Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2586: The way of life

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Sun Hao’s performance has repeatedly peaked the perception of Poseidon.

When I first appeared, Sun Hao was in the eyes of Poseidon, but the juniors were just the descendants of the descendants of the advanced Mahayana.

After a little bit of insight into Sun Hao’s imposing manner, Poseidon felt that this was a magical junior. It was so fast that he began to comprehend the Tao, and he was still overbearing. This speed is really commendable.

Then, Poseidon discovered that Sun Hao was not only comprehending the hegemony, but also practiced the ultimate road time and space avenue, the basic road four great roads, the three fellow initiates, and the high morals. Such a monk, although weaker than himself Accumulation cannot catch up with oneself, but it should be given enough respect.

If Sun Hao is only a junior, Poseidon will naturally pinch it, so that this junior knows how to respect the old and love the young.

But the other party actually took the road to the avenue and was still not close. Poseidon naturally had to consider his own attitude. This was the matter of today, and it was stopped. In fact, this is what Poseidon does not care about.

We must know that the sea people have been killed by two fits and powers, and the sea gods have already suffered.

This is also the softness of meeting the sea god's temper. If you meet the Mahayana monks of other races, then it is not so good to talk.

But who knows, the drug **** accidentally did not enter the oil and salt, but did not retreat, but instead launched a challenge to himself with a hegemonic posture that rises from the sky.

No face to face, Poseidon is a little angry, ready to clean up this ignorant drug god.

After being repaired to the point of Mahayana, the understanding of the Tao has become an important indicator of combat effectiveness. A great way, in theory, is not a way of breaking the same level of Xiaocheng.

His own judo is Dacheng, the boy’s hegemony is only Xiaocheng, and, in terms of attributes, hegemony is fierce and violent, and he is restrained by his own judo. That is to say, according to routine analysis, his own judo can The movement that suppresses the boy’s hegemony is not allowed.

The war started, and the front was that Sea God occupied a certain advantage, but it didn't take long for it to be, and the sea gods were invincible. It is said to be the longest and most difficult judo water in this world. It is actually a special means by this kid. Give birth to life, get out of trouble.

Poseidon was once again unexpected.

If you have the strength, you will naturally have the right to speak and be able to break your own judo. Then it means that this kid who has just advanced into Mahayana, this should be the kid of the human race, who is now a drug kid. The strength has the right to bargain with himself.

Poseidon had to reconsiderate the attitude of handling this matter, proposing that both sides should take a step back and that Poseidon would restrict the sea, and this incident will be given up.

In the eyes of Poseidon, I am able to do this. It is already enough to give the face of the drug kid. It is considered to be the overall situation, and it is aggrieved.

All the monks looked at the sky and looked at the mighty, blue-shirted teenager standing on the back of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, waiting for his opinion.

Especially the drug repair, get the promise of Poseidon, every drug repair is full of confidence in the future peace of the drug family.

The drug **** is really powerful. It can gain the recognition of Poseidon with its own strength, and can guarantee the tranquility of the sea. The drug family is guarded by the drug god, and the future must be full of hope.

Sun Hao floated on the back of Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, facing the lower sea god, and laughed in his mouth: "Predecessors, you are afraid that you have made a mistake in a basic position. Today, it is your sea people who have entered my pharmacy. The town of Forna tried to force me to submit, hahaha, and said what to take back..."

A little bit, Sun Hao’s voice rose again, and his mouth screamed: “Respect you for a predecessor, but it’s because you are older, but you are not afraid of your supernatural power. Today, if this thing does not satisfy me, Hahaha, they are two, absolutely can't go back, I don't mind fighting you with the sea **** for hundreds of thousands of years."

Between the talks, Sun Hao’s fighting stick pointed to the sea **** in the distance, and the whole person, with the incomparable attitude, revealed the arrogant attitude of contempt for the heavens and the earth.

Pointing to the golden club head of Poseidon, there is a windy wind, a silver snake and a vague fire.

The violent temperament of the storm, the destruction of the Thunder, and the burning of the fire of the three real fires were all spread on Sun Hao’s fighting stick. One unit battled the battlefield, and the overbearing momentum flowed over Sun Hao’s body.

