Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2555: Sea worm

Seeing that Sun Hao was laughing on the side, Long Xuan could not help but raise his hand and knocked down a brain. "Let you thank the **** of medicine, how can this attitude be disrespectful, if there is a cure for medicine, my drug family can have such peace. The small fishing village has long been wiped out by the sea smoker."

Sun Hao touched his head, smiled and said loudly: "Thanks to the drug god..."

There is no special tranquility around the territory of the drug family, especially the sea medicine family. Most of them live on the seashore and the island. They have more contact with the races in the sea and the surrounding area is not peaceful.

The sea worm is a band of robbers, often rushing to the shore, plundering the drug repairs, and becoming a stranger to trade, trading in the sea market.

The dragon mustard is a good dish. If it is not the power of the drug god, the small fishing village near the stormy sea will not be so peaceful. If it is not good, it has been uprooted here.

The position of the sea-rats in the sea is not high, but they are numerous, all over the sea, and the good and the bad, some sea-mouse monks are the best businessmen, timid and clever, very easy to be bullied, at first glance is the air bag.

Some sea-mouse monks have fallen into the sea and become the notorious sea-buskers. They often fight and rob, and they are strong and weak, becoming the nightmare of the low-ranking monks on the coast of the imaginary or the island race.

The biggest characteristic of the sea mouse is that it is extremely mobile, and it has a foreseeable judgment on the danger. It can avoid the strong and avoid the strong, and ran to pinch the soft persimmon.

Coupled with the racial interests of some large ethnic groups, they secretly colluded with the sea mice, creating an increasingly rampant organization of the sea-consuming sub-organization.

The ethnic monks who lived by the sea all talked about it.

Speaking of the sea worm, an old fisherman anemone, Apo Leopard, said with a sigh of relief: "At that time, when we had the largest fishing village, there were more than a thousand monks. However, just as we were preparing to build a small harbor, the sea eater killed. Come over, the battle was not so fierce. Most of the monks in the fishing village died in a fierce battle. Hey, the bodies were taken away by the mice."

The pharmacy is a very special race. The monk itself is a remedy. As long as it is killed, the corpse left is a treasure.

Those sea mice can gain harvest as long as they attack the fishing village.

Another fisherman, Haizao Daqing, sighed: "The fishing village near the stormy seas is almost like this. As long as it develops to a certain scale, it will encounter attacks by the sea mice. They actually regard us as a vegetable market and often come to visit. ""

Sun Hao swept the dragon mustard, took a piece of golden swordfish, sprinkled a piece of meat down, and while eating meat in his mouth, he asked in a vague way: "Daddy, the sea mouse is such a disaster, the sea totem No matter?"

Long Xuan Ai shook his head and said: "The vast boundaries of the sea are boundless. The hands of the sea totem monks can't stretch out so long. They can manage the harbor town and keep the backbone of my medicine repair very good."

Sun Hao snorted and said softly: "Every time I eat, I see everyone praying so devoutly, hope that the **** of medicine is blessed, isn’t the drug **** not going to punish the sea rat?"

Long Xu Acai’s eyeballs are a glimpse: “The pharmacy is a day-to-day machine, and it leads the vast pharmacy territory. You think he is as leisurely as you are, specializing in storms.”

Sun Hao chuckled: "Is he not the patron saint of the drug family? The sea mouse is so bad, shouldn't he be under his control?"

The anemone a leopard shook his head and said: "Difficult, the patron saint of the drug **** is symbolic. He is in charge of the life and death of the drug family. Our ordinary monk is not in his jurisdiction. Duofu, young man, you have to step up your practice. Once the sea batter has been killed, you can help you, only you."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I hope that the sea mouse will kill at this time. I will kill him one day and let them know that I am amazing."

Abi clap his hands and smiled: "Well, yeah, Xiaohao brother is really powerful, and must kill the little mice who are smashing the West, throwing their helmets away."

Sun Hao erected an index finger and snorted in his mouth. He whispered: "Abi, low-key, we need to keep a low profile. It is said that those who use the sea can understand the dangers. You are so open to the open air. Dare to come."

