Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2494: Magical disciple

When the four thousand wars were added, the whole Antom went up and down, and suddenly they took a breath of cold, and then they were in a state of utter disappointment.

Good guy, on the totem martial arts list, there is still no movement in the second battle!

And the first Dandan Awu has accumulated more than 7,000 battles and woods? According to the conventions of previous years, Dandan Awu will not be able to provoke the spirit beast now, waiting for the end of the big game, can also get the first!

Seven thousand totems, but it is almost the best result since the history of the outside exam!

This Dandan Awu, Miss, is really too fierce.

Antotem is one of the big totems of the medicinal family. There are many great monks in the inside. Many of the great cultivators who have cultivated to distraction are tickle at this time. They want to run to the Totem Theater. A Dandan Awu has harvested some. What an odd thing, or a killing of a different kind of beast, or how could there be so many battles credited.

Regrettably, the long totem of the totem is actually shrouded in the sky above the war zone, and no one can easily run in to join in the fun!

The external entrance examination has always been only a matter of the church, but this time the evil door, the elders of the office actually stood by the side, the totems of the long to actually come to the town, it is really speechless, can it be said that this old thing is ready to accept Dandan Awu this genius seedlings not?

On the medicinal hill, I was familiar with Dandan’s rain and I didn’t know what to say at this time.

Before the outside entrance examination, Yuhe and Dandan Awu were very talkative. They have always regarded Dandan Awu as a younger sister. They have been worried about the performance of Dandan Awu in the outside entrance examination, fearing Dandan. Awu can't pass.

To this end, Yuhe also smashed the yellow calendar black cloth, let him help Dandan Awu at the crucial moment, and strive to let Dandan Awu continue to stay in the totem practice.

The results of it! Rain Wo is completely dizzy, and the Dandan Awu, who is the first in the list, is really the little girl in front of herself, like a little sister?

The contrast in my heart is so big!

After the end of the small exam, will Awu’s sister go to the heavens and go straight to the Totem Mountain?

Will he also become a core disciple directly in black cloth?

What should I do when I am? They step into the sky, they are amazing, will they remember themselves?

Yu He looked up at the high-altitude battlefield martial arts list, and gradually became mad.

On the sacred mountain of Antoine, above a tall Xianfeng, An Amu also fixedly watched the totem battle list hanging in the sky, his eyes flashing, his heart kept thinking: "Three egg monks, kites first, really There are different general meanings, Dandan Awu, are you finally going to take off?"

Within a secret room, Totem An Wang kept shaking his head and said softly in his mouth: "This girl is too arrogant. It is too venomous, and the Cordyceps sinensis is so easy to get it. I really received one." The disciples who are not allowed, and the old man of the elders are also given a glimpse of it, interesting..."

Not long after, Totem An Wang suddenly found a fact that made him very embarrassed, that is, he also gave a slap in the face, a bit stunned feeling!

What kind of dying material is Dandan Awu? Actually it will be magical, or that there are so many partial door applications, I really can't find it, I just can't think of it.

The drug family is a relatively partial race. Within the drug family, the alchemy inheritance is the most complete. Some techniques related to alchemy, such as medical surgery, herbal planting, etc., form a special system, known as the virtual world.

At the same time, however, the inheritance of the pharmacy's refiners and Fuxi is relatively not very strong. The drug repair, the strongest sensory ability should be all kinds of herbs, but the Dandan Awu's remedy is obviously an exception. .

It didn't take long for Totem Anwang to discover that Dandan Awu's fascinating material had found a huge mineral deposit. The small body of the small drug seedlings, from a mountain, pulled out a large silver vein, like a catch. A silver snake sways in the air.

The small medicine is only one foot high and looks very delicate.

The veins are as thick as buckets and are as long as a hundred feet, like a silver giant.

One big and one small, forming a very sharp contrast, like a small grass pulls the dragon, so that the totem An Wang also sees one by one.

