Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2554: Comprehend the thunderstorm

Because of the previous experience in practicing the Eight Diagrams of the Sea, Sun Hao’s performance after entering the stormy waters made Luo Pengfei and Tao Tianji stunned, and had some strange feelings. It seems that Sun Hao’s practice is extremely strong and perfect. Perhaps, at least, hegemony is not too difficult for Sun Hao.

According to Luo Pengfei, Sun Hao needs to spend thousands of years to feel the true meaning of storms and thunderstorms, and then gradually realize the hegemonic momentum, and finally realize the hegemony and embarkation.

However, Sun Hao entered the sea for less than a few years, and he is already beginning to comprehend the hegemony of storms and thunderstorms, and occasionally hesitantly rushes into the air and is desperately in thunderstorms, madly shouting and domineering!

This kind of performance really surprised Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianji.

This speed is too fast!

The two analyzed and concluded that Sun Hao was a wonderful one. First of all, Sun Hao practiced the general trend of the wind. The understanding of the storm was not weak, and the wind resistance was good. Secondly, Sun Hao itself was the Thunder. The body and the ability to resist lightning are also powerful.

It is not irresistible for Sun Hao to be a violent storm that other great monks can't avoid.

Therefore, Sun Hao’s practice of overbearing has a natural advantage over other monks. Sun Hao can go directly to the core area of ​​the storm and directly confront the direct experience of the tyrannical atmosphere between the heavens and the earth. Naturally, I don’t know how many times better than ordinary monks.

The general trend of Sun Hao’s practice, the general trend of the sea, has had a weak understanding of the storm and thunder in the early stage, but the direction and attributes of the previous understanding are different, and the things that are realized are always there, that is, Sun Hao’s violence Storm Thunder is not completely unaware, but is also very familiar.

Nowadays, to understand the domineering of the two, Sun Hao is familiar with the road and soon entered the state.

The result is that Luo Pengfei said that Sun Hao needs to practice for thousands of years, and needs to seriously understand the storm of the experience. Sun Hao has not used for a few years, it is already the first step, which makes Luo Pengfei really fall eyes!

Sometimes, Luo Pengfei was depressed. More than once, when Sun Hao was not present, he said to the heavenly machine: "The nose of the cow, you are not irritating, for any seemingly difficult practice, to the soul of the Lord. Here, it has become simpler? You can imagine how it is possible to experience the hegemonic momentum of storm storms in a few years?"

Tian Tianji said: "On this point, you must have a deep understanding. Didn't you see it in front? Isn't the difficulty of the nine-in-one integration smaller than the current hegemony? Xiaohao is not refining it? No, I can't think of it. Xiaohao dares to think more than you and I dare to pay for it. Of course, this is only a superficial phenomenon. The real core essence is actually two words, practical."

Luo Peng flew for a while, after a half-sound, his mouth said: "Yes, practical, these two words are easy to say, but it is quite difficult to do. Every step of the Lord's soul practice is never close, every step is practiced. Being down-to-earth and striving for perfection, the reality has produced a wonderful effect. That is, as he walks through every step of the way, it actually lays a solid foundation for the later practice, and the latter seems impossible. When you practice, the result becomes a matter of course."

The two deputy souls witnessed one miracle created by Sun Hao and asked themselves, consciously that it is very difficult for them to do as much as Sun Hao.

Because in their view, a lot of things, seemingly useless practice, will not reflect the importance until the need, before the effect of these practices is optional, how can we take the initiative to repair as a monk?

The biggest difference between Sun Hao and them is that every detail of the practice has not been let go. The nine major practice systems have always maintained the results of the practice of going hand in hand. There is no weakening. It has accumulated to this day, and this has produced a horrible practice effect.

The foundation of Sun Hao makes Sun Hao practice a lot of things and become logical. When Sun Hao chooses the path of practice, he often chooses the most perfect road of advancement. In this way, a virtuous circle is formed.

For example, nowadays, the most common choice of other Mahayana monks is the three great roads, and Sun Hao chooses nine great perfects.

