Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2510: Yaoshen Mountain

The spring breeze and the sacred mountains, the peony and the peony; the ambition to find the gentleman, why should the angels find Zelan. Duanyang Pinxia Mayday, the calamus wine music for half a year; before the court, the girl is a red lady, laughing and betel nut with the lotus. Qiuju blossoms all over the ground, one rain and one fennel; the helper goes to take the country wine, drunk the Tiannanxing big light. There is nowhere to be windproof in the winter, and the white smashing window is layer by layer; until the snow is dying from the yang, the door is hanged outside the house...

The mountain of medicine god, all four medicines.

The mountain of medicine, the true holy land of the medicinal family, the sacred land that the medicinal monks are longing for, many pharmacists have a desire in their hearts, that is, they can enter the foothills of Yaoshen.

Many medicines will be on the road to Yaoshen Mountain for a lifetime.

The drug **** is set up, and the drug family is born.

If it wasn’t for the birth of the drug god, the medicinal family was still enslaved and used to be used to seduce the bitter race of alchemy.

The **** of medicine, the patron saint of the pharmacy, the **** of protection, the pillar of the pharmacy.

Yaoshen Mountain, the holy place in the minds of the medicinal monks, on the way to Yaoshen Mountain, the drug repair often encounters a scene of wonders, that is, there are some medicinal monks who are bitter, devoutly step by step, gradually toward the direction of Yaoshen Mountain. Going far and wide to worship.

In the legend, the most devout medicine has been spent for five hundred years, starting from the totem of his own practice, and worshipping one step at a time. He has worshipped thousands of mountains and waters, arrived at Yaoshen Mountain, and moved the drug god. Received the acceptance of the drug god, became a sacred drug boy in Yaoshen Mountain.

Yaoshen Mountain, the holy land of the drug family, the drug **** mountain, the drug repair has three identities.

The monk who has just entered the drug **** mountain, no matter what origin you come from, no matter how high you are, to the drug **** mountain, you can only be a normal drug boy, you have to learn the most sacred thing of the drug **** mountain Learn to grow and cultivate a variety of elixir, learn to make the elixir produce wisdom, and become a qualified drug boy.

Above the drug boy, it is a pharmacist. After being recognized by the drug god, after becoming a qualified drug child, the drug repair can get the inheritance of the drug god, and practice the technique of alchemy and the practice of the god.

After the special exercises of alchemy and practice reached a certain level, the drug boy qualified for promotion and became a powerful pharmacist with strong strength and alchemy.

After the big pharmacist, he will be qualified for the drug sacred mountain. Every big pharmacist who comes out from Yaoshen Mountain will become the top management talent of some big totems, and some big pharmacists may even reopen the new totem.

If a big pharmacist wants to stay in Yaoshen Mountain for a lifetime and listen to the teachings of Yaoshen, then you need to make more contributions in Yaoshen Mountain, you need stronger strength, and you have incomparable loyalty. The great pharmacist will become the medicine god, the messenger of the medicine god, representing the drug **** walking medicine family, like the drug family's law enforcement team, becoming the most powerful force of the drug family, becoming part of the drug family guardian.

The drug boy, the big pharmacist and the drug **** make this kind of grade distinction. It is the unique grade of Yaoshen Mountain. It is related to the repair, but it is not completely correct. It is related to alchemy, but it is not entirely in the alchemy.

This is a unique tradition of Yaoshen Mountain.

No matter when and in what time, becoming a drug child of Yaoshen Mountain is always the pursuit of every medicinal monk's life, and becoming a big pharmacist means that he is in the position of the pharmacy.

Once the drug **** is made, then he has truly become the lucky one of the drug god.

For thousands of years, the generations of pharmacists have been pious, with hope, with the ambiguity of the future, from the pharmacy territory of the four sides of the Pharmacy Mountain, the accumulation of the drug generation, the strength of Yaoshen Mountain It is unprecedentedly powerful, and the fighting power of the drug **** is even more shocking.

It can be said that the medicine **** does not fall, the medicine **** does not disperse, and the drug family is indestructible in the virtual position. Of course, as the owner of Yaoshen Mountain, the service object of the medicine god, the **** of medicine, the medicine god, that is, the medicine The kinetic energy of the family will never fail.

Yaoshen Mountain, all seasons are medicines, all mountains and medicines, walking medicine Shenshan, casually see a weed on the road, it is a great monk who is practicing here for the deity, bathing in the sun and rain, returning to the truth.

