Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2593: Ancestral

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Sun Hao said a little, and said in his mouth: "Please also enlighten the seniors."

The sea gods condensed in the sea, and as the sea water floated gently, the face also showed a doubtful and incomprehensible expression, even a little shocked.

The road is comprehensible and has its own organic edge.

In the Mahayana period, if it was not a sect, the monk would rarely tell him about the avenue of enlightenment, and he would rarely take the initiative to explain the way to the disciples.

Zu Wu actually stood up at this time and explained the hegemony to the drug boy in front of him, so his attitude is very worthwhile.

As a sea god, standing on the sea, she is not afraid of anyone, even if the ancestors came, the sea **** does not think he can make himself.

After all, everyone is already a great Mahayana, and the combat power is almost the same. Perhaps the strength of a few old bones such as Zu Wu will be slightly stronger, but it is estimated that it is not strong enough. I am not afraid of him.

However, looking at the ancestors who talked with the drug kid, Poseidon had to consider a problem in his heart. If he really wants to end with this drug boy, it’s not an enemy of Mahayana. Enemy with two or even three Mahayana.

If she did not misread, the true body of the drug kid should be the one who is known as the emptiness of the human race, and is known as the first person in the virtual world. Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, who is invincible under the Mahayana.

Incarnation of the drug god, but it may be that he chose to protect the drug family, that is to say, behind this kid is still standing behind a man, Hao An Yi, it is a mean means, the unscrupulous Lord!

I have to offend the three Mahayana in one war, and that really needs to be considered.

In the air, the sea gods are not moving, watching the ancestral witch and the drug gods, and the mind is also calculating their next strain.

After Sun Hao talked with Zu Wu in a few words, he had a new understanding of hegemony.

There are two core meanings of the ancestral witch: "One of them, the hegemonic hegemony is actually a kind of arrogant hegemony, especially heavy cause and effect. Second, the hegemonic hegemony is actually a kind of incomplete deficiencies that are dissatisfied but not lacking. ......"

At first glance, Sun Hao felt that these two tyrants had a huge deviation from the hegemony they understood.

The hegemony that he realized, that is, an unscrupulous, unreasonable, arrogant and arrogant tyrant, suppressing the opponent with absolute power, and disobeying it, this is the hegemony of Sun Hao's comprehension.

In Sun Hao’s comprehension, the root of hegemony lies in power.

Only when your own strength reaches a certain height and reaches a certain fierceness, will you have enough qualifications to declare your own hegemony.

But now, Zu Wu told him that hegemony should be reasonable! Overbearing can also be incomplete.

How do you understand this?

It makes sense, can you do whatever you want? Will it be justified, can you declare your own hegemony unscrupulously?

What kind of understanding does the ancestor say to himself? Do you need to reason? If you really need to be reasonable, then there is no doubt that your own treatment of Poseidon is a bit unsatisfactory, but why do you feel that you are not so practiced, will definitely affect your understanding of hegemony?

There is also the second way of saying that hegemony is a kind of dissatisfaction. For this, Sun Hao has a quick understanding and understanding.

The reason is that Sun Hao actually knows about the emergence and origin of the tyrants, and also remembers the stagnation of the bear ancestors.

I remember that in the past, the practice of the practice of the ancestors of the bears was the technique of hegemony. From the beginning of the arrogance of the arrogant gods, the sacred sacred dragons like the sacred gongs, and the inheritance of the "Aoyu tyrants" in the back of the Kirin Pavilion. In fact, the essence is a kind of hegemony of practice.

There is a bear ancestor who is not a genius. When he is still at the level of distraction, he has already begun to understand the power of hegemony. It is no wonder that he can fight in the process of dying in the battle, and achieve such brilliant achievements. Column Kirin Court, leaving an obelisk.

Sun Hao has long been involved in the practice of the patriarchal practice of the bear ancestors, and this is the most primitive foundation of Sun Hao's refining.

In the front, Sun Hao’s understanding of this is not very profound. Now that the ancestors are so little, Sun Hao suddenly understands that he can understand the power of hegemony and integrate the power in his body in the confrontation with Poseidon. It is not accidental to enter the hegemony and push his own tyrants into Dacheng.

