Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2551: Initial 3 roads

Time, space, and time and space.

Time is a relatively abstract concept, which is the movement of matter, the persistence of change, and the manifestation of order.

Space is an objective form of existence of matter relative to time, expressed by length, width, height, and size. Usually refers to the four sides up and down.

Tao Tianji's explanation is simple and clear. When he finished, Sun Hao's heart couldn't help but find the feeling of silk. He immediately reached out and let the heavenly machine stop explaining and he fell into memories.

I remember that when I first met Tie Peng, I suffered from the fishing of time and changed the time. It was very shocking. If I was not there, I wouldn’t know how to die.

That is to say, the road of time does have the effect of reflow time. After that, when I saw the body of the Iron Pendant, the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, like the flame burning, I got a cruel cognition, that is, with The practice of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird will inevitably face the danger of its own flame burning. The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird will give it to himself when it is repaired.

The reason is because the Dapeng garuda flies too fast and exceeds the limit of time. That is to say, every Dapeng garuda is easy to understand the time, but they are very difficult. The change of time has brought a huge test to yourself.

Now, the Tao Tianyi inadvertently said a word, but let Sun Hao suddenly understand the crux of it.

Space and time are the unity of opposites. At different times, space is actually different.

The space is not static, and one second is the same in many spaces, and the next second is completely different.

Perhaps it is this difference and change in time and space that has brought disaster to the Dapeng garuda, which is simply pursuing speed.

Imagine that when the Dapeng Golden Wings slammed through the time and appeared in the space of the next period of time, in the original void, if there was a big knife in the next moment, wouldn’t the Dapeng Golden Wings hit it? Go up?

The weakness of the Dapeng garuda may be that he only mastered the time, not the time and space, and the result is naturally quite sad.

After arriving at this conclusion, Sun Hao’s heart sighed at the same time, and he was not surprised. It seems that after practicing to Mahayana, every step must be done with great care. If not, if you don’t, you will destroy yourself. .

After half a ring, Sun Hao exhaled a long breath and said in his mouth: "Understood, Master's opinion is to let me repair the space and time avenue first. This is indeed a good choice. I do have a lot of experience in practice. Maybe not difficult."

Luo Peng flew his mouth and prepared to speak.

Tao Tianji has said: "My Protoss divides the avenue into unrecognized roads and can be found, and it is not unreasonable. Let me say that the roads of me and the old devil are illusory, without attributes, and practiced. Difficulty, super big, and time and space avenues, is the avenue that can be perceived, has attributes, and is the kind of powerful avenue that can be perceived, and so on, Xiaohao, you practice time and space, it is probably the most correct s Choice."

When Luo Peng flew, it seemed to be very reasonable. He no longer argued and acquiesced in the opinions of the heavens.

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Well, then I will practice the time and space in my early days as my ultimate road. Then, what kind of unipolar road and basic road practice should I choose?"

Luo Pengfei shrugged and said: "This is actually not difficult. According to your own cultivation experience, you can find the target with a little thought. You can choose the kendo in the unipolar road, and the basic road, I suggest you choose Yinyang Avenue, or the five elements. The avenues are good. You have to go hunting on these two avenues. It should not be difficult to enter the road."

The celestial plane is beginning to lick finger calculations.

Sun Hao thought about it: "It seems that it is true, the kendo is good, the yin and yang five elements are good, I have practice, it is not difficult to understand, but there is a speed and supporting problems here, if my unipolar The speed of the Tao and the basic road is too fast, and the speed of practice is too fast. It is afraid that it will affect the power of the ultimate road and cause unnecessary troubles."

Tao Tianji said with emotion at this time: "I have developed a very bad habit. I like to count everything, Xiaohao, you gave me a lesson, judgment and reasoning based on your own situation. Better than I counted, yes, you are not suitable for practicing kendo and yin and yang five-way avenues. At least, monopole and basic roads cannot choose the direction in which you are best at the same time."

Luo Pengfei shrugged and said in his mouth: "According to the theory of my Mozu, it is the best, and it is not as good as it is. Some sequelae are directly ignored. However, this is a fragrant incense. How to decide, it depends on your own."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "In the basic road, the difficulty of practicing Yinyang Avenue is not too small. The understanding of yin and yang also involves the origin of things. The order of Yinyang Avenue is not weak. Moreover, Yinyang Avenue is still the foundation of many avenues. Tao, therefore, the second avenue I chose is Yinyang Avenue. This should not affect the speed matching. Now, what are the best unipolar road recommendations for the two Taoist friends?"

The way of classification of the avenue is more from Luo Pengfei, so Luo Pengfei knows this more thoroughly. He can't help but smile and say: "Agarwood you want to be stronger, or weaker?"

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The strength of the monopolar road is difficult to judge. Even if it is the same monopole, different monks practice, the effect is completely different. So, the devil, according to the strength of my kendo, recommend A few unipolar roads that are flush with the kendo!"

Dao Tianji laughed: "Xiaohao, this is a bit difficult. Kendo is a very peculiar way of practice. It will determine the Kendo power according to the strength of the swordsmanship practiced by the monks, but even the weakest. Kendo, as long as it can enter the road, its power ranking is enough to be discharged into the top of the three thousand avenues. With Xiaohao your swordsmanship foundation, once you enter the road, its power can be shocked, and it can be compared with the unicorn road that is comparable to the kendo. Very few."

Luo Pengfei said with a chuckle: "Yes, the kendo is a very strong unipolar road. The general unipolar road is really not comparable to the kendo, but it is not without. For example, if the road is capable of practicing Extreme, single destructive, afraid that it is not under the kendo."

The lethality of the mine is absolutely super strong. Once it is built, it is definitely not weak. However, as Luo Pengfei said, compared with Kendo, the power of the mine is mainly reflected in the destructive power, in addition to other The aspect may have a huge gap with the kendo. In a sense, it is weaker than the kendo.

Luo Pengfei obviously understands this. After seriously thinking, he said in his mouth: "Ordinary unipolar roads are really difficult to compare with your kendo, but there are so many unique unipolar roads. Once they are made, The effect is also quite good, for example, the right way, the kind way, the overbearing, the king, the martyrdom..."

Daotian machine brows deeply wrinkled said in his mouth: "Wait, wait, the devil, you said these roads, there are no attributes, the difficulty of cultivation is quite small, they The ordering is not fixed, but if it is fixed, the sorting may not be too low."

Luo Pengfei shrugged and said: "Agarwood should be comparable to the unipolar road of the kendo. In other words, the difficulty can be made small? However, these unipolar roads are not completely uncharacteristic. Some of them actually have a way to be synthesized. Growing up, for example, Wang Dao, the way to practice is to go to the king of the mountain, guard some ethnic groups, and naturally develop some royal atmosphere..."

When I heard the words of Luo Pengfei, Sun Hao couldn’t help but remember that Zu Wu said to himself that guarding a big family often has some special advantages. It seems that it can help his understanding of the Tao. One of the benefits.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao said slowly: "The martyrdom is not for my enjoyment. First of all, I should rule out it. I should not be able to practice it. I will also eliminate it. The right way is right. I am fair and honest. It should not be difficult to cultivate the right path... ”

Speaking of this, Sun Hao paused a little, turned the topic of the right way, and whispered: "Is there any special way to synthesize the old devil?"

Luo Pengfei said with a smile: "The overbearing is really a special avenue that is relatively easy to synthesize. The status of arrogance, swaying, swaying, etc. is a manifestation of domineering. The monk is a hegemony. In fact, it is a world. Unparalleled domineering, this is a boulevard of momentum."


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