In the face of Poseidon, Sun Hao still does not regress, he is not satisfied, he is not good, even if you are Poseidon, Lao Tzu also said no birds.

There is a large scale in the sea below: "Let's go, the drug family in the district, dare to scream in front of my sea god, believe it or not, my Baizu sea department is launched, don't be a hundred years, razing your medicine family to the ground, Give me all the boundaries of your pharmacy to the sea."

Sun Hao looked at him with a sigh of relief: "The adults talk, what mouth do you insert, and roll for the old man."

The stick of the sky sticks, the stick shines, and the light of one and a half months kills the past.

The scaled Zerro was shocked, and his body was swaying, and he was waiting to escape. Suddenly at this moment, his heart was instantly captured by a hegemonic momentum, feeling like a child when he was taught by a severe father. The whole body cannot move.

The body is slightly stiff, the body is really crazy, the whole body is repaired to the maximum, and the scales are quickly recovered.

But this is a small delay, has made the scaled Zerro completely unable to escape, a slamming sound, half a month of golden light on the scales of the body.

There was a scream of scales, and most of the right side of the body was hit by Jinguang. The attack of the overbearing attack broke out instantly. The tearing of the wind, the destruction of the thunder, the calcination of the fire, and the arrogance of the human beings Scales on the body.

In the screams, the repair of the scales is still unable to resist the power of this powerful destruction, and the right body slams open.

Blood and rain are flying.

Poseidon shook his head gently, and said in his mouth: "All said, the drug **** in front of you is the same level of existence as the seat, but it is not arbitrarily provocative."

In the voice of the voice, the white light of Poseidon flashed, and the majestic vitality rushed out and landed on the body of the scaled.

The power of life and destruction, the sawing back and forth on the scales, and the screams of scales and screams, the body gradually recovered.

The heart looked up and looked at Sun Hao, and the scales were subconscious, and they ran a little further.

Behind the sea god, the big head shrugged, and the heart sighed and thought that this girl was really reckless, knowing that it was not an opponent, actually jumped out and interrupted, and learned the lesson!

With the repair of big-headed scorpion and scaled syllabus, the ordinary injuries are really hard to beat them. However, Sun Hao’s attack with hegemonic power is not easily cured by the fit and power.

It’s true that Poseidon can’t help.

After learning a little about the scales, Sun Hao once again perceives the power of Poseidon's vitality Life Avenue, is a magical, one of the top ten in the top ten.

What is life? How did life come about? These understandings of life can enable the monks to gain extremely powerful combat capabilities after understanding the road of life. Sun Hao now has a deep feeling.

Poseidon is really powerful.

They gathered the Thunder and gathered the powerful destructive power formed by various forces such as the storm. After the arrival of Poseidon's life avenue, they were quickly dispelled. The body of the scales was not only repaired, but also produced vitality. .

The sea **** in front of you, the judo Dacheng, the life path Xiaocheng, really is a strong opponent.

It is worthy of commanding the powerful existence of the sea.

Feeling the power and magic of Poseidon, Sun Hao laughed happily, but his heart was completely fearless.

As soon as the mind moved, the soil retracted into the body, and the overwhelming soil rushed to Sun Hao’s body. The moment was gone, the disappearance disappeared, the mind was moving, and the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird flashed and returned to Sun Hao’s Knowing the sea and air, I also received it back. Sun Hao’s laughter in the sky, the air stepped out, the body rose with the wind, and the roar of the roar, turned into a treacherous battle, no head and fierce body.

Waving a stick in his hand, the arrogant and arrogant spurt out, and the body of the sorcerer rushed down from the sky and rushed to the sea god.

At this time, Sun Hao thoroughly integrated himself into the fighting state of the criminal sorcerer, and the stick of the earth also stopped exerting his ambition, but simply became a weapon and used his own power to launch with the sea god. fighting.

Witch blood? The fringe of the sea **** was slightly wrinkled, but it was not very concerned. The arms were lightly displayed, and the sea water rushed up and rushed through the past.

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