The medicine **** messenger is high on the top, representing the drug **** walking medicine family, the status status is high in the medicine family. For many years, the medicine **** has gradually formed some basic grades. According to the color of the clothes, it is divided into the green robe messenger, the green robe. The messenger, the white robe messenger and the star messenger are in four levels.

Usually, instead of the drug **** to inspect the drug family, it is the Qingpao messenger, instead of the drug **** to manage the drug god, is the green robe messenger, and the white robe messenger is the close to the monk around the drug god.

As for the Stars Messenger, it is the same as the legend of the **** of medicine. The **** of medicine is not seen at the end, and the angel of the stars is the same. In the legend, the total number of stars and messengers will not exceed nine. Usually, some people call it a nine-star messenger.

Among the nine-star messengers, according to the different stars, they represent different meanings. Nine stars, easy to understand, are actually Fu, Lu, and Shou Samsung.

Among them, Shouxing is an Antarctic old star; Fuxing is a Jupiter, also known as the "year-old star"; and Lu Xing is a total of seven, that is, the Big Dipper, which is often said, the Big Dipper is a singer, the second singer, the third scorpion The noble minister, the four priests, the five priests, the six 曰 禄 ,, the seven 曰 Beidou.

The nine-star messengers each represent different meanings. For a long time, the nine ambassadors of Yaoshen Mountain are not in full condition, especially the Fuxing, which is the Jupiter, which represents the life of the pharmacy, has been vacant for many years.

The pharmacy body is a medicinal medicine. The pharmacy is said to be a peculiar branch of the tree family, or a high-level branch of the tree family. The medicinal property of the medicinal family has always been a wood attribute, even if some other attributes appear occasionally. The pharmacy, but no matter what attributes this pharmacy will carry, its origin must be the bottom of the wood attribute, so on the Fuxing in the medicinal family, it often has a special status.

According to the unwritten legend of the drug family, Fuxing, also known as Jupiter, often means that this person is likely to be a drug-goat, a successor to the drug god, or a drug family, a drug god.

What is truly comparable to Fuxing, that is, the Antarctic old star and the Arctic Big Dipper, the three stars are in the same position, which is the noble existence of Yaoshen Mountain after the drug god.

Among the three stars, the Antarctic old star has long belonged to it, and it is the chief of the house of Yaoshenshan. The Arctic Big Dipper has also been appointed as the strongest warrior of Yaoshen Mountain, and he has commanded all the drug gods of Yaoshenshan to fight outside.

Only Fuxing, which is Jupiter, has been vacant ever since.

Until the millennium, one day, the drug **** suddenly appeared in the real body, laughing at the drug **** mountain, and announced a good news: "Fuxing has been shown come to the world, after thousands of years, Chu Jun returning home ""

At that time, the drug **** mountain up and down, a jubilant.

The drug **** is a very special existence. In the absence of a virtual foothold, it must face the challenges and peeps of other races. The drug **** is alive, able to deter the family, and the drug-protection family is safe. Once the drug **** returns to the market, where will the drug family go?

The emergence of the small drug god, the drug family up and down, ate a reassurance, that is the fate of the future, the future of the drug family, it is able to inherit the drug **** 钵 钵, lead the more difficult and difficult drug family to continue to stand up Hope in the future.

However, I don’t know where the drug **** is hiding. It takes a thousand years to really grow up.

A thousand years of time is too long, waiting to wait, many drug gods have waited for their own robbery, return to the market, repaired to a weaker, even the direct life yuan exhausted.

Many pharmacies have forgotten the existence of the drug family and the little drug god.

Until this day, on the hill of Yaoshen, a melodious bell sounded, the sacred, sacred mountain sacred, floating seven-color clouds, a hundred flowers bloom, white birds sing.

A towering tree, rising from the holy mountain, the kind of medicine **** stood at the top of the big tree, revealing the true body, looking at the front, the eyes showed an amiable smile, revealing the expression of infinite surprise.

The Antarctic Star, the Polaris made a left and right, standing side by side, standing next to the drug god, looking at the front.

A young woman repairing her feet, stepping on the seven-color cloud, like climbing a fairy ladder, coming from afar, far away, lying in the air, the clear voice spread throughout the drug **** mountain: "Dr. Awu, see the drug **** grown ups."

The medicine **** touched the beard and smiled happily. He said in a loud voice: "Good, good, good, come, just hahaha, start today, you will call the medicine Awu, for my medicine **** mountain Fuxing messenger Hahaha..."

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