The level of the refining of the pharmacy is not very good. It is also a smattering of most refining materials and veins. This silver dragon is a good baby that Totem Anwang recognizes.

This made him feel very surprised.

The silver vein is called "Silver Dragon Ghost", the silver dragon refers to its shape, and the ghost refers to its characteristics. It is a natural ghost.

The most ghostly place is the refiner with this silver vein. It can remember the form of the body, and there is more than one. For example, Dandan Awu refines a magic weapon, the normal state may be a sword. However, after adding the Silver Dragon Ghost, you can remember at least two other forms, perhaps a battle boat, which can escape at a critical moment; perhaps a mountain, suddenly turned out to suppress the opponent!

After the addition of Yinlong Tiangui, the form of memory can be transformed casually. A magic weapon can have several distinct uses. Sudden changes can often receive very unexpected combat effects.

More importantly, after the addition of Yinlong Tiangui, there is also a strong increase in the performance of the magic weapon. Under normal circumstances, even if the monk has already set the magic weapon, you can have the second and third type by adding Yinlong Tiangui. The form of combat, and the most primitive form of combat, can instantly increase the power of two to three percent.

The mine's power is huge, but it is also very good at concealing itself. It is hidden in the mountains and often turned into other forms of mineral deposits. People can't see the slightest clue. It is very rare and very precious.

Nothing to think about, Dandan Au Nai's magical fascinating material easily slipped out such a big silver dragon ghost vein.

Moreover, after mentioning it, Dandan Awu was still guilty!

The reason is that this thing is huge in size and its use is unknown. The medicine box used by Dandan Awu for storage is not big enough. I don’t know what to do if I look at it!

The most funny, or the totem is long, the old guy actually did not recognize the silver dragon ghost, but also guilty there, he did not know how to price this thing, that is, I do not know how this battle should be counted!

You said that a foreigner disciple just took a test, but he needed the king of the totem to come out in person to get it. What is this called?

Dandan Awu looked strangely at the front, and felt the refreshing spirit of the small drug in his heart. The small drug said: "This mine has some magical effects, and the refining device works well. It can be collected."

However, Dandan Awu swept his own medicine box and suddenly found that the medicine box could not fit such a big silver dragon!

How to do it?

Dandan Awu is a bit guilty.

At this time, in the sky, a thunderbolt suddenly sounded. Then, a delicate palm-sized medicine box descended from the sky and floated straight in front of Dandan Awu.

Dandan Awu, the heart said, this is to sleep to send a pillow? Can't put anything in the box? It seems that the foreigner disciples should be closely watched by the predecessors of the totems. Can this small medicine box really hold the silver dragon?

With the right hand stretched out, the small medicine box fell into the palm of your hand, and the gods swept away. Dandan Awu couldn’t help but scream at the extreme expression. No, this little medicine box is too big! The space inside gave the Dandan Awu an endless feeling, and there was no problem in loading the silver dragon in the air.

I don't know who this predecessor is. I actually dropped such a big medicine box. It is really a big deal!

Facing the front, Dandan Awu was deeply stunned and said in a froth: "Thank you for your predecessors to solve my urgent needs and give the medicine box."

There was no response in the sky. Dandan Aiwu said to the small drug and said: "Come on put the silver dragon into the medicine box, giggling, this medicine box is big enough, this time , Awu earned a lot."

The small drug nodded and agreed, screaming at the medicine box of Dandan Awu with the silver dragon, and the huge silver dragon entered the sea like a big river and rushed into the medicine box and disappeared.

Almost at the same time, the totem of the totem can not help but reveal a horror.

He knew who was going to help Dandan Awu to pick up the strange veins. Hey, Totem An Wang was also secretly concerned, so he was careful to think that it was difficult to escape his eyes.

However, the totem grew up and was shocked. When the silver dragon was taken up by Xiao Awu, the small Awu’s battle suddenly jumped forward, and Qianlong’s east actually rose a full 20,000 points!

20,000! This is too outrageous. The totem is so long that I suddenly think, is the Totem King in the public?

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