Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2509: Farewell totem

The white clouds are long, the thousand-year-old dog.

Changes in current affairs, once again woke up from the depth of the set, a little bit of feelings about their own Awufeng, Awu's heart could not help but faintly embarrassed.

The higher you stand, the farther you look.

The higher the station, the more you can see the scenery in the distance, but because it is too high, the height is not cold, when you stand up to the heights, look back and see, the people around you are getting less and less. It is.

Rain Wo sister fell for hundreds of years, it is reasonable to say that her life is still enough, it should not be degraded, but I do not know why, her body has a problem, a kind of she can not imagine Life is cut off, sick!

When she became ill, Awu learned the news, but she was unable to return to the sky, and she could only watch her fall in front of her.

Heibo lost the Taoist and became more mature. Now he has become a monk in the robbery period and still serves as the elder of Awufeng.

Ang Zhuo, like Yu Hejie, was in the millennium. When he went out to find opportunities, he unfortunately fell into the jungle, and his bones could not be recovered. It was said that he was arrested by the interracial monks who were speculative and called back. The original shape, took the alchemy.

The most to let Awu, or Amu Ge, wisdom is not weak, to judge things quite accurate, Amu has been chased up in recent years, the combat power is also extraordinary, and you can become an ao after Anu Teng. column.

But on the eve of the millennium, when he went out to find opportunities, he was ready to spend his second thunder, and he did not know what happened. After he went out, he never returned.

I have never returned, it has been a hundred years.

The medicinal radiance left in the Antoine has also been bleak, and like the former companion Ayi, it has fallen into the unknown mountains and rivers.

Awufeng can indeed provide some comfortable environment for the monks around, and can also provide many spiritual resources. However, when monks practice, they must walk the world. Whether it is chance or realization, they need to be acquired in a wider space. Going to comprehend and staying at Awu Peak will sooner or later encounter a bottleneck.

Sister Azhu didn’t know where to go for practice. She hasn’t returned for a long time. Fortunately, her medicinal light has a faint glow, indicating that her current status is OK, but It hasn't been returned for a long time, and the medicinal radiance is a little weak, and there should be no worry about life.

When Amu was there, he would often bring some companions to Awu. When Amu left, Awu completely lost the companion news in the old mountain city. However, among those companions, Qubi was not black. Wu is happy, there is no news without news, it is no big deal.

In the millennium, things are not human, quite awkward.

Within this millennium, Awu only did two things, practice and alchemy. Small drugs need to be kept in medicine to improve his medicinal efficacy. Awu also needs to learn the medicine of the **** of alchemy to improve himself. The level, so on, over the years, Awu's alchemy has never fallen.

Of course, at this time, Awu took the path of the Holy Mountain Office, which was arranged by some of the churches that Totem An Wang personally selected for Awu, or some of the alien monks who came to the door to seek some spirituality. The results of the alchemy of Awu are also hung in the name of the Totem Alchemy Hall. The outsiders simply do not know that Princess Awu has been in alchemy.

The alien monk but the Zhian totem alchemy has gotten, and there is basically no panacea that can stump Antom. Basically, it is responsive.

Therefore, over the years, Antoine's alchemy has gradually become famous, and is well-known inside and outside the pharmacy.

Over the years, Awu, with the help of his brother, has basically thoroughly absorbed the holy medicines passed down by the **** of medicine, and learned to refine most of the spirits. Only a few grades are too high, and a few spiritual medicines are rare. The spirits are still unable to refine, and Awu has already achieved the true biography of the holy medicine book.

The millennium submarine repair is a suggestion of the drug **** and an agreement between Awu and the drug god.

The small drug has always been dissatisfied with this agreement. The brother of Qingyi may be just a glimpse of the gods, and he has no judgment on the outside world. He can help himself to practice and help him practice alchemy, but he never gives anything to his practice. opinion.

