Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2704: Feeling yin and yang (2)

The combination of yin and yang is used for positive, but it is a method of arrogance, but it is used for cultivating, and it has become a very powerful method of horrifying yin and yang, but there is no right and wrong, no weight, no weight. Thoughts.

At that time, the body of the head and the fierce and fierce for the first time driving the yin and yang combination of Dafa came to my heart.

Under the violent attack, for a quarter of an hour, the pretty woman lost her voice.

Bianmu panted and squatted on the beautiful dog and said loudly: "Wang Wang, boss, don't do it, then die..."

The words were not finished, and there was no head and fierce roar. The pretty woman under her body seemed to have been taken away from the flesh and bones, and turned into a dry bone.

Within the barbarian tribe, the turmoil again, and barbaric warriors rushed again.

The headless and savage body stood up from the ground, with a pair of eyes, letting out the excitement and looking at the barbarian tribe.

Both hands were bombarded, and one barbarian was stunned to the ground.

The fists were lifted up, and the chest was excitedly beaten, and the headless rogue roared for a while, grabbing a barbarian warrior who fainted on the ground with one hand and placed it under his own body.

Looking for it, I didn't find a place to enter.

Bianmu shouted: "Wrong, the gender is wrong, the boss, that is..."

When the words were not finished, I suddenly found out that the violent headless **** man had turned over the barbarian warrior and stepped forward.

Ok, this history is really dark enough and wonderful!

If it wasn’t for the pastoralism, he would have killed the dog whip, but it seems that there are many magical places in the side of the animal husbandry. It is not necessarily dead when killed.

No head and fierce temper, until the encounter with Wu He, the body of Abi's past life, began to get convergence, but that period, still became an important period for practicing yin and yang.

The Flower Dog Festival, which was not forgotten by the animal husbandry, was the ridiculous thing of that period.

Bianmu is a flower dog festival, and himself is a very sacred gift.

The whole headless and fierce practice, within his body, from the yang to the just ridiculous punishment, gradually began to ease, which has gone through thousands of years, even now, Sun Hao does not know how many years, I can only know one thing.

During this time, the main reason for Sun Hao’s practice was the ruthlessness of Tian Jin and the combination of yin and yang.

Even if it was practiced for thousands of years of yin and yang, the practice of Sun Hao is still only part of it.

The practice effect during this time is undoubtedly good, and the arrogance of Sun Hao has been stabilized, and the yin and yang in the body have gradually achieved a balance.

However, even if it is thousands of years of practice, Sun Hao is still at the stage of yin and yang, and because the yang is too strong, this yin and yang is mainly yang.

Really let Sun Hao achieve the balance of yin and yang, and once again perfect yin and yang to pay the Thai, it is precisely already to the imaginary, after entering the male and female witches, got the clan's ancestral secrets, the yin rabbit cold jade.

This method of practice, feminine and extreme, the general male monk, the general male attribute monk, can not really practice, once forced cultivation, the result is to become a yin and yang who is not male or female.

It is also because of this reason that the witches greatly let Sun Hao accompany Gerlan to enter the secret technique.

In their view, this thing, even if Sun Hao saw it, he couldn’t practice it. Moreover, as long as it was over a period of time, it would automatically forget, and he was not afraid of Sun Hao’s learning.

But exactly, Sun Hao’s savage punishment is just like the tyrannical tyrannical, masculine and unparalleled, among the ancient cemeteries, soaked for thousands of years of blood baths, swallowed up, I don’t know how much savage, all the way, brave and refined, the body It has accumulated abundant strength to the incomparable yang, and it was time to have a strong neutralization.

Moreover, the yin and yang combination of the Dafa, and the powerful role of the five elements of the wheel, also let Sun Hao secretly learned the witchcraft's ancestral secrets.

That is, at that time, Sun Hao’s five-wheeled scorpion had a new direction of practice and became a more powerful “five-line yin and yang”, not only can rotate the five elements, but also rotate the yin and yang.

For a long period of time, in the process of confrontation with the Ninth and the Undead, the practice of yin and yang practice basically runs through the entire practice of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao took away the life cemetery of Minuohayou, and because he did not understand the nature of the cemetery, after discovering the pure yin of the cemetery, he began to practice his own yin and yang combination in the cemetery.

