Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2620: Savior

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"On the nine days, I crossed a silver light. With a faint sorrow and a faint smile, he walked out of the endless void. The sword in his hand gave people hope for life. Come to a new order and glory..."

In front of the obelisk of Marfa, the three priests held the scepter and looked up at the starry sky. They were very surprised to see a silver light coming from above nine days.

The dark night Luo also saw the changes in the air, and he was shocked. He looked up at the air and did not know what this silver light represented.

It’s really coming, the round-faced woman is very surprised and said: “Big sister, I didn’t expect your prayers to work. But, on this silver light, is there a one? Silver light feels so small. Oh no, it’s so big...”

Just as the round-faced woman repaired this time, the silver light that came from the sky was getting bigger and bigger in sight. It was less than a few efforts, and it was already overwhelming and pressed over the holy mountain.

Looking up and seeing, it is a silver flying saucer that makes people feel invisible and feels like a quick fall.

The Aramaic continent has never seen such a huge behemoth that can come out of the air.

The round-faced woman repaired her mouth and exclaimed: "When it's over, this big thing won't bang, hit us. Once it hits, everyone finishes..."

The sound just fell, the immortal silver ship has come flying in the air, suddenly flashing, and steadily stopped above the high altitude of the Mayan holy mountain, motionless, not suspended in the air.

Whether it is the Black Cross or the Terran, this huge silver ship, which looks very beautiful, is shocked. He looks up at the sky, opens his mouth, stops the battle, and does not know what to say.

The round face female repair is right, not to mention the other, the silver ship only needs to hit it gently, and it is estimated that there will be very few monks who can be taken off.

Sun Hao perceives the empty mark of the monks below. The gods are swept away, and they have seen the Terran monks. What makes Sun Hao more unexpected is that at this moment, the interior of the Terran monks does not seem to be particularly united and divided into black and white. The two camps are killing underneath.

With their arrival, the monks of both sides were shocked by themselves and are currently on the spot.

Slowly shaking his head, Sun Hao knows the move, stepping out from the immortal silver ship, appearing in the air, looking down at the eyes, his face showing a faint smile, his mouth whispered: "Where is this, you are again What is the reason, hit it?"

Niyah was so weeping, and Yingying fell to the ground, and she cried: "This place is the continent of Aram, my sacred Mayan sacred mountain, and the high priest Niya welcomes adults."

Terran Maya Holy Mountain? High priest Niya? It seems that the void mark should be that she is guarding, but she looks at her, and she is also ignorant of the role of the void mark, and she does not know her identity at all.

Sun Hao nodded slightly and was waiting to speak.

Below, next to the high priest, a female repair suddenly looked up and said: "Adult, what about your sword?"

What about your sword?

Sun Hao’s slight glimpse, the heart is a little strange, how does this female repair know that I have a sword? The eyes could not help but look at this female repair seriously.

A strange little fat round face female repair, at first glance, did not know, just, a little sense of her breath, Sun Hao's heart could not help but again a slight surprise, his face showed a faint smile, God knows Aquilaria sword appeared in the air.

Looking at Shen Xiangjian, Sun Hao’s heart surged a lot of past events, and there was a lot of sadness in his heart. He said softly in his mouth: "You are talking about this sword, maybe you have forgotten, his name Called Shen Xiang."

The round-faced woman said that I didn’t know that you have this sword, hey, but the big prophecy seems to be quite right, faint sorrow, a touch of smile, a sword, a silver Light, everything is in line with it. Is this really the Savior?

I think that this may be the savior. The round-faced woman’s heart has suddenly raised a small ninety-nine. If the aging mother can catch the line of the savior, isn’t it a step in the sky? In the heart of the big move, how can the old lady hook up?

Feeling the activity of the round face female repair, Sun Hao couldn't help but laugh, shook his head and looked at the high priest Niya in the middle. He said, "You all come up and talk, this seat is coming, many things need to know."

