Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2572: Overbearing (4)

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Under the damaged vestment, the opponent's skin is as smooth as a mirror, completely without burnt scars, or even blackened, but only slightly reddened.

Good and powerful physical defense!

The evil eye was shocked and confirmed again that he kicked the iron plate today. The strength of the opponent seems to have surpassed his own imagination, which is terrible.

I don't know why, evil eyes thought of a common saying of the human race monk, man died of money, birds died for food!

Will this greed of this time completely plung himself into the bottomless abyss? The opponent seems to be beyond the power of his imagination.

The heart is thinking so, in front of the eyes, the result of the battle with the scales, once again let his heart burst into cold.

The powerful three-pointed forks slammed into the youth of the green shirt.

Sun Hao’s eyes were slightly stunned, and his mouth screamed, his body vacated, and he did not hide or scream, and greeted the trident.

I didn’t expect the opponent to be such a hard-hitting game. After a slight glimpse, my heart was flat and my right arm was pulled open. The trident slammed down.

The tremendous power of the deity, the violent downwind momentum, has caused the air to rang the roar of the tearing space.

The scales feel that in this world, it is difficult for someone to resist the wild blow of such fierce and overbearing.

People are crazy, I am more arrogant, domineering.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed, his right hand pinched his fist, and stretched backwards slightly, greeted the opponent’s trident and banged out.

From top to bottom, the Trident is like three big mountains, pressed down.

Sun Hao did not hide, did not flash, opened the boxing, and banged it up.

Three big mountains, an iron fist, and strong collisions in the air, it seems that the three big mountains are more dominant. It seems that the three mountains are more powerful, but when the two sides collide, the situation is completely different.

A loud bang, the sky is loud.

The trident hit Sun Hao’s fist, and the heavens and the earth were shocked. Underneath their bodies, the frozen sea level ignited the sky's ice, and the fire that spread at sea level suddenly converges downwards, as if it were huge. The explosion sounded a big jump.

In the air, there is a very short-lived stalemate. Trident wants to fight against Sun Hao and wants to fork Sun Hao.

No, the strength is not enough!

Sun Hao is quite arrogant, with layers of golden brilliance on his body. The whole person seems to be in a golden hood, and he can't resist it. He can't resist the interception of the Trident.


One punch, the huge attack formed by the trident was blasted by Sun Hao, and the three tridents of the three hills instantly turned into light spots and dissipated in the air.

Sun Hao is unparalleled, still waving iron fists, bombarding the scales in the air.

The trident screamed and was beaten back to life. There was a horror in the heart, how could the dark channel be possible, and the dark channel had a great power.

When the heart was shocked, a golden fist exploded at the top of his head, from top to bottom, falling down to himself.

The heart was shocked, and the scales did not dare to scorn. The hands were crossed and crossed, and both hands were held, and they were on their heads.

A loud bang, Sun Hao hit a fist on the trident.

Huge powers rushed out, and the arrogance of the tyrants rushed out. Sun Hao’s body produced a powerful domineering power to destroy everything.

The trident in the scaly hands was squeaked and squeaked in a boxing, and there was a rapid crack in the box.

The scaly body, at this time, was also promoted by Sun Hao’s powerful punches, which fell down like a projectile.

With a bang, the ice surface was pulled out of a huge deep pit, and the scaly body was blasted into the ice layer. I don’t know how deep it was.

Sun Hao had a backflip in the air, and he laughed in his mouth: "Block me, die."

The violent arrogance, the powerful power, this moment, shocked everyone in the battle.

Even the evil eyes and the scaly monks who were frozen in the ice were fortunate enough to perceive Sun Hao’s unparalleled power and arrogance, and his face was also very shocking.

The frozen monk can also change the facial expression, which is also a powerful deterrent to Sun Hao.

The monks in the town of Forna, especially the anemone brothers, burst into cheers again.

Taiwei is fierce, too domineering, it is really deflated.

Xiaohao brothers, great!

