Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2573: Take a correct photo

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Sun Hao did not say how to deal with the Hague.

But the Hague knew that he would not have any good endings. Look at the high-hanging monk on the altar, and then look at the mouse head that fell on the altar. The Hague has already understood his end.

In the heart of the bitterness, the Hague said to the air: "Adults Mingjian, the sea totem has always been the command of the drug **** mountain, many things are operated under the leadership of Yaoshenshan, and recently the policy of Yaoshenshan has changed, but I The sea totem is already on the string, and has to be sent, and please ask the adults."

Sun Hao knows what he means.

Sun Hao can even know that the sea totem may be a channel for the drug **** to take medicine in exchange for resources.

After taking over the medicine god, the first iron law issued is to completely suppress the medicine. It seems that it is not just the sea totem, it may be on the hill of Yaoshen, and there are also monks who are guilty of yin and yin, and regard their own orders as a whisper.

What is even more abhorrent is that the sea totem has been intensified, and there have been new and abnormal changes. Some of the iron laws of the drug family are ineffective here, and the sea worms are also mixed into the drug family.

It is unbearable! Sun Hao may easily let go of those who have broken their rules? Besides, Sun Hao just needs to practice his own overbearing skills. Just after the advanced Mahayana, you need to stand up to the world. If so, you may wish to make things bigger.

With his hands on his back, Sun Hao floated in the air and said with aloud: "Don't you all ask for reinforcements? This seat wants to see which big gods you have come to. I also want to see, these reinforcements you can come to." I can't stop the thunder of this seat. Don't worry, I will kill you after your reinforcements arrive. It is still the same sentence. I am guilty of my pharmacy and die."

The Hague pointed out the identity of Sun Hao.

There was a very unexpected effect.

The Haidongqing knights completely lost their fighting spirit, and they flew lower and they formed a kind of adoration for Sun Hao.

This is the real **** of the pharmacy, the protector of everyone, no matter from what angle, the sea totem monks can not be enemies with the drug god.

The monks in the town of Forna are another kind of mentality at this time.

I don't know when Sun Hao is a drug god, they are still up and down, not knowing who they should support.

But now, don't worry about this tangled problem.

Naturally support the drug god!

Many monks have even made a great brain to make up the greatness of many medicine gods. A monk lying on the ground whispered: "No wonder the adults repelled the sea knight charge and dropped the battleship. It turned out to be an adult. Protecting the town of Forna from harm, is that adults are protecting us! Long live the medicine god..."

This drug repair is a bit wrong, and Sun Hao really did not expect to protect the town of Forna from harm.

Sun Hao just didn't want Abi and the anemone brothers to suffer from the shackles of the fish.

Sun Hao’s heart has no good feelings for Forna, and it will not hurt if it is ruined.

In Sun Hao’s heart, Forre is a fallen town.

However, when I saw a lot of meditation on the ground, Sun Hao suddenly realized a little bit of it. For these underlying monks, the **** of medicine was high and too far away. Perhaps this is why their belief is not firm.

Nowadays, when you show up, you can make a big difference. Perhaps these medicines will truly become your loyal followers.

Although Luo Pengfei and Dao Tianji did not explain why they wanted to lead a race, the ancestors did not explain the benefits of leading a race, but Sun Hao had slowly realized it.

Once you become a guardian of a race, the true protection of the gods, the kind of devout worship of the ethnic monks, or the power of faith, has a subtle influence on one's own practice.

The effect of this influence will be in the end, but it is still unknown, but it is always beneficial and harmless. If this is the case, then Sun Hao really needs to establish his own prestige in the drug family.

Sun Hao stood back and floated in the air.

The slender body is not particularly tall, but like a mean mountain, it gives the opposite monks a heavy pressure.

The violent scaly, secretive evil eyes, at this time the atmosphere does not dare to breathe, simply fight, they have already understood, it seems that they are not opponents at all, for the present, or wait for their reinforcements to come and say.

The Hague is waiting.

It’s just that the people are different, and the Hague even knows that his two companions may be disappointed! The people they are waiting for are powerful, but they should not stop the drug god.

Perhaps, only those who have moved by themselves can really save the scene. Hey, I know that, when I close my hand, I won’t be so troubled.

The air was quietly quiet, but there were many medicines that continued to lie on the ground, facing Sun Hao’s constant worship.

Medicine God, it’s rare to see it. Listen to the older generation of monks. If you can see the drug **** and bow down to one or two, then you will all get the blessing of the **** of medicine.

By the way, no wonder that Abi is so powerful, kite first, three egg monks, it turns out that there is really a medicine **** in the blessing!

In the repressed atmosphere, time flies past. After half an hour, tall waves rush from the sky. This wave is afraid that there are more than thirty or forty feet high, and the frozen sea surface is submerged under the huge waves.

A hand-held blue sea spear, naked to the upper body, the lower body is the fish tail, tall and long, and the monk who is no less than a hundred feet flutters with the waves.

People are still far away, the sound of rolling and thundering is passed over: "Pharmaceutical family, you are eating a daring leopard, and you dare to offend me to have a scale. I am calling you to die today."

The voice fell, and the sea spear, which was ten feet long, had already condensed and flew out. The air turned into a blue lightning and went to Sun Hao.

Do not ask the red and white, first hit again!

This is the consistent style of the scaly family. When I saw the emergence of my own township boss, the mad tyrant launched the attack incomparably. The squad monk exhaled a long breath and shouted in his mouth: "The squid has seen Zerro." Adults, thank you adults for coming out."

The man with scales and philosophers has no time to take care of him. He has come to the water and is in a strong momentum. He has already slammed into the grandson of Sun Hao. He is the first to win over, and he will overwhelm his opponent with infinite momentum.

Sun Hao laughed happily and said in his mouth: "If you come well, you will be able to show off in front of you."

The body swayed a little, and Sun Hao’s body showed a faint golden light. The whole body instantly became a six-body body. In the laughter of the haha, it vacated and did not hide, and smashed into the opposite scale. How about the huge waves?

How is the height and strength?

The momentum is rampant, and you can't make people look! In the air, Sun Hao’s golden light banged into the blue lightning of the scales.

The blue lightning whispered, and the air circling back and back backwards.

Jinguang was a little bit, and he accelerated again in an instant. Sun Hao’s right hand opened and his mouth screamed: “There are scaly fish in the area, eat me a punch.”

The golden body, like the arrow from the string, ejected and slammed into the front of the scaled philadelphia.

The golden light, the fist did not arrive, the fist wind has already suppressed the huge waves.

When I saw this momentum, I couldn’t help but scare a big jump, and my mouth screamed, my arms jerked a cross on my chest, blocking Sun Hao’s fist.

The golden sparkling Sun Hao instantly penetrated the waves and penetrated the seawater shield around the scaled Zerro.

With a bang, the waves rolled down.

The tall and sturdy scalloped Zero was rolled up by the waves, rolling back in the past, and the huge impact, always smashing his body far and wide, until he left the ice, ploped, dropped In the real sea water, I have not seen it in an instant.

Sun Hao's body whirls slightly, floats in the air, and laughs in his mouth: "However, hahaha, there are scales and philosophers, there are big people in the scales of the towns, but this is so bold, and then pick me up... ”

Floating in the air, Sun Hao made a move and sent a fist to the front.

The sea suddenly collapsed. A tall figure was like a fish. It quickly ran away from the sea until it was discovered that Sun Hao was only bluffing. This huge fish, that is, the scales, was slightly The red land floated above the sea and looked at Sun Hao from afar. He asked loudly in his mouth: "But the drug **** is face to face?"

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