthed.

Unearthed winter insects and summer herbs are completely introverted, do not leak points, hidden in the ground is quite deep, usually not less than three feet, do not know where there will be, such Cordyceps sinensis, usually can not be dug out by the monks.

Unless the monk is lucky!

But now Dan Awu is obviously different. Under the guidance of the god's mortal material, Dandan Awu is extremely fast, the target is extremely accurate, and seven or eight hidden poles are continuously drawn. Deep unearthed Cordyceps!

That is to say, Dandan Awu actually has a plan!

The medicinal value of Cordyceps sinensis is not under the venom of Taipan snake venom, especially this unearthed medicinal material, the value is higher.

However, there is a very embarrassing problem. The medicinal properties of this medicinal material are hidden too deep and deep. Even the nameplate of the Dandan Awu battlefield does not sense the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials, nor does it timely calculate the theater points for Dandan Awu.

The sky, always paying attention to the totem of Dandan Awu, began to give Dandan Awu artificial points.

An unearthed Cordyceps sinensis can at least estimate the totem of 500 totems. Dandan Awu has harvested eight strains and should receive four thousand battles...

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