The dragon mustard touched his forehead and said that he was a little dizzy. He said with a sigh of relief: "I have done it, and I am really like it. Xiaohao, tell you that once the sea smoke comes, The best way is to get into the water quickly. Depending on your water, you should be able to escape. As long as you arrive at the sea totem town, it is basically safe."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak.

After the coral Abi ate a few golden swordfish, the body suddenly shook a few times, the whole person instantly pulled up a few inches, the hair also turned into a multicolored color, and the skin was white.

Amazing expression on his face, Abi said loudly: "Ouye, I am finally an adult, Xiaohao, thank you, the golden swordfish really make up, hey, this made me three months ahead of time, but more A lot of time to make kites, Xiaohao, are you helping me?"

Sun Hao smiled and said nothing, the old fisherman Anemone Apo Leopard has said with a smile: "Abi, the drug family adulthood, flying kites, vertical eggs must be carried out by themselves, others help, it is not so Going back, you can't see the true potential, kites or you can do it yourself better."

The dragon mustard touched his chin and said in his mouth: "Well, it is true. The kite still has Abi, you can find a way, but?"

After a pause, Long Xu Acai continued to say: "There is a point in the management system of the sea totem, that is, the family of the totem core disciples and the birthplace of the tomb will be blessed by the totem, so every medicate monk adulthood Ceremony, in fact, is very important to the small fishing village. I think so, Abi, kite, you have to make it yourself, but we can give you advice, impart experience, and all the resources in the fishing village can be yours. Provisioning."

Sun Hao said with a smile on the side: "It is said that after the fins of the goldenfish are dried, they are ultra-thin and tough, and they are a good raw material for making kites. Last time I brought back the stingrays, there are rows of neat fish bones. It can also be used to make a kite skeleton."

Coral Abi jumped up happily: "Good yeah yeah, that little lord, you come to teach me how to make the kite bigger, fly farther higher..."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "To make the kite bigger, it is not difficult. As long as the skeleton of the kite is light enough and strong, the thin line of the kite is strong enough. The wing of the kite is thin enough to be strong enough. The hard part is how to make the kite fly better. The focus here is on the monk's grasp and use of the wind..."

The dragon mustard dish said on the side: "That is true, tell you, Abi, the kite flies There is only one reason."

Coral Abi asked: "Hey?"

The spirit of the dragon mustard is refreshing, and the mouth says: "The **** of medicine is blessed, only the monks who are favored by the gods can make their kites fly better."

Sun Hao shrugged and said that I really didn't have so much time to protect the kite from the medicine. I said, "Daddy, have you just said it? How can you manage this little thing?"

The dragon mustard is a bit of a slogan, and the face is a little reddish. After half a sigh, one sentence comes out: "The medicinal family is a big event for my pharmacy, and the pharmacist will surely pay attention to it."

Sun Hao shrugged his shoulders. He didn't go to the extreme old man with this superstitious medicine god. He looked at Abi and said in his mouth: "I have a good idea, do you want to learn too?"

Vertical egg power? When Abiton blinked, his mouth screamed: "Okay, okay, this must be, giggling, Abi must win the top ten kites, and succeed."

The dragon mustard is in the blink of an eye: "Abi, are you in the wrong direction? The egg is also a medicine god. You can't be broken by Xiaohao. The horse is upside down. I think now, I must be against you. Strengthen control so that you can spend more time praying for medicines every day, otherwise you will be bad..."

Abi looks at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and said: "The wisdom of medicine is unparalleled, and the world is fascinated by the gods. The **** of medicine should be blessed. It should also be a wise and courageous person. You also have the ability to be a younger generation. Therefore, Abi, the better your performance, the more you are blessed by the **** of medicine. Strong, fly the kite Dafa, and have the magic of the egg, can you learn?"

Coral Abi said loudly: "Learning, of course, you have to learn."

Sun Hao smirked: "The first step in the sacred egg is to choose the egg..."

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