Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2574: Killing

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The drug family site can compete with oneself, not who is the drug god?

However, what is a little wrong is that the drug gods in front of you are completely different from the data records.

Didn't the information be said in the intelligence, is the drug **** a white-haired dagger, and has already shown the old perfection of the perfection?

This is just like a teenager, not the slightest old.

Moreover, it is a kind of vigor and vitality from the bones. It is definitely a young monk.

What exactly is going on?

Sun Hao is still golden, floating in the air, his mouth coldly said: "It seems that no one really takes my pharmacy field seriously, it is coming, good, this medicine god, today, scale Since you are here, don't think about leaving, squid, I said, waiting for your family to come, it is your death, now, your limit is to give me life..."

Above the sky, a small, white fish hook, a slamming sound, reflected in the sun, the general glow of the diamond.

All the monks, including the scaled esoterics, appeared at the moment when the hooks appeared, as if the spirit had been stunned, as if the time and space around them had been distorted.

When everyone is re-determining God. Suddenly discovered that there has been a very strange change over the sea.

I don't know when the hook has accurately caught a huge golden squid.

The whole body, the size of a huge tall building, is the dorsal fin and is like a hill.

Such a large giant fish was actually hanged in the air by a small fishing rod, and the slender fishing line was constantly struggling.

The fishing rod was held in the hands of Sun Hao. Sun Hao was also a little surprised. Using the fishing of time and space, hooking the mouth of the golden squid, it would have a very strange effect. The golden squid was forced to be at the moment of the entrance of the hook. After returning to the original shape, Sun Hao did not use any strength to use this big fish to catch the fish and lift it off the sea.

The strange time and space fishing, the magical effect of one hit, plus a fit and a great ability to be caught in the air in an instant, the intense and vivid feeling of struggling, suddenly scared a few big jumps.

The eyes of the evil eye kept flashing in the middle of the eye, and the sweaty beads of the beans appeared on the forehead. The results of the big-eye observation showed that the fishing rod had an incomparable strong gram for their seas.

That is to say, if the opponent wants to catch him, it is also a catch. If it is not good, it will be like the golden big squid, and it will hang around there.

Just in front of myself, I will fish my younger brother!

The scaled Zerro couldn't help but be angry and screamed in his mouth: "The medicine is not fast, let's just put a small sputum. Are you going to have a family with us?"

Sun Hao laughed happily, and in the hands of a fishing rod, he caught the huge big fish and slammed down.

A loud bang, the golden squid was fallen on the ice.

The golden squid is like a normal fish after being caught off the water. On the vast, hard ice, it is unwilling to squat and jump, trying to find a chance for itself.

The strange fishing rod is not only to bring him back to the original shape, but even to let him lose the ability to speak in an instant. Even all his cultivation, all means are sealed within the body, and can only rely on instinct to act.

The scaled Zerro saw that Sun Hao did not give himself a face, and he could not help but be angry. He said in a big voice: "You are looking for death..."

In the loud noise, the sea spear in the hands of the sky, a slight spin, above the sea, the sea seems to be strongly stirred with his rotation, a huge vortex.

A large amount of seawater is like a tornado. It rises from the sea and forms a huge column of sea water in the air. Under the sunlight, it is crystal clear and the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster.

Just as this rotation reached its apex, the sea spear in the hands of the scales of Zhelu suddenly headed toward Sun Hao and slammed into the small town of Forna.

The huge seawater pillars in the air collapsed with this smash, and the air turned into a crystal clear water arrow. With the huge amount of power, it was overwhelmed and killed.

The dense water arrows cover the entire town of Forna.

Every water arrow has a powerful power to wear a cloud. On the road, there are a few obstacles that stick out of the ice. After encountering the water arrow, it is instantly riddled with holes and is smashed into the ice. Above, turned into ice slag.

The powerful magical powers of the township monks are unparalleled. Every monk in the town of Forna has a great change and is full of fear.

A powerful power! Once those water arrows fell on the small town of Forna, the town was afraid that it would instantly become a void in the water, and it was wiped out in an instant.

In the past, everyone has only heard how powerful the monks are, and they have no personal feelings. Today's war, when everyone opened their eyes, they really realized this kind of horror and terrible.

Scaled Zerro hated Sun Hao.

This move also did not leave at all. Sun Hao did not take his hand to sacrifice the flag, did not give face? Then Lao Tzu also makes your hands have no bones.

The monks can fight, maybe there are two tricks, no one can help, but there are scales and Zerro know that even if they are themselves, it is impossible to take care of the safety of the monks around them in the battle, unless the strength is higher. Big cuts, or else, it is impossible to take care of those pool fish in the process of confrontation.

Sun Hao’s mouth screamed, and the clear voice spread throughout Tianyu: “The worms also dare to show off in front of me, and the light of rice grains dares to compete with the sun and the moon...”

In the voice, Sun Hao opened his mouth and spit.

A small bird with twinkles of golden light was spit out by Sun Hao.

The birds rose in the wind, and did not wait for the wild rainstorm arrows to rush to the front, which has turned into a double-winged golden sky.

Gao Fei is in front of the small town of Forna. Dapeng Golden Wings divulge with one wing down. The golden light falls in front of Sun Hao and the town, forming a golden wall.

Water arrows cover the sky and shoot wildly.

However, without waiting for the golden wall, it has been turned into a layer of water vapor in the incomparable high temperature, flying into the air.

Hundreds of millions of water arrows are turned into infinite water vapor. Above the sea, a long rainbow rises up. The water vapor instantly turns into a white cloud, floating on the blue sky. Unfolding above the town, the proud head looked down from the sky and looked at the scales with carelessness.

When Sun Hao confronted the sea monks, he made a time and space fishing.

So when the opportunity came, Sun Hao used the incarnation of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird to see if the big bird really restrained the sea monks.

Dapeng Golden Wings appeared at It was easy to go to the water arrow skill of the scaled Zhe Luo. Not only that, Sun Hao also felt that Dapeng Golden Wings had a hair at this moment. The appetite in the bones.

Dapeng Golden Wings look at the eyes of the scales and are full of greed and desire. There is a feeling of eagerness to succumb to a big meal.

Sun Hao can't help but feel a little!

At this time, Dao Tianji said in his heart: "Xiaohao, Dapeng Golden-winged Bird is born to feed on dragons. Among his recipes, the dragon is actually a savvy sea bream, and the Terran is not a squid. Is it true that the practice of the sea to a certain extent is actually equivalent to the dragon, so the scales in front of it are actually the favorites of the Dapeng garuda."

Sun Hao was slightly sullen, and said: "This desire requires control. In comparison, I am not a real Dapeng garuda."

Luo Pengfei haha ​​laughed: "Control a hammer, Dapeng Golden Wings need enough wildness, so that there is fierce combat power, your hegemony also needs enough strength and desperation, as you control to control, If you are overbearing, you can’t fix it.”

Sun Hao was a little sighed, and his heart sighed with a long sigh. He laughed and said in his mouth: "What about the scaly family and the whole family? I am not killing it, the golden wings, first reward you with a fish."

In the hands of a fishing rod, the golden squid on the ice was caught by the fish, and the fishing rod smashed. The golden squid flew away and flew to the Dapeng garuda.

The Dapeng garland bird screamed with excitement, bowed his head and slammed it up.

The big fish was taken off the fishing hook, and a scream of screams came from the air!

There is a screaming singer: "Pills, you dare..."

When the words were not finished, the Dapeng garuda bird had swallowed up in the sky, and even the belt meat, swallowed a golden squid into the belly.

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