Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2705: Yin and Yang Xiaocheng

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The battle between yin and yang is very difficult and has been going on for a long time. Sun Hao and Dapeng Golden Wings are doing their best for their respective avenues.

After the war, Sun Hao first felt that when the yin and yang were calcined, Sun Hao felt the huge defects of the flesh.

The ruthlessness of the heavens is so powerful that it is hard to cast, and the method of cultivation is also overbearing. Among the ancient cemeteries, Sun Hao did not know how much animal blood was drunk, how many **** baths he had eaten, and this time he entered the unrestricted winds. Sun Hao did not know how to understand the Eight Winds. How many wind beasts have been swallowed, this is the hegemonic warfare.

Overbearing, arrogant.

Originally it was the typical characteristic of the criminal warfare. Sun Hao’s cultivation and the way of cultivation were completely correct. The mistake was wrong. Sun Hao’s start was the human race, and the blood of the punishment was also piled up.

The yin and yang two-gas calcination, when Sun Hao fully drives the flesh to cope with it, suddenly discovers that his powerful body is composed of a piece of muscle, which has some indigestion, and the essence from all kinds of different beasts exists, like an invisible one. The tumor is attached to one's own body. In normal times, these things are firmly suppressed by the ruthlessness of the heavens, and they are digested a little.

But this time, after the huge external pressure of yin and yang, especially after the Dapeng Golden Wings increased their firepower, these essences from the beasts unwillingly came out.

The result is Sun Hao's body. From time to time, there is a loud bang, and the essence of the beast is detonated by the yin and yang, and the body of the singer bursts into a **** light.

At that time, Sun Hao’s body was between the claws of the Dapeng Golden-winged Bird, in the melting pot of yin and yang, constantly exploding, and bursting with blood.

The whole look, it looks quite miserable, very similar to the smelting of yin and yang, which will soon be turned into pus.

At that time, the Dapeng garuda did not want to completely destroy Sun Hao. It also used Sun Hao’s body to pursue the avenue.

Therefore, it put the focus of the attack on the burning of Sun Hao's spirit, regulating the power of yin and yang, forming a large number of smoldering fires, rushing into Sun Hao's knowledge of the sea, trying to destroy the soul of Sun Hao.

In order to cope with the burning power of the soul, Sun Hao let the sacred gods enter the sea of ​​knowledge, and fell into the hands of the gods, blooming soft light, protecting the gods.

The Water Cube was also used for the first time and was quietly sent to the sea.

Weak aquatic desert, the water is weak and not destroyed.

The Water Cube entered the Sun Hao to understand the sea, and was immediately dispelled and turned into a thin mist of water, like a thin layer of mist, which filled the surface of the sea.

The invisible smoldering calcination, the water mist formed by the water cube is continuously transpiration, and the layer of water vapor appears in the air. However, the thin misty gas that recognizes the sea surface is always stubborn and cannot be completely evaporated, and stubbornly blocks part of the heat.

The water mist that the water cube is transpired, like the desert landscape, provides a layer of care for the souls that hang in the air, seemingly extinct, but always tenacious.

The smoldering fire is burning and burning the sea.

Sun Hao is still firmly holding his own soul.

The final result of that World War is naturally that Sun Hao has won a total victory. The Dapeng Golden Winged Bird of Tie Pengpeng has become one of the best branches of Sun Hao's double soul.

After Sun Hao, after that war, he realized the combination of yin and yang and generated his own yin and yang.

After that, Sun Hao’s practice of Yin and Yang Road was truly a third stage.

A long-term, accumulated to the present stage.

Over the years, Sun Hao’s yin and yang combination law is not the main direction, but basically it has not been interrupted.

The woman around Sun Hao has no grievances, and that is the best proof of practicing yin and yang.

Later, Sun Hao entered the undead domain and practiced the soul of the ghost. In fact, it is also a very important process of practicing the yin and yang.

Among the undead gods, the Red Moon Red Devils is another difficult battle that Sun Hao experienced. The red moon and the old devil have a very different form of existence, so that Sun Hao does not know how to fight, Red Moon It is also a life form that Sun Hao met, a non-life form.

The undead crown and the ancient star nucleus together constitute a brand new life that can attack from the will of thought.

