Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2585: Taoist dispute (2)

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Water is soft and just, and water is good for everything. Water is the king of the hundred valleys, and it is good for the bottom.

Sun Hao has a stick and is extremely powerful.

The layers of seawater are coming in and there are endless streams.

The Mahayana fighting method is rare to see in a million years, and the power of the Mahayana fighting method is even more amazing.

The stick of the drug **** has a hole in the earth, destroying the power of the earth, and welcoming the sea below, and steadily holding it under the golden stick.

The front of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird rushed down, and there was also a transparent, thin layer of seawater that stopped its undershoot.

There were two bangs, and the stick of the sky fell on the sea of ​​water. The huge force broke the seawater and split it into two halves. There was a huge ditch in the middle.

When the sea water shook and splashed around, the spattered seawater did not spill over the sea. After flying out, it immediately flew up and flew over.

Almost instantaneously, Sun Hao’s body, together with the stick of the earth, has broken the sea, but it has also fallen into the encirclement of the sea. Under the stick, the soft layers of the sea are allowed to pass, and the body of Sun Hao is surrounded by sea water. It is surrounded by fine.

The sea was so soft that the power was continuous, surrounded by Sun Hao in all directions. Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he had even been with a stick and appeared in a huge water polo.

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird did not have the scales of the scorpion, and rushed down. It was only halfway, and it was far away from the scales. It had already plunged into the sea, and after the bang, the sea was fine. The land rushed in and entangled the body of the Dapeng garuda.

Sun Hao’s Dou Tian stick was lifted by layers of soft sea water. Under the resistance and dismantling of the sea water, the huge force quickly disappeared, far from the sea god, and Sun Hao’s power was completely exhausted.

The surrounding sea water was surrounded by densely packed, and Sun Hao was held into a huge water polo.

The Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, which fell into the water, screamed in the sky, and the wings were one, waiting to vacate. The surrounding sea water was entangled like a vine, entangled in his claws and wrapped his wings.

The great power of the Dapeng Golden Wingbird rose and the body vacated.

However, the water column like a vine is still wrapped around the body. As his flying water column is like a spring, it is stretched a lot, but still can not be broken, still firmly stuck to the Dapeng garuda.

Looking far away, it is like the rope below which stretches out a lot of ropes that can be stretched. It hangs on the body of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, and it produces a continuous pull, which will pull the Dapeng garuda to the living. The sea.

The Dapeng Golden-winged bird has a long sound in its mouth, and a layer of flame rises in the body. The layer of seawater on the body melts and is instantly evaporated and turned into a mist.

Dapeng Golden Wings feel a light body, waiting to spread their wings and fly, soft, continuous tension has appeared on their own body.

The big eyes were slightly puzzled. When I looked around, I suddenly realized that the fog that was evaporated by myself instantly turned into a rope and pulled myself to the sea. The sea **** was really strong!

Among the sea water balls, Sun Hao holds the stick of the day, and screams in his mouth. The club heads to the sky and breaks through the sky. The whole body of Sun Hao and the stick of his hands are turned into a sky. Jin Guang, rushed to the top of the water polo.

Fighting the sky, it is unstoppable.

If you are good at water, it is not airtight.

Sun Hao’s fighting sticks can break through the fine water layers, but no matter how Sun Hao rushes, the soft water will quickly flow to the top of Sun Hao’s head and wrap him tightly. And always connected to the sea below.

How fast is Sun Hao's rush, how fast this water flow is.

Seeing the eyes of the warriors in the battle, it was above the sea, and Sun Hao quickly pulled up a straight column of water.

The water column is closely connected to the sea. Above the water column is the golden body and stick that Sun Hao is rushing at.

Sun Hao rushed a few times, no fruit, and immediately ran across the side. No matter how Sun Hao rushed, the sea always wrapped Sun Hao firmly in it.

In that way, the water column in the air is constantly changing direction in a continuous manner, and the left and right sides keep shaking their heads.

On the other side of the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, there was a battle like a saw.

