Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2552: Overbearing way

It is difficult to cultivate the Tao, it is difficult to go to the sky.

Dacheng is not easy.

It is not easy to practice to Mahayana, and the practice after Mahayana is even more difficult.

After discussing with the two deputy souls, Sun Hao once again perceives the difficulty of the Mahayana practice. Guan Shan Wanli walked step by step, and now he has to jump from the first.

However, after practicing the Mahayana period, Sun Hao’s heart has been incomparably strong. No matter how difficult the road is, Sun Hao will not hesitate to go down the ground and step by step.

Until the peak of the road.

After making up his mind, he locked in the target, and Sun Hao finally chose the three avenues in the early days of Mahayana’s practice, which was “Time and Space Avenue, Yinyang Avenue and Overbearing.”

Moreover, the goal of Sun Hao’s practice is not the three great accomplishments of ordinary monks, not the three supplements of Luo Pengfei. The goal of Sun Hao’s practice is the true avenue of the three-three, nine-nine-nine The road to the sky.

Sun Hao’s practice of this practice, Sun Hao’s choice of practice, really made Tian Tian and Luo Pengfei feel amazed, and they both sighed, and the two exchanged privately that Sun Hao may eventually find it difficult to achieve this. The goal, Sun Hao may end up being three successful, other roads as an aid.

If it is really a perfect reunion of the Great Jubilee, is it not against the sky? I am going to the point where I am afraid that I will wait until the Year of the Monkey.

The fundamental reason for Sun Hao’s decision to lock such a grand goal is that Sun Hao has an unparalleled advantage over other monks.

For example, Sun Hao should not worry about the entrance of the three ultimate roads. The three powerful existences of the distraction period will save Sun Hao a lot of time, and will give Sun Hao a lot of rare insights, that is, Sun Hao. The practice of Mahayana has a better starting line than other monks.

For example, Sun Hao has practiced nine major cultivation systems, and each system has reached the peak of its peak. The nine-in-one Mahayana is extremely solid, and the nine major cultivation systems cover a wide range.

In other words, Sun Hao’s ability to comprehend various kinds of practice is super strong and the foundation is extremely solid. This is the foundation of Sun Hao’s own enlightenment avenue.

Such a foundation is, in a sense, more important than the three avenues that Sun Hao has acquired, because this is the accumulation of Sun Hao's individual, and it is the foundation that can help Sun Hao continue to understand the avenue.

There is also the improvement of Sun Hao's own ingenuity, the power of the network and the practice of the branches, which is reflected in the best.

While other monks have realized the avenue, they have to practice and improve their true yuan accumulation. Otherwise, even if the monk realized the avenue, completed the understanding of the avenue, and reached the standard of upgrading, it is very likely that there is a shortage of real elements. Advancement.

In Sun Hao’s body, Jianmu draws psionic power from the vast air to improve his cultivation. It can be said that at any time, Sun Hao does not have to worry about his true yuan and his own feelings about the road.

This is another huge advantage.

Sun Hao’s pair of souls is still a Mahayana monk. Sun Hao can often discuss the practice of practice with the two, which is another condition that other monks cannot have.

With all kinds of favorable conditions superimposed, Sun Hao has no reason not to practice better secrets, pursue perfection, pursue the best development, that is the consistent pursuit of Sun Hao, and now practice to the Mahayana level, Sun Hao has no reason not to go well. step.

According to the secret technique transmitted by Luo Pengfei, the first three of Mahayana, Sun Hao first needs to enter the road, that is the unipolar road, that is, hegemony, followed by Yinyang Avenue, after the two avenues reach a certain standard, then drive the space and time avenue Practice.

Overbearing means that the work is arbitrarily, "Xunzi? Wang system" 曰: "Because it is not the same as the trip, believe in the way of its friends, the world has no king overlord, then often wins. It is also known to be overbearing."

It’s arrogant and unreasonable, it’s overbearing. The characteristics of hegemony are: barbarism, rudeness, strongness, arrogance, tyranny...

How to practice the overbearing? At first glance, this is a style of work, an imposing manner, what kind of approach is needed to achieve the understanding of hegemony?

What kind of practice can enhance your understanding of hegemony?

According to the truth, hegemony is also a way of no attribute, a magical avenue that can't be touched.

It is quite difficult to practice such a boulevard.