That battle, if not the balance of Sun Hao's spirit and yin and yang, there is no weakness to drill, I do not know what kind of combat situation will occur.

Among the imaginary people, the racial characteristics of the Terran are plain, and the more they reach the high level, the more prominent this performance is.

Moreover, in the cognition of the aristocratic classics, yin and yang are an instinctual cognition of the heavens and the earth. Therefore, the important cultivating ideas such as yin and yang balance, yin and yang complement each other, yin and yang, and the meditation also run through the various humanities. The system runs through every aspect of the progress of the Terran monks.

Sun Hao sinks into thinking, seriously recalls, and carefully sums up the process of his own practice in these years. His heart slowly produces a sense of understanding and understanding of Yinyang Avenue.

Years of accumulation, many years of practice in the practice of yin and yang, and gradually formed a relatively intuitive understanding of Yinyang Avenue in Sun Hao's body.

Unconsciously, Sun Hao’s body began to appear slowly flowing in the yin and yang. In the process of flow, the yin and yang are connected to each other and entangled, showing a very smart feeling.

It took a while to sit inside the tower of the condensate tower. It didn't take long for Sun Hao to thoroughly understand the law of the conversion of yin and yang, the balance of the characterization, and unconsciously, waiting for Sun Hao to wake up from the entrance. When I came, my face reappeared with a false and excited expression.

I didn’t care, I realized that the process of practicing Yin Yang Avenue was a great boost to my practice and understanding of Yin Yang Avenue. When I was not careful, Sun Hao found that this Yin Yang Avenue had skipped directly. In the embryonic period, it reached the realm of Xiaocheng.

This can be another huge surprise.

Perceived the change of Sun Hao's cultivation, Dao Tianji and Luo Pengfei couldn't help but look at each other. It seems that what kind of practice has become very simple.

The two have a feeling like a dream.

Yinyang Avenue, the difficulty of practice is not under the powerful space-time avenue. In the position of the basic avenue, Yinyang Avenue is far higher than the four great roads.

According to the theory of the human race, it is the Taijisheng two instruments, the two instruments and four images.

The yin and yang instruments are actually the mother of the four elephants. The difficulty of their understanding and the difficulty of their practice are beyond the limits.

In other words, according to the normal practice of practice, any one of the ultimate roads must be introduced, fearing that it will not be possible for thousands of years.

What surprised the two people was that Sun Hao was so fast that he realized the Yinyang Avenue and entered the Xiaocheng stage directly.

I feel that those avenues that I practiced so hard in the past were really fucking. Compared with Sun Hao, self-respect and self-confidence hurt very much.

If it is not the deputy soul of Sun Hao, it will be honored and lost, and maybe two old guys will envy and hate.

Surprised to be surprised, magical to magic, two people carefully compared Sun Hao's understanding of the thought, but also understand how Sun Hao's Yin Yang Avenue will enter the Xiaocheng stage so quickly.

Without him, Sun Hao has been practicing yin and yang for years.

Among them, the undead yin and yang method is a continuous realization of the tens of thousands of years. It is impossible for people to work so hard to accumulate, to realize the yin and yang avenue, and to achieve Xiaocheng, unexpected and reasonable.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still a fundamental one, that is, spiritual practice is not a step-by-step approach, but a step-by-step, step-by-step approach. The reason why Sun Hao can achieve such magical progress lies in the front of Sun Hao. There has been enough accumulation. Any practice is actually accumulating a little bit. The reason why Sun Hao can go smoothly after every step of Mahayana is that the roots are solid and solid.

Sun Hao has just decided to practice Yinyang Avenue. He still hesitates whether he needs blood and yin and yang. He just sat down to enlighten himself and digest his own practice accumulation. He actually built Xiaocheng on Yinyang Avenue.

The two deputy souls are stunned and admired.

After waking up from the entry, Sun Hao began to deduce his next practice.

The practice of Yinyang Avenue may be the only road that Sun Hao can do without thinking too much.

The practice of practice is Sun Hao’s yin and yang combination method. So far, Sun Hao has only practiced the third stage, yin and yang, and then, Sun Hao has two important stages, pure Yin, pure yin and yang. .

I believe that as long as the complete yin and yang combination law is completed, Sun Hao’s Yinyang Avenue can at least reach Dacheng.

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