Niya said with respect and respect: "Yes, adults."

After that, standing up straight, but still standing upright, very carefully stood in front of Sun Hao.

Instead, she was surrounded by a round-faced woman, her eyes were dripping, and her mind was snoring.

Seeing the face of Niya, and sensing the spirit and manners of Niya, Sun Hao’s heart is slightly shocked.

In the void of monks flying, they often perceive certain goals. In the midst of these, these goals often have some special meanings.

I came from the celestial world, and smashed into the imaginary. The direction in the darkness was the small mountain village where Ziyan and Xiaoqiong reincarnate. I turned into a remedy, and smashed into the imaginary from the imaginary, and once again met Xiaoqiong. The reincarnation of the Awu; when he came again from the void, lost, and once again instinctively perceived direction, but he met the people in the dark.

Who is the golden face? The same personality, the same daring, and the same feeling of being full of curiosity and want to eat small meat, to say that there is a difference, that is, this world's gold 妃 so far, still rare to save the virgin The body.

A virgin reveals these lascivious mentalities, and Sun Hao also said that he was drunk.

Or, this is the personality of Jin Hao, even if it is a reincarnation, it does not change.

Niya, actually will be the reincarnation of Xiaozhu. At this time, in front of herself, she is still a slave. Sun Hao is wondering. She has come across the void and appeared in front of her for the first time. She is so reserved and noble. How do you restore the true color like a small bamboo in front of yourself?

Sun Hao’s heart is here to judge the reincarnation of the two women.

Below, the Black Fork Monk is talking at this time, and there is a trace of respect in the voice, but there are also many unruly and warnings: "Daoyou, the Dark Devils are doing things here, although you are a high-level friend. There is also a broken virtual ship, but it is best to leave quickly..."

Black magic day? Is this a force?

Perceived that the other side of the bones is still a human race, but only practiced different exercises. Sun Hao now has no thoughts on his shots. He can't help but whispered in his mouth: "What is the Dark Devil?"

The night stayed for a while, and immediately screamed and said loudly: "Damn, you dare to disrespect the Dark Lord, you are dead."

Sun Hao slightly frowns, I feel that this monk is not very The mouth is cold and cold: "This seat comes from the endless void, who knows the dark magic day inside you, how is the black magic day very Is it famous? Is it a ghost? Is it not my human race?"

Terran monks?

Niya and the two sisters looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. It turned out that the human race was able to face the face, and the camp could not be wrong.

The night has already roared in the mouth: "What ethnic monk? I am a great and sacred Dark Warrior, what the Terran is, but it is a **** and a pig, how can it be compared with my Dark Lord."

Actually do not recognize the Terran Warrior?

Sun Hao grew up and stunned, looking into the eyes of the night Luo, with a hint of suffocation, said coldly in his mouth: "You said that you are not a human race?"

In the dark, Luo’s head raised and laughed: “I will tell you again, I am not a despicable human race. I am a great and sacred Dark Lord warrior. You don’t want to...”

The voice has fallen, and Sun Hao has been crying out: "Not a human race, then you can die for me."

In the air, the flash of light flashed, and the incense sword flew away. A stream of light passed through, and did not wait for the night to have any reaction. When it touched, Shen Xiangjian had already hit his forehead. The sound of the bang sounded, and the head of the night Luo had already It was disintegrated over the dark fog and turned into a **** rain.

There was a surprise in Niya’s eyes.

Ge Wu wowed and shouted: "Wow, the Savior is so fierce!"

Sun Hao smiled at her and said in his mouth: "You can call me agarwood, or call me an adult. The three words of the savior are not very comfortable to listen to."

Ge Wu immediately went from good to good, cheerful, and grumbled: "Okay, agarwood, you are so powerful, can you accept my beautiful little girl, my wife admires you."

Sun Hao is dumbfounded, this is really the same style of Jin Hao!

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