Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2587: Overbearing Dacheng

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Fight, fight, fight!

Life is not hesitating, fighting is not limited, the greatest feature of the sorcerer's day is that the will to fight is endless.

Like a never-ending machine, like never knowing the exhausted **** of war, it is the endless fighting desire of Sun Hao.

The water of the judo of Poseidon came out incessantly.

Around Sun Hao’s body, it’s the kind of water that doesn’t work, like cotton, stacked in layers, not knowing how many layers.

The soft power makes people have nowhere to go and nowhere to go.

Changed to a normal opponent, the water of Judo's judo goes out, and it will take a long time to bind the opponent to it. The weaker monk, the water of judo can be melted like a salt crystal.

The criminal warfare violently waved the stick, the goal was always the sea **** not far away, and the tyrant rushed over.

On the rushing road, there is a lot of seawater spilled, and there is no way to know how much seawater has drifted into the air for steam.

The surrounding sea water is wrapped up, the layers of soft power, want to pull Sun Hao, want to block Sun Hao.

On the body of the sacred war, the faint golden light flashes, the power flows through layers, and all the soft powers that have been entangled are broken up. The tall body is around a foot and becomes a vacuum of sea water.

Under the sky, above the sea, the violent headless and ferocious body, as well as the tall and soft sea gods, formed a very sharp contrast.

The sea **** is gracefully floating in the sea, drifting along the body, above the body, full of vitality, flowers bloom, Wanmu grows.

Like a long-haired fluttering girl carrying a bamboo basket for washing yarn, the fisherman sings and sings, floats in the waters of the waves, elegantly puts his hands into the sea, and gently pours a white flower.

Every monk who watched the war, whether it was a drug repair or a sea monk who heard the news and came to watch the war, at this moment, seeing such a beautiful scenery, my heart is unforgettable for a lifetime.

The suppleness of women, the innocence of girls, the vitality of girls, and the aura of girls are all vividly displayed on Poseidon. This is an unforgettable and beautiful scenery. It is almost everyone’s heart. After seeing this scene, Unconsciously, there is a common dream lover in the heart.

It’s too beautiful, although I can’t see the face of Poseidon, it’s really beautiful and unforgettable.

Under the sun, the crystal clear water layers are layered, softly like a soft finger, wrapped around the fierce monk opposite.

The opposite monk shows another completely different temperament.

The appearance of the opposite monk, the deposited sea **** is more elegant and beautiful, staged the real scene of lively beauty and beast.

The opposite of vitality and gentleness is destruction and destruction. The gentleness of Poseidon is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is unforgettable. For example, the spring breeze, the body of Poseidon, all things are born, and the vitality is fierce. The opposite monk is fierce, domineering, violent, and striding, making people unforgettable. .

The opposite of beauty and purity is ugly and embarrassing. The sea **** is beautiful and unparalleled, pure as a girl, and becomes the dream lover of everyone; the opposite monk has no head, the belly button is the mouth, the **** are the eyes, the naked body is naked, the horror is stunned, and the night is definitely a nightmare. .

The two peerless repairs are almost identical to the ones who have stood in the world after the opening of the big monks in this world.

However, each monk looked at the two powers of the air battle. After watching it for a while, it produced a very strange feeling.

Looking at it fiercely, the image of the monk opposite is indeed unspeakable, giving a feeling of wickedness and horror.

However, the fight, the opposite of the monk's big open, the fierce battle form, actually formed a perfect fit with his image.

How do you say it, everyone seems to have perceived the beauty of an invisible power in the headless and ferocious monk.

Each blow is full of the spirit of fighting and fighting; every moment, full of the unyielding will of the battle; every impact movement, every step, every time waving a golden long stick, all reveals the beauty.

The beauty of power, the beauty of hegemony, the beauty of masculine.

Unconsciously, many monks even have a very strange cognition in their hearts. The beauty of women is supple, and the beauty of men is rough and power.

The battle is continuous and amazing.

Everyone has a three-point fire. Sun Hao’s refusal does not help, but also makes Poseidon move. Since it is necessary to fight, it will be turned upside down. When there is a debate between monks and monks, let’s talk with strength.

Whoever wins, listen to who.

However, Poseidon also knows that a war like this is estimated to be the last thing that is not lost. It is to alarm more companions to come out to mediate.

The strength of this kid is indeed not as good as himself, but the fighting spirit is extremely high-spirited, that is, I don’t know how the stamina is. As long as the stamina is slightly stronger, the two people’s fighting is afraid that it will last for a long time, and eventually they may not be able to produce results.

When he was in the eternal tomb, Sun Hao’s tortured body was killed step by step. The longest battle did not know how long it lasted.

At that time, the strength was not very strong, Sun Hao, and sometimes even after being swallowed by life, once again relying on the big ridge to stand up, heroic combat, tireless.

Compared with that year, Sun Hao’s current cultivation has been improved many times, and Sun Hao’s current refining is also completely different.

At this point, Sun Hao’s ability to continue fighting has reached a point where he does not know.

In a dozen fights, Sun Hao was completely sunk into the endless, in the tireless battle, the spirit of the whole body, completely sinking into the battle, sinking into the control and understanding of the hegemony, how to fight, then Completely handed over to the sorcerer of the sorcerer, let him follow the instinct of the body and go all out to fight.

The power of Poseidon and the entanglement of the power of judo make Sun Hao have to go all out. Xiaocheng’s hegemony can’t stop the intrusion of judo power. Sun Hao must be careful and coping with all his heart.

On the top of the stick, Sun Hao is fully committed to driving the hegemonic momentum he has learned from all aspects. The violent wind whistling the domineering, the Thunder’s desire to destroy, the flames burning and burning all kinds of sentiments appear on the sticks. Support the violent battle of the criminal war.

The treacherous warfare slammed the sea **** tightly, and the constant violent impact, the stick in his hand, always aimed at the direction of the sea god, and stormed the past.

The power of violent, the role of the sea god's judo can only be controlled to a certain extent, and can not form a total restraint of the **** of the body.

This kind of impact ten times has been gone for nine times, the soft power of Poseidon, the impact of life into invisible, the punishment of each day after the impact of the war, you have to re-engage Road, re-find the position of Poseidon and launch an impact.

However, during the battle, Sun Hao discovered that he did not return every time. In the battle, every once in a while, the instinct of the sorcerer’s instinct was attacked, and the violent attacking stick was always able to break through the sea **** judo. Intercepting, attacking the past in the sea where the **** of the sea **** is located.

Even if it is the sea god, when faced with this kind of offense, they have to use the shield of the sea shield, or temporarily dodge one or two.

Such a battle scene, manifested on the battlefield, is that the sea gods occupy an absolute advantage, suppressing the drug gods can not move, and occasionally there is a chance to counterattack.

That is to say, it is difficult for Poseidon to really get the medicine god.

This must be a long-awaited battle, the sea, the square, has become a huge battlefield, the waves are skyrocketing, the thunder and the storm are endless.

Life and destruction coexist, all kinds of light flickering, even at night, it is also like the white radiance of the two powerful wars, especially the headless and ferocious body, as long as it is at night, it is like the golden light above the sea. The twinkling sun, in the blue waters, keeps striding forward and rushing forward.

The fierce battle lasted for a whole few years, and more and more monks came to watch the battle, not only the sea monks, but also the medicinal monks, the high-ranking monks who were eager to see the powerful battles. I heard the news and came to see the ceremony.

Many of the monks can even be comprehended in the process of watching the war, and the cultivation is greatly increased. Some monks have even broken through the bottleneck. They are happy to worship on the sea and admire the two powerful tongweiwei. extremely.

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