Sun Hao is very strange when he absorbs the yin and yin in the tombstone and neutralizes his pure yang. It is like a **** in the soul. The tombstone in the hands of the sneaky scorpion is like a sacred female repair, like an octopus. The sneaky body, the squeaky, extremely lingering.

At that time, Sun Hao didn't know that this was actually the soul of Minuohayou. He was already doing the double repair of the soul, but he only used this female repair as the spirit of the tombstone.

I made a big oolong, remembering that at that time, I had to use the tombstone to refine it when I had nothing to do. In fact, I was able to make Minoha strong once I had nothing to do. Until he was in the midst of his own illusion, when he was said to be the poisonous death of nine deaths, Minoha was worried about his safety and ran to explore the road. At that time, he was dumbfounded to discover that he had been taking a double repair. It is really a charming monk.

At that time, in order to crack the toxicity of black fungus and purple grapes, Minorha really became his own Taoist.

Think of Minuohayou, Sun Hao's heart can not help but also some nostalgia, most of the Tao Lu's besides have already come in the whisky empty tower, has been broken with Sun Hao to the virtual.

Can be alone Minoha, still stay in the field of undead, presided over the overall situation of the Zombie.

I think that I suspect that Minohue is an old demon, carefully guarded, and finally found out that she is actually the scene of her own Taoist, Sun Hao's heart, there is a strong warmth.

Time flies so fast, a lot of past events, if you don't think about it, you have forgotten it.

Although Minorha has not broken down with Sun Hao, she has a huge advantage, that is, her tombstone is in real time, still in the hands of Sun Hao’s ghosts, and miss Sun Hao, she can Through the spiritual level, he sends his own thoughts to Sun Hao. Under normal circumstances, Sun Hao can always separate his will and go to double repair with her.

This double repair, let Sun Hao experience a completely different concept of yin and yang, that is, the soul of the monk actually has yin and yang.

It can also be double repaired.

At this stage, Sun Hao experienced a long period of continuous practice of yin and yang Dafa, and refining the gods of death, ghosts, and so on, and finally balancing the yin and yang of his body, and achieved the true yin and yang.

To be precise, this is the second phase of Sun Hao's practice of yin and yang. The period of repairing this period is long, but the whole process of practice is a process of yin and yang, and the balance between yin and yang has always been a kind of accumulation.

What really made Sun Hao’s yin and yang combination Dafa breakthrough was that Sun Hao was fighting against the ultimate form of Tie Peng, and in the process of confronting his incarnation of Dapeng Golden Wings, he exerted a powerful talent, a yin and yang process. .

The heavens and the earth are divided into yin and yang, and the two gasifications are all things. Even the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird itself, on the verge of death, will be burned by the yin and yang, and the spirit will be destroyed.

The yin and yang are the talents of the Dapeng Golden Winged Birds. They are the essence of the Eight Winds, the spirituality of the Yin and Yang, the magical Dafa created by the melting of the heavens and the earth. The monk falls into the yin and yang, just like ordinary people fall into the oil pan, and is constantly fried and fried.

The singularity of yin and yang is that both yin and yang are very powerful. Nothing is burning, nothing is burning, and the monks fall into it. As long as the yin and yang resistances are slightly break the balance.

Under the powerful smoldering smoldering of yin and yang, the strength of yin and yang that has been accumulated by Sun Hao for thousands of years, the yin and yang combination has finally seen results.

Dapeng Golden Wings are confident and full of yin and yang, ready to clean up Sun Hao.

The result was unexpectedly discovered, the powerful yin and yang, the yin and yang, and the unfavorable yin and yang.

Whether it is the flesh or the soul, Sun Hao’s yin and yang are actually very powerful and have no weakness.

The battle with the Dapeng Golden Wingbird is one of the most difficult battles that Sun Hao had before the advanced fit. The powerful Dapeng Golden Wingbird made Sun Hao almost robbed.

But after that one war, Sun Hao’s second phase of the yin and yang combination of Dafa practice really got the best summary.

After the war, Sun Hao broke the yin and yang, and used his yin and yang to condense his own body.

And its own yin and yang Dafa practice, but also really entered the third stage, yin and yang.

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