Other monks are the three Dacheng graduates, and Sun Hao chose the nine Dacheng Dacheng Dacheng Dacheng.

Once Sun Hao got his wish and practiced successfully, the gap is probably unbeatable.

The reason why Sun Hao dared to choose such a practice, the biggest emboldened, may be that Sun Hao's early practice has done a good job, and the nine-in-one is a powerful practice that has never come before.

In less than ten years, Sun Hao’s understanding of the stormy thunder and tyranny has already begun to glimpse the door. Sun Hao can already do it without any means, floating in the air, shouting, fighting against the violent wind and the violent thunder. A full quarter of an hour.

All rely on the momentum of confrontation.

This was originally expected in the Luo Pengfei, is a practice for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, good guys, Sun Hao ten years to get.

Of course, if Sun Hao wants to fully understand the hegemonic momentum of the storm, it will take some time if he wants to be evenly matched and does not fall into the wind.

According to the results of the three-person deliberation, as long as Sun Hao can support an hour or more in the thunderstorm by his own momentum, basically, Sun Hao will fully realize the hegemonic momentum of the storm.

How long does this time take? Luo Pengfei's original estimate is also thousands of years, but now, I feel that Sun Hao's speed of progress like flying, he really did not dare to talk casually.

Although it is not stated clearly, the meaning of Luo Pengfei’s discourse is quite obvious. It does not need to be said for thousands of years. It is still needed for hundreds of thousands of years. After all, this kind of comprehension becomes more difficult in the later period. Besides, the Shouyuan of a Mahayana monk has already It’s a long time to be forgotten, and it’s really a bit of a time.

Sun Hao has no feeling about it at all. No matter how long it takes, since it has been chosen, it is down to earth and step by step.

Therefore, as long as there is a thunderstorm in the sea around the small fishing village, Sun Hao will quietly go out to sea and run to the core thunderstorm area to experience the overbearing power between the heavens and the earth. From time to time, every time, he will worry about the dragon mustard. .

Of course, every time I come back to the sea, Sun Hao will pick up a little seagoing goods. This is nothing but a handful for Sun Hao.

As the saying goes, seeing is a relationship. If a small fishing village appears in your own life, there must be a reason for his appearance. The medicines in the small fishing village appear in your own life, that is, the fate of embellishing your own life. Together, Sun Hao doesn't mind helping them.

Every time, the sea cargo that Sun Hao has handed back has special medicinal properties. They all have some special help to the monks in the small fishing village, and they can subtly improve the physique of the small fishing village monks.

For Sun Hao, this is just a matter of doing things.

Over the years, with the seafood that Sun Hao hit back into the belly of the small fishing village members ~ ~ Longxu A cuisine is very unexpectedly got a special glory, chef! The first chef of the small fishing village.

Because of the frequent cooking, and because Sun Hao's sea cargo is particularly special, inadvertently, Longshou Acai has successfully grown into a popular chef in the small fishing village.

This time, no exception, Long Shou Laoji did not take long to make a deep sea knives.

Abi took a piece of fish and threw it into his mouth. In the look of the dragon's dish, it looked like an angry look. Let's take a few mouthfuls and swallow the fish. He said quickly: "It's delicious, dragon must grandfather, you The craft is getting better and better..."

After that, Abi vomited his little tongue to Longyou Grandpa and ran to the bottom of the sling. He made a horn in his hand and shouted: "Xiaohao brother played a golden carp, and Grandma Longyou made a big meal. Everyone. Come over..."

The small fishing village has a small population, and there are less than 100 people in the village. They are very familiar with each other. Abi shouted, and a quiet fishing village burst into a cheer, and the medicines from three to three were coming out of their wooden houses. The laughter suddenly hovered over the small fishing village.

Grandfather's dinner has become the most delicious food in the small fishing village.

When all the members of the small fishing village arrived, the dragon mustard said loudly: "The old rules, everyone thank the medicine god, and then you can start."

The medicinal repairers quieted down and lowered their heads. Under the leadership of Longxu Acai, they shouted loudly: "Thanks to the drug god, the grain is abundant..."

Sun Hao’s face showed a smile.


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