When the millennium time arrives, Awu is also a submerged looting of Heaven. It should be able to go out and walk, and you can liberate it.

According to the agreement with the drug god, Awu can also go to the holy place in the mind of the drug repair, the drug **** mountain to listen to the teaching of the drug god, practice a more powerful drug family inheritance, the millennium time, Awu's heart, vaguely full Looking forward to it, there is also a glimpse of the embarrassment and uneasiness of the familiar Antoine.

It has disappeared from Antoine for thousands of years, and now it is necessary to walk out of the totem and go to the broader sky to practice. Awu does not intend to alarm too many people.

Just called the black cloth brother, carefully smashed it, and after giving him some resources, he floated in his three-nine-nine-week worship.

After a thousand years of hard work, Anto's scale has expanded ten times more than when Awu arrived.

In the past, when Awu took part in the ten-year quiz, Antoine had only the top ten Xianfeng, but now, with the Awu Peak, the Antoine’s Xianfeng has reached a total of 108, each of which is named after Xianfeng. There are at least ten Yaoshan.

The momentum of Antotem has been almost straightforward to the ancient totems such as Dragon Totem, Phoenix Totem, Wolf Totem, and become the real upstart of the drug family, nouveau riche!

Floating up, falling on the holy mountain, Awu's heart is full of feelings, seeing today's Antotem, the heart is full of reluctance.

I don't know if I will go back this time, when will I return again?

Totem Anwang has already perceived Awu, and he also knows that Awu is about to leave. At this moment, the tall body has been sitting cross-legged on the top of the holy mountain, waiting quietly for Awu to say goodbye.

Deeply squatting on the ground, Awu faced the three daggers in respect of Totem Anwang, and whispered in his mouth: "Master, over the years, Awu has lost his master's care in order to have such a stable spiritual environment, Master's grace. Awu always remembers in his heart, no matter where Awu goes, Antoine is always the hometown of Awu, and Master is always the master of Awu."

In this regard, Awu said sincerely and expressed his own voice. Totem's king is a father's existence for Awu. Over the years, all of Anto's inheritance has been open to Awu, and all of Anto's resources are allowed to be obtained by Awu. It can be said that Awu really became an The most favored princess among the totems, this kind of affection, must be remembered in the heart.

Totem An Wang smiled gratifiedly: "Awu, you are my hope and future of I can do it, that is, do my best to help you lay the foundation, I hope you can Going farther in the avenue, Awu, no matter where you go, in the future, I am looking forward to your return. At that time, I will still wait for you on this holy mountain."

Awu was on the ground and said: "Awu remembers, no matter whether Awu is going to practice or not, Awu will come back to see, Antotem is always the mother totem of Awu, here is always Awu. home."

Totem An Wang laughed happily: "Okay, well, Awu, don't worry, I am in the Antoine, and Awufeng always exists as Xianfeng, waiting for your return."

Awu once again beheaded: "Thank you Master, Master, disciple went..."

After that, Awu slowly got up and stepped back, his body gradually hidden, floating in the void, slowly blending into the night.

Totem An Wang stood up and looked at Awu’s body and flew farther and farther. In his eyes, there was a lot of reluctance and worry.

Awu drifted away, the holy mountain gradually turned into a small black spot in the eyes, with a reluctance, resolutely looked at the holy mountain, Awu body turned, flying to the endless void .

At the moment when she turned around, Totem Anwang was weak and unpleasant, but there was no clear voice coming into the ear: "Awu, there is no monk in this world that is absolutely credible. At any time, you need to be careful. Be cautious, don't trust anyone easily, remember, be careful to hold the ship for thousands of years. In the millennium, the robbery is not necessarily able to pass, remember to remember..."

If Master’s words are indicated, is he reminding himself of anything? Why, Master’s words are similar to those of a baby-like medicine, almost the same?

Awu’s body was slightly stiff, and he did not look back. His arms were stretched out and flew away into the void.

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