Every time Dapeng Golden Wings fan their wings, they can fly very high. But I don’t know how many ropes are firmly attached to the body of Dapeng Golden Wings. When Dapeng Golden Wings flap their wings, The water rope is stretched and thinned. As long as the strength of the Dapeng garuda bird is slightly weaker, the huge continuous force flows along the water line, pulling the big bird and pulling it into the sea.

Awesome judo.

Water-based to soft, judo is fine and long, not undue, continuous, tangled.

During the battle, Sun Hao felt too deep about the judo of Poseidon. Your own overbearing power can instantly break the power of any judo that is in front of you, but no matter how you break it, you can only drill a hole in the judo.

Just like throwing a stone in the sea, after the stone fell in, the sea water immediately healed, and as soon as one's own attack left, the power of judo recovered immediately, boundlessly and endlessly.

If you don't have the means to do it, the end of the fight, you can't do it yourself, you are exhausted, surrounded by judo, and wrapped in a scorpion.

With his own power to break through the sky, the powerful power of his own Dapeng Golden Wings can not be rushed out, and it is impossible to fly. The old master Mahayana who is really unruly, is really moving, unexpectedly beyond. powerful.

Sun Hao can perceive that it is not only the water ball that he encounters is full of flexible power, but the whole sea. Above the battlefield of Poseidon and his own, the soft power is everywhere, his own deity and points. No matter how rushed, the actual has already fallen into the boundless sea, how can not rush out.

The power of Poseidon has made Sun Hao’s fighting spirit reach.

Advanced Mahayana, the first encounter with the battle between the Mahayana, can meet such a difficult opponent as the sea god, is also a very rare realization.

Holding the stick, forced to go up a few times, no results, Sun Hao heart in a move, open mouth spit, slap a large piece of mud spit at his feet.

After the mud came out, it grew with the wind, and along the foot of Sun Hao, quickly extended to the four sides, expanded and went out. In less than a few efforts, Sun Hao’s foot had already appeared like a piece of pizza on the land. At the foot of Sun Hao.

Behind the sea god, the big head screamed and exclaimed: "What is this thing?"

The voice of Poseidon is still soft, and there is no slight wave: "The soil, his body, there is a legendary interest in the soil."

The voice just fell, and the soil has spread from the foot of Sun Hao to the foot of the Dapeng garuda. The Dapeng garland bird screams and the feet fall on the soil, and the wings are on display, flying to Sun Hao. Come over Hao found that even if he had his own soil to cut off the water, the large body of the Dapeng garuda was still wrapped in a lot of water, as if he had pulled him from all sides. The body makes him unable to take off easily.

Still powerful and strange, the sea god, if it is not some means, I am afraid that it will be trapped in the sea by his life.

Among the five elements, the role of Tuoke water and soil is to prevent water from flooding.

And the soil, the legendary soil with the strongest water, can grow rapidly and continuously, resisting the ravages of water.

In ancient legends, the Terran had suffered from floods. At that time, there were great monks who turned out to use water to protect the people and many people.

The most characteristic feature of the soil, which can grow itself and never lose its consumption, is its ability to resist the water potential.

The classical Chinese folk song "Shan Hai Jing? Neijing" records: "Red water smashed the sky, smashing the emperor's interest to the red water...", "Shan Hai Jing Note" 曰: "The people of the soil, the land is infinitely long, so It can also be stuffed with red water."

The sea god's softness is enlightened from the sea, and water is the carrier of the sea god's own way of displaying itself.

The five elements of Tuoke water, together with the powerful five elements of the earth, have suddenly formed a great restraint on the water softness of Poseidon.

The seawater surrounding Sun Hao finally couldn't stop the expansion of the soil, and the splash of water in the air slammed into the air.

Sun Hao holds the stick of the sky and jumps on his back. He once again stands on the back of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird. He screams in the sky, and the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird also screams in the sky and echoes with Sun Hao, and the war is high.

Strength wins respect.

By the sea god, the sea water is still flowing slowly, and the mouth softly said: "Pharmaceutical God, you and I will take a step back, this matter will be done, I will restrain my sea, and the donor community will have a calm development environment. how is it?"

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