Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2592: Forna Sea City

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Between the heavens and the earth, if the white is over the gap, it will be.

The Shouyuan of ordinary medicine repair, but a hundred years of glory, if a century past, if you can not become an adult, then you must re-enter the medicine valley, turned into a prophetic medicine, I do not know if there is still a chance to wake up.

Many medical repairs have re-entered the reincarnation of medicines, and they have seen from a young age, it is said that the battle scene between Yaoshen and Poseidon continues.

When time flies, many stories have become myths and legends. The stories that children hear from the ancestors’ mouths are the clouds, the thunder and the thundering sea, the two great gods fighting. .

The town’s highest-ranking sister, Abi, is said to be the maid of the drug god, and now she is guarding the town instead of the drug god.

Before the town, the sea dyke, which was covered with moss and covered with moss, was long and thick, and the seawall was firmly blocked. It is said that it was the soil of the medicine god.

These are legends!

The size of the town of Forna has expanded countless times. The town has become a seaside city. Many monks and strange monks appear in Forna, where they live peacefully, calmly make friends, accept Bi sister's management.

Every year, there are different monks, who traveled far and wide to live in the city of Forna, smiling and laughing, I don’t know what to do.

Can not go to the sea, there is no resources for Forna, miraculously built a huge seaside trade city of the drug family, it is said that the smile of people is awkward, the old butler of Abi sister, is the high priest of the sea totem, the Hague... ...

All of this is so magical for the new generation of medicine.

All of this is passed on from the sea, the depths of the dark clouds, the thunder and lightning, the dangerous sea, in fact, the battlefield between the **** of medicine and the sea god.

Just, is this possible? Many elders don’t say it? When the waters of the Forna are not sensible, is it the scene of thunder and thunder?

What kind of battle can be played for more than a hundred years? This is too outrageous. The junior monk, all think that it is joking.

Some foreign monks said with a smile, in fact, the thunderstorm outside the Forna sea area contains the truth between heaven and earth, and it is of great help to the monks' practice. Everyone came to watch the thunder storm and the tsunami waves. It is a kind of rare, beautiful scenery.

Well, this harsh and wicked environment is actually a beauty!

The new generation of medicines in the city of Forna said that they could not understand the aesthetics of the outside monks.

However, it seems that Abi’s sister is also enjoying the “beauty” every day. Every day when the sun rises, every day at sunset, Abi’s sister will be thundering and standing on the seawall, obsessively watching. The sea, whether it is windy and rainy, lightning and thunder, never stop.

The older generation of drug repairs once said that Abi sister is the maid of the drug god, will it really be?

In the waters of Forna, the Thunderstorm has become an unchanging scenery, and I don’t know how long this scene will last.

I don’t know how many years, Abi has grown from a young girl to a big beauty, and the anemone brothers have returned to the sea silently, turning into a sea medicine.

The Hague has completely become the steward of Forna, and the sea totem's base camp has been transferred to the city of Forna.

The battle between the sea **** and the drug god, the fierce battle still did not stop.

Many monks came, and the surprise went wild. Many monks came, shook their heads and sighed away, and some monks rushed into the sea, and were crushed into powder during the thunder storm.

There are also many monks like Abi who have been watching the sea for a long time. From time to time, there are also many monks who drink and laugh on the seawall every day, and they sing and sing.

This is the city of Forna, a few hundred years, the unchanging city of Forna.

Until this day, above the sky, it seems to be suddenly quiet, and then there is a rough voice resounding through the sky: "I said Xiaohai, small medicine, you are endless, when will you hit? You I am not tired, my old family is tired of watching..."

When the earth sounded, it seemed to be suddenly quiet. Every monk, no matter what the monk did, suddenly felt amazed, and an inexplicable pressure fell on his body, and his heart suddenly rose into an irresistible Feeling that the whole lively city of Forna is suddenly silent.

Outside the Forna sea area, the thunderstorms of those mad tyrants seem to be frozen and frozen, and they solidify in the air, and there is no wind and rain in a long time.

A crisp and soft, but clearly able to hear the sound of unspeakable came out: "Zu Wu, this kid is too odious, do not give him a look at the color, I will not give up!"

In the city of Forna, those monks who were weaker and directly suppressed by the powerful momentum on the ground could not help but think: "Heaven, the legend is actually true, there is a great monk in the waters of Forna. I am doing it!! It’s still not a human being for hundreds of years.”

But immediately they thought again, yes, they are not people, but God! It is a general existence of God that cannot be understood at its own level.

When the sea **** just finished, Sun Hao immediately laughed and said with aggression: "Small girl, I am afraid that you will not be able to do it, haha, we have the ability to fight three hundred rounds."

Above the sea, the wind is raging, the lightning is thundering, and the sea **** is angry again!

The explosion of the rumble, a wave of waves resounded through the sky.

Sun Hao also laughed: "Little girl, this little trick, can you help me? Eat me a stick..."

Above the sky, a golden light, cut through the sky, a bang, the sea above the sound, rushing into the waves, the sea **** also said crisply: "You are not a pediatrics, but I can not hurt me. Hairy."

Zu Wu said helplessly in the air: "Okay, you two, with your current situation of equal strength, even if you play for another millennium, it is like that, is there any need to waste time?"

The waves of the sea subsided a little, the body of Poseidon slowly rose from the sea, and the eyes looked at the sky, the expression on the face was not very good, and the mouth said coldly: "This kid has no cover, no words, no. It’s cheap and sells, I thought I’m bullied, but I didn’t plan to give in with him. I’m going to fight and I’m going to fight.”

That is to say, after playing for hundreds of years, Poseidon is actually very annoying. Some people come out to persuade, and it is also an opportunity to step down. If not, she will not stop the wrath of the sea and show up from the sea.

Sun Hao laughed happily, and the headless and ferocious body flew up, and stood face to face with the sea **** loudly said: "For our level, the avenue practice is the most Importantly, Haishutou, you actually want to press me, isn't this just trying to suppress my overbearing practice? How can I make you feel good, to fight, yes, I must teach you to know what is the woman's three virtues!"

Poseidon screamed: "No words, eat me!"

With a bang, a huge wave came and fell to Sun Hao’s face.

Sun Hao does not hide or shine, and the stick of the gods is slightly shocked in the hands. The huge force rushes out. The huge waves are turned into the little water of the stars, and they are scattered and laughing. "How about eating you?" You have more waves, and I am also dead."

After playing for so many years, it’s really hard to tell the difference! Knowing the roots, no one can help anyone.

Above the sky, there was a huge waist and a round waist, and a shoulder axe on it. It was like a thick monk sitting cross-legged in the void. At this time, the monk’s face showed a bitter smile: "Oh, I understand, you have to take medicine." Encourage to be overbearing, you must not be crushed by Poseidon, do everything possible to suppress the sea god; and Xiaohai, as a veteran monk, naturally can not weaken the momentum, so that you are not a vicious endless end Loop and dead?"

Neptune snorted softly.

Sun Hao laughed haha.

Zu Wu indulged a bit and said in his mouth: "Actually, do you know the little medicine? To talk about the understanding of hegemony, in the virtual world, I said the second, no one dares to say first, I first realized At the time, it is just like you, starting with overbearing."

Sun Hao said a little, and said, "In this case, the ancestors should know that at this moment, I have to fight and have to fight."

The ancestors smiled slightly, and the axe in the hand swayed gently. "It doesn't matter..."

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