That is actually a necessity. After all, when I first practiced, the cultivation was the technique of overbearing, that is, the method of overbearing practice passed by the bear ancestors.

The lack of way may be just one aspect of the hegemony of the bear ancestors' comprehension. As the ancestors said now, hegemony is actually a kind of incomplete disability.

There is a lack of gloom in the moon, and people have joys and sorrows. This is an ancient and difficult thing. Moreover, one of the tyrants, in the literary classics, is the meaning of the incomplete, tyrants, and the beginning of the month. Oh, too. The previous month was born on the second day of the month. The first month of the month was born on the third day.

In the ancient times of the Terran, there were the sayings of the Spring and Autumn Five Commandments. The meaning of the Five Commandments is that the five powers are crowned by other princes, and the powerful vassal states that suppress other princes are on the one hand the symbol of strength; but at the same time, the five hegemons are only princes. He is weaker than the kingdom and cannot be full.

In addition, the history of the Terran is far from the classical records, and the most powerful and famous "Overlord" in history has left behind the "powerfulness of the mountains and the glory of the world, and it is not good for you to die. Naruto!" The famous sayings of the ages, which are actually grief and helplessness, incomplete and tragic.

Hegemony is not the way to do it, not the way of the king.

Just after the ancestors said, Sun Hao had a real understanding, and his body rose up and became an inexplicable momentum. He suddenly became more and more restrained and gave a feeling of high mountains.

The rough face of the ancestors showed a strange expression on his face. Looking at Sun Hao, after a long time, he deeply sighed in his mouth: "Great, you are really a little medicine, I just said, I only hope that you can swallow Get some fur, you actually have an understanding in an instant, you are a big freak."

Indeed, in the heart of the ancestors, Sun Hao is really amazing.

He witnessed Sun Hao's advanced Mahayana, and after Sun Hao advanced, he sent an invitation. How long ago was this? Full of calculations, but only a few hundred years, this time for a Mahayana monk, is often a secret trick, or a nap thing, I did not expect, without paying attention, Sun Hao actually realized a road, And pushed this avenue to the realm of Dacheng.

It didn't take long before I advanced, and I was able to play with the sea gods, and it won't be a success for hundreds of years!

This kid is too What I didn’t even think was that I just dialed a few words at the same time, thinking that I could have some help in the future, and actually let him feel in a moment, on the spot, realize, estimate It is a great benefit.

From Sun Hao’s body, the ancestral witch has already perceived it. Sun Hao actually has a lack of tyranny and a sense of the incompleteness of the tyrant.

And precisely, this is also one of the most difficult aspects of tyrants.

Overbearing, who can think of it, the hegemonic burden, often is some helplessness and vicissitudes, behind the hegemony, the final outcome may be incomplete, this overbearing understanding, ordinary monks are difficult to communicate in a lifetime.

It’s a miracle that this kid got comprehend so quickly.

After a while, Sun Hao said slightly to the ancestors of the air: "Thank you for your enlightenment from the predecessors. The path of the predecessors is really profound and admirable."

The ancestors smiled slightly and said in his mouth: "Well, I didn't expect you to understand the incompleteness of the hegemony so quickly. Now, let me tell you this. Your hegemony is made possible by the sea otter. You have to recognize this cause and effect. You have to talk about this truth, so the next thing will be easier. After you have been playing for so long, it is time to stop and stop. It is not necessary to fight again. It will really affect many and many."

Is your own hegemony great for the sea god? Do you need to reason? Sun Hao’s heart is only thoughtful about this, and it is not particularly understandable.

However, this does not prevent Sun Hao from expressing his attitude. The air is slightly handed over. Sun Haolang said: "Since the predecessors said that it should be like this, then it is like this. As long as the head of the sea is not trouble, I can play or not!"

The sea **** couldn't help but gently sigh, and his mouth was dissatisfied and said: "The drug kid, you are also awful, actually learning the ancestral witch's tone called me Haishutou, these three words can you call this kid?"

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