In fact, the monks in the town are too low to understand, and I don’t know what the concept of Sun Hao’s move is. It’s just that it’s more powerful, but it’s just that it’s unclear, and it’s shouting loudly.

A good "blocking me, dying", if this young boy is really a drug tycoon, then the medicinal family will be in the virtual world in the future, if it is not good, it will really improve many times.

The body of the Hague subtle shivered, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes. He finally confirmed that this is the legend of the pharmacy, and advanced to the drug **** after the Mahayana.

So powerful, so strong, who is him?

At this time, the war situation in the high altitude has also made the Hague a bit trembled, and the scales with weak combat power were destroyed by the life of the gods and were thrown into the thick ice.

The evil way of fighting is very effective. The evil eyes in the air reveal a panic-stricken expression. At first glance, it is like a self, and there is no fighting spirit at all.

Ruined! Even the three companions are not a level opponent in the face of an absolutely strong domineering opponent.

Moreover, the Hague can also clearly perceive that Haidongqing behind him, as well as the knights around Haidongqing, have completely lost their fighting spirit, and they have instinctively flew far away, and there is no plan to go to war.

The Hague believes that as long as the opponent reveals some attack postures and moves to the side, the Haidongqing knights behind him will not be able to escape the scene as quickly as possible.

They have been shocked by their opponents and have no intention of fighting.

Taking a deep breath, the Hague said: "The Hague does not know that the drug **** is coming alone, and there is a far-reaching welcome. The adult is the patron saint of my pharmacy, the leader of my pharmacy. My sea totem is a drug family. One of them, I do not know what caused the adult to be so angry, the Hague is willing to plead guilty, and also invites a large number of adults, from the light."

The words of the Hague are clearly in the ear and spread on the spot.

All the monks who heard the words of The Hague did not stand on the spot.

Abi opened his mouth and revealed an unbelievable expression, didn't he? No way? Little Hao Ge will be a drug **** adult?

Have you made a mistake? The big brother who smiled all day and treated himself as a little sister was actually a drug **** who worshipped his faith.

The anemone brothers looked at each other and saw the unbelievable eyes in each other!

Have you made a mistake? Xiaohao brothers are the drug gods?

In the small town of Forna, many monks have been married, this spring is divided into annual ceremonies, it is really an eye-opener, wonderful to a lifetime unforgettable ~ everyone thought of all kinds of possibilities, thought of The young man in the green shirt may be the great monk who came down from Yaoshen Mountain, but never imagined that this was actually the personal arrival of the drug god!

When I heard the Hague, the evil eye sucked a cold breath, and the mouth could not help but say: "If you are really a drug, if you are really you, then my evil eye should not appear here to interfere with the chores of adults. Nowadays adults. You hit it, and it’s gone. Is this something to be done?”

The surface of the ice blasted open, and the trident with the scales and broken hands was standing in the air, and looked at Sun Hao very taboo.

The result of the fight is incomparably clear. He has the ability to scale, even using the life-threatening treasure, and the opponent, just relying on the physical strength of the body, he actually fell into the end of a destructive man.

Fighting power is too different, and you are not an opponent.

Floating in the air, Sun Hao slowly looked at the Hague, and he was not convinced of his words.

I swept under my eyes and saw that many medicines had been squatted on the ground and worshipped myself.

In the end, Sun Hao looked at the evil eyes and looked at the scales. He said in a word: "I gave you the opportunity to ask you to go back and not interfere with my pharmacy. You are shameless." I have already said, dare to hand the paw to the seat and kill innocent."

Evil eyes and scaly body can not help but shake it.

On Sun Hao’s body, they perceive a strong murder and perceive their determination to be unable to move.

Suddenly, my heart was cold and my mouth was bitter.

I played in the iron plate this time! Is the drug **** in the impression not a good gentleman?

How can this be so overbearing and unreasonable? Isn't it just to help the Hague to help the boxing, and to start with him first, how is it still endless, to kill it?

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