Fortunately, among the imaginary people, the characteristics and pursuits of the Mozu are rude and rude, and what they admire is the hegemonic wind.

Therefore, Luo Pengfei's understanding of hegemony is relatively thorough, and he has thought of some special practice techniques for Sun Hao.

Luo Pengfei's suggestion is synthetic.

Decompose the overbearing practice into a number of small pieces, first put these small pieces into practice, and finally put together and become overbearing.

Sun Hao and Luo Pengfei have a huge difference.

Luo Pengfei is the deputy soul of Sun Hao. Many of his practice experiences can be perceived by Sun Hao. If Sun Hao is willing to do so, he can take in a little bit of experience and experience.

However, some of Sun Hao’s experiences and abilities, Luo Pengfei can only rely on observation of a peek, not fully understood.

As Luo Pengfei explained the technique of overbearing practice, Sun Hao’s face gradually appeared a very strange look.

Perhaps because of the special fullness of the nine major systems, Luo Pengfei’s hegemonic practice, the various small pieces of synthesis, Sun Hao actually had some involvement in the previous practice, but only in front They are all sporadic practices, and they are not summed up in summary.

Overbearing practice, mastering the world.

Repair the domineering of the heavens and the earth, to condense the hegemony of oneself.

Luo Pengfei suggested Sun Hao, practicing the most violent Thunder, the technique of violent thunder, attacking with violent thunder, fighting, and realizing the unreasonable destruction of everything.

The most violent winds of cultivation, the art of storms, the use of storms to ruin everything, to experience the tyranny of all things in the earth that have been pulled up by life.

The most fierce fires of cultivation, the technique of fierce fire, burned everything with a raging fire, and let people realize the barbarism that is not born.

The most urgent waters to cultivate, the techniques of flooding, use the waves of the waves, take away everything, and experience the desolateness after the huge waves.


Practicing the most brutal hegemonic politics, ruling the world with force, criminal law, power, etc., let the people surrender, dare to speak out, and obey.

Practice the most poisonous and venomous, poisonous technique, and use the bones to understand the cruelty and helplessness.

One of the greatest features of these practices is the full expression of the hegemonic wind and the arrogance and rudeness of hegemony.

According to Luo Pengfei's suggestion, it is: "Agarwood, as long as you can cultivate into what I said, more than three of these practices, and then synthesize, maybe it will be well arrogant."

Thunderstorms, storms, fierce fires, floods... These things seem to be familiar to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s radius of eight Gray strikes is a very unreasonable technique of violent thunder. A thunder goes down, covering thousands of miles, killing countless creatures arbitrarily.

The general trend of Sun Hao’s sea is a violent flood. The sword goes down, the waves are turbulent, and everything is destroyed.

Moreover, when Sun Hao practiced the sword of the sea, he also practiced in stages. In the eight ways of watching the sea, there was a violent wind and a violent thunder.

At that time, Sun Hao’s understanding of the direction was different, and the focus was different. Or, for Sun Hao, it may be that the depth of comprehension is not enough. Once again, the difficulty may not be too great.

Among the eight methods of watching the sea, the third law, the wind is rising; the fourth law, thunderstorms and tornados; the fifth law, the storming of the sea; the sixth method, emptying the tsunami... these things, single row, may be right Sun Hao’s practice of thunder, storms and floods is beneficial.

In other words, Sun Hao has practiced before, but it is not enough depth, it needs to be strengthened, and it can achieve stronger strength.

In addition to the overbearing politics that Luo Pengfei said, Sun Hao is very kind to people. For many years, he has rarely taken the initiative to deal with others, but this does not mean that Sun Hao is not mad, all the way to practice, from heaven The spiritual ruins of the ruins of the mainland, to the defeat of the immortal silver city, and then to the dominance of the imaginary, that step, Sun Hao's hands are bloody, how domineering less.

In addition, Sun Hao also practiced the killing trend. Once Sun Hao was murderous, it is estimated that the hegemonic government can quickly embark on formality.

Listening to Luo Pengfei's suggestion, I felt some cultivation and accumulation of myself. Sun Hao's face showed a faint smile and asked softly: "The devil, if I will practice the madness of what you said, to practice the pole, then If it is integrated, what effect will it have?"

Luo Peng flew for a while, and he couldn't help but say: "No, it's a lot of practice, you have completely finished, I don't know how long it will take..."


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