Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2619: Void imprint

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There are two ways for a monk to cross the void. One is to cross the body. This method is quite expensive, but it is more directional and will not easily get lost. The other is to rely on the imaginary flying ship to sail. This way there is basically no consumption, and the monks inside the flying ship can be driven in turn.

However, one of the biggest problems with the flying ship's emptiness is that the coordinates and direction are easily lost. Therefore, in general, the monk sailing the void is a combination of the flying ship and the flesh.

Use the flesh to perceive the direction in the void, and use the flying ship to save your physical strength. Usually, the monks who can cross the void are generally high-level fits. If you accumulate a little, you will have a broken level. The ship, even if there is no immortal or eternal level, epic is very likely.

After Sun Hao broke the virtual, he identified the direction and began to drive the immortal silver ship to sail the endless void.

Flying to the void is not the first time for Sun Hao. The earliest one was flying from the Tianling mainland, but that time was a bit different. At that time, he had obvious goals, and there was a strong attraction in the void. This time , you must position yourself.

Moreover, the monk's ascending channel is relatively safe and relatively stable. There are no monsters or space disasters that can stop the road.

The flight of the void is completely different. This flight, what may be encountered, the void behemoth, space storm, space cracks are likely to meet, Sun Hao really can not care, must maintain sufficient strength to cope with possible challenges.

Crossing the void is a very strange feeling.

Because of the immortal silver ship, Sun Hao can use his own driving of the real yuan to force the passage of the void, and more time to realize the feeling of crossing the void.

During the drug family, Sun Hao practiced the hegemony. Then, according to Sun Hao’s plan, he would practice the basic road, the four great roads, and the ultimate road, the space and time avenue.

These two avenues, in fact, have a great connection with the void, and now they are crossing the void, and Sun Hao is seriously understanding.

The immortal silver ship flew in the air, and a large number of monks were on the way, each sticking to the post and providing kinetic energy for the immortal silver ship. At the same time, many monks were seriously guarded and ready to drive the immortal silver ship to cope with the different situations that may occur.

In the world of monks, there is often a saying that "one person has a way, a chicken and a dog rises to the sky". This kind of argument is actually a very strong reason. For example, the monks around Sun Hao are more than the other monks, whether it is the eye or the opportunity. Times.

Now, these monks around Sun Hao can follow Sun Hao and experience the different general changes in the void, and they will be able to realize the wonders that other monks can't reach in their lifetimes. How can ordinary monks see it?

Eight-armed Xianjun Bao Ketu prefers to let the gentle sea gods pursue the avenue together with Sun Hao. The feelings are one aspect. Sun Hao is more important.

The immortal silver ship flies quickly in the endless void, but Sun Hao’s deity sits on the surface of the immortal silver ship, seriously understands the changes in space, and comprehends his own four-pole way and time and space.

The four poles set the sky, the eight winds are fixed, and Sun Hao comprehends. Some of the contents of the four great roads, the existence of these two abilities, let Sun Hao possess the prototype of the four great roads. This is the fact that the sea **** points out.

Sun Hao now only needs to explore in this direction, to understand, and gradually improve, to form his own unique sentiment, so that he can form his true four great roads.

Flying in the void gave Sun Hao a completely different feeling.

Sitting cross-legged and feeling the change of space, Sun Hao produced a very strange feeling. Sun Hao felt that with the rapid advancement of the immortal silver ship, he was like a flat man with only long and wide, only a plane concept.

The body of the immortal silver ship is like a circle, and it is like a flat man in a circle.

The direction of the immortal silver ship's rapid advancement is the direction of the height. It is flying fast and open to oneself one by one. It quickly passes through the planes one by one, and the flat planes are moving forward fast.

Such a discovery made Sun Hao into a meditation. In the minds of many lower monks, the earth and space are "round places." In fact, they also think that they live on a flat plane. The difference is that this plane has a certain thickness, that is, height.

For the lower monks, it is basically impossible to leave this plane, that is, to leave the continent. In their minds, the mainland is actually flat. For example, the monks on the land of Lu, and several of them know that they actually Is it living on a ball?

In other words, space is far different than what you see and see.

While thinking that the lower monks are ignorant and ignorant, isn't it the same ignorance of their own perception of time and space?

Fifty steps to laugh a hundred steps?

Sun Hao’s mind keeps thinking, what he wants to comprehend now is the road of combining time and space. Tie Peng’s practice of cultivation shows that if time and space are divided and practiced, there may be big problems.

Then, can you assume that time and space is a whole, what you can see, the length, width and height that can be perceived are an attribute of time and space, and time is only an attribute of time and space?

The lower monks only know the length and the width, and regard their own world as flat. They feel that it is impossible to break this flat time, but they only need to bring them to the immortal silver ship. They should I will be surprised to find that the world is so colorful.

According to this kind of thinking, if you assume that you are only a low-level life in the eyes of a real immortal, then time may be an attribute that you need to comprehend and understand, and it is a whole that must be combined with space attributes. Time and space.

In that way, perhaps you can truly understand the avenue of time and space.

Sun Hao perceives the process of the immortal silver ship crossing the void. He can't help but think of the instantaneous movement that he has experienced in the lower bound. After the virtual world, the higher the level of the virtual world, the more difficult it is to move. On the virtual, only the real fit can move in the blink of an eye.

Nowadays, the immortal silver ship crosses the void and breaks through the layers of the plane. In a sense, it is equivalent to the instantaneous movement.

What makes Sun Hao feel very deep is that this kind of instantaneous movement is actually a plane and a plane jump.

Sitting quietly on the knees of the immortal silver ship, Sun Hao feels the change of time and space with his heart, and realizes his four great roads and time and space avenues.

In the void, the space seems to be distorted, and the time seems to be Hao doesn't know how long he has been sitting. After a long time, he wakes up from the meditation.

Four great roads, the understanding and practice of time and space are all long-lasting things. Even if Sun Hao’s understanding is strong and the accumulation is strong, it is impossible to understand the changes so quickly. This time, crossing the void is only a slight gain.

Woke up from the entry, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that the immortal silver ship is likely to have deviated from the inherent direction and entered the unknown space field.

However, this should not be beyond the scope of the virtual world of its own sense, and you only need to re-sensing the direction.

Closed his eyes, Sun Hao sank into the state of practice, and soon, Sun Hao saw the innocent starry sky, found his position in it, and found that he had seriously deviated from the established flight orbit and had already begun to fly. The periphery of the perceived area.

The heart was slightly shameful, and Sun Hao adjusted the flight direction and locked the destination again.

But when Sun Hao was ready to re-enter the destination, he felt a move and stood up from the immortal silver ship.

Just now, the immortal silver ship actually perceives the star coordinates in the endless void, and perceives the call of racial coordinates.

In the void, there are countless races. After many races develop on different continents, they will leave their mark in different ways. This mark is like a beacon on the sea, guiding the noble monks in the void. The possible flying ships guide them to meet.

The void mark, which is the void coordinates, the void lighthouse, is an important skill for ethnic development and expansion.

I didn't expect to be able to perceive the racial coordinates on the edge of the area I sensed. That is to say, it is not far from myself, and the Terran has built a gathering place.

Since passing by, let's look at it.

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