Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2575: According to the killing (2)

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The drug repairers know that the drug **** is very powerful!

That is the patron saint of the pharmacy, but it is better to see it. Today, I really see the **** of medicine, which is called a fierce arrogance. It is called a deflation.

Good guy, the famous big sea has a scale, met his own medicine god, actually was also suppressed by the students.

The scaly boss is coming! The **** of medicine did not give face, throwing a huge strange bird, in the face of a scaly boss, swallowed his subordinates, a powerful monk who was on the same level as the Hague.

How powerful is the power of adults?

The sea medicine is close to the sea and lives in the sea. It is the border area of ​​the medicinal family. The drug repairs here often face a variety of sea monks and will often be oppressed by other sea monks.

Only the medicine repairs attached to the sea totem can barely have a relative sense of security. In other small fishing villages, the drug repairs often encounter various kinds of accidents.

The sea mouse is just one of them.

In fact, when there are squadrons and monks of the evil eye, sometimes they will do even worse things. Once they are dispatched, it is not a fight like a sea-sucker, but the entire village is destroyed.

For a long time, the sea medicines are actually more afraid of the strong people in the sea. They are all afraid that they will be unhappy, and there will be a tragic incident in the village.

Today's events, twists and turns, from the simple monk rites to the tri-family war, developed to the level of the war, it is really beyond the expectations of every sea medicine monk.

The result of the battle is to let every sea medicine monk sigh for it, to be inspired and excited.

The medicine **** is so powerful, it is good and powerful.

If the versatile monk with the scaly is mad, what can he do? It’s not that the younger brother has swallowed up the younger brother.

In the small town of Forna, more and more sea medicine monks are kneeling on the ground, and they continue to pay homage.

The pharmacy drug god, the existence of God, is unforgettable for a lifetime.

The screaming of the scales and the screaming of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird above the sky, the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, which had just swallowed the golden squid, slammed his eyes and looked at the scaled Zerro.

The scaled Zerro was greedy, as if drooling, and he had a fear from inside the bones. In the far, the eyes blinked and looked at the huge strange birds in the air.

After the monk reached a certain degree of cultivation, he has already got rid of the **** of his own family and jumped into another more powerful and advanced life form.

Especially at the level of fit and power, the monk has completely completed the transition of life, although occasionally with some characteristics of the native monk, but it is not enough to become the shackles of the monk.

That is to say, after practicing the combined power, no matter which ethnic group of monks, there is no such thing as a natural enemy.

Some races have been able to go to the distraction or the level of fitness, or even deliberately go to the troubles of their former natural enemy race, and report their deep hatred that was almost eaten during their weak hours.

But nothing is absolute.

The root cause of the inability to become a natural enemy is actually the increase in the strength of the monks. It has produced a natural resistance to all kinds of restraints and various restraints. In combat power, it also overcomes ethnic weaknesses, so you can face the natural enemies even It is the point of destroying natural enemies.

As long as it is a kind of species that comes from the wild, the powerful natural enemies born with very powerful individuals, there is still a natural deterrent and a natural fighting advantage.

Otherwise, the Dapeng garuda will not swallow a huge non-friend so easily, and it is a golden squid that has reached the level of fit.

The reason is that after the big squid was smashed by the Dapeng garuda, it was completely suppressed by various abilities. Without the means of resistance, it could only become a fruit of the belly.

Nowadays, the scaled Zerro was smashed by the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, and a chill came out from the bottom of his heart. A fear from the inside of the bone instantly rushed into his heart, and he had to fly back quickly and quickly.

Until I thought I was safer, I was so worried that I looked up at the huge strange bird.

Everyone is a grasshopper tied to a line, recognizing the evil eye of the strange bird. At this time, he loudly reminded: "Adults are careful, this is a legendary Dapeng garuda, legend, he Specializing in the cultivation of dragons..."

by! Dapeng Golden Wings!

The scaled philosophers understood when the fear in his bones came from. This is really a real nemesis and natural enemies with scales. Even if it is practiced to its own height, if it is hit by this bird, it is afraid It will also be swallowed up.

The heart suddenly trembled back and forth two hundred nautical miles, his eyes flashing with hesitation, I wonder if I should continue to fight.

Don't hit it, the face is gone, and there are still a lot of scales. The elite sea knights are frozen on the spot. If you don't fight, you have to die all the light. If you are serious, you will definitely hurt the scales. Not a few thousand years to recover.

Hit it, the opponent is too fierce, especially the huge Dapeng garuda, may be waiting for himself to die.

At this time in the heart of the scales and philosophers, Sun Hao looked at the direction of the sky, and said in a faint voice: "Since the friends of the Tao have come, they will come out to fight."

Above the sky, the direction that Sun Hao looked at, blinked for a while.

A huge, seemingly round ball, emerged from the hustle and bustle.

Seriously, I suddenly found out that this ball is actually a huge head. There are three eyes on the head. There are also bodies and hands and feet on the lower side. However, the difference between the body and the hands and feet is too large, so it can be neglected. The feeling is that a ball has emerged.

On the big face of the ball, there was a bitter smile. When I came out, I already shouted in my mouth: "Adults, the big heads are late, and the adults are also asked to bypass the evil eye."

Big head!

This name is quite strange.

In the knowledge of God, Luo Pengfei laughed happily: "What is strange about this, that guy is a big fish, their ethnic group, two surnames, one is a surname, one is a big name, ha Haha, Agarwood, if your Dapeng Golden Wing can swallow this big head, it must be very relieved."

In contrast, Dao Tianji is much more reliable than Luo Pengfei. The suggestions made by Sun Hao are also deeply considered: "Xiao Hao, the first ultimate road of your practice, since I chose the Avenue of Time and Space, then I would recommend You let the Dapeng Golden Wings come out to fight. His body has many understandings of the time And if I guess well, he should also understand some of the space avenues."

Sun Hao’s heart was moved, and he remembered what he saw. The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, which was not completely burned, said in his heart: “Thank you Master for pointing, yes, Tie Pengpeng can leave the soul and not burn completely. Already comprehending the real time and space, but unfortunately he still fell short, and when he did not fully comprehend, he began the spontaneous combustion of the soul and the flesh."

Tian Tianji reminded: "This is the case. Every avenue is not so easy to be comprehended. The same is true of the time and space avenue. If the degree of comprehension is different, it will not reach a certain balance. Even if it is a Mahayana monk, it will be on the avenue. Under the rules, play with fire and self-immolate."

Sun Hao was shocked.

The air is standing still, and the momentum of Sun Hao's body is filled with an unknown smell.

The big head on the opposite side perceives Sun Hao’s unspeakable breath, and can’t help but reveal a bitter smile. He said again in his mouth: “Adult, you still surpass the scope of the town’s power, saying, don’t be so difficult for us juniors, Also ask the adults to exalt their hands..."

When the words are not finished, Sun Hao has said coldly: "This seat has given you the opportunity of evil eyes, let you roll, you actually handed your paws to the seat, how, now I feel that I bully the junior?"

The big head slammed and slapped.

With a bang, there is a bright red palm print on the face of the evil-eyed big fish below.

This guy slaps a slap in the face, but he doesn't have any resentment. Instead, he squats on the ice and keeps beheading: "The grown-ups are forgiving, the adults are forgiving, the big-headed don't dare any more, no longer dare..."

He did not forget that Sun Hao once said that as soon as their boss arrived, Sun Hao would take him to open the knife and be scared enough.

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