Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2729: Guiding

Sun Hao is thinking that once he truly rebuilds into a great success in the future, he can truly fly and rise, and when will he fly to wherever he goes?

When it comes to living conditions, in fact, the heavenly mainland is better than the lower virtual, to tell the truth, the catastrophe of the vain wilderness, so that every underworld race is trembled, and the greatest benefit of flying to the next imaginary, but it is repaired. Levels can be practiced to a higher level.

Now, the monks in the black hole world want to fly in every possible way. The result is that the black hole world is the death star field of the virtual world. It is said that it is the ancestral land of many undead monks and the gods that yearn for it. Things are so outrageous and fucking. .

I don’t know what kind of mentality will be after the undead monk’s effort to return to the black hole world.

Sun Hao, while familiar with his new body, understands the strange black hole world, and his heart is quite embarrassing. Many things have not been experienced by himself. It is difficult to know what the truth is.

If you don't do well, the powerful soul fires you see in the soul source bubble are undead monks who think they are high-level and try to return to their ancestral land. Unfortunately, they have not resisted the powerful black hole. Finally, in order to unconscious particles, began a new round of life cycle.

This is really, the monk in the black hole world desperately came up with it, and the undead monk outside wants to go in desperately, like a besieged city.

It is no wonder that the fires of the souls that they have swallowed are all composed of pure yin, and their predecessors are not the soul of reincarnation.

These sentiments are all derived from Sun Yalisha's memory and combined with his own understanding and experience of the world. He has a directional help to Sun Hao's practice and leads Sun Hao's great practice direction.

Next, Sun Hao began to absorb the memory of 勐拉里沙, some understanding of the practice of practice, this is a real law that can help Sun Hao rise from the black hole world step by step, Sun Hao has a strong confidence, As long as you can find the practice of the black hole world, your practice will be very fast soon. At that time, you may find a way to cultivate your own pure Yin.

Others may think that the fire of the soul of Sun Hao's new body can't be burned for a long time, but Sun Hao himself knows that he has swallowed up the fire of countless golden souls, beyond the golden do not know how many times exist, with his own powerful flame, If you provide this body, you are afraid that you can insist on not knowing how many fire offerings.

Slowly perceive the practice of 勐拉里沙 in the memory of the imaginary world completely different, after a long time, this transparent illusory body, that is, Sun Hao's face, a strange expression emerged.

勐拉里沙 is a family of three young masters. In the past, he was a family genius. He was a young genius. He has already cultivated his heart to the point of breaking the imaginary power. He can become a monk who gave birth to physical power and realized the power of the black hole world. The accident, the fire of the soul went out, barely left a body.

According to the cognition of the black imaginary family, 勐拉里沙 fuses the fire of the soul. After waking up, the power level will drop by one step and become a monk with invincible power.

This is the normal situation.

Because of the existence of Sun Hao, this situation has undergone fundamental changes and has a completely different development direction.

In the memory of 勐拉里沙, Sun Hao found several secret techniques that were especially helpful to him. It was reflected in Sun Hao’s body and his role would be even stronger.

A secret technique is that every black imaginary monk can combine the soul source fire to guide the mystery of the inheritance and useful memory in the soul source fire.

This mystery, originally had no effect on Sun Hao, because Sun Hao has swallowed the memory of 勐拉里沙, has been anti-customer, became the owner of this body, naturally no need to lead the spirit.

However, after careful analysis of the spirits, Sun Hao could not help but shine.

The spirit of the spirit has a very strange effect, that is, fixed-point guidance, the black virtual family lived in the black hole for so long, knowing the secrets of the black hole and the fire of the soul, one of the key points is to understand the possibility of the soul fire Sleeping a powerful soul.

The role of the spirit of the guide is to point out the export, that is, to guide what you need and help yourself, and those that have no effect, then continue to let him be sealed by the power of the black hole, does not affect their own Practice.

The so-called fusion of the soul and the body is to see how much the soul is derived and how this process affects itself.

In this sense, Sun Hao’s situation is a very low degree of soul fusion. Because Sun Hao’s consciousness of the deity, Sun Hao’s three souls and seven souls only have a haze, that is, the soul and The fusion of the body is not enough.

However, after careful analysis of the spirits, Sun Hao’s eyes are not bright. The existence of this mystery can greatly help Sun Hao’s practice of pure Yin, and it can also make the rapid rise of the 勐拉里沙. Little master.

Among the three souls and seven scorpions of Sun Hao, several of them belong to the pure Yin attribute. They are completely influential to Sun Hao’s practice of pure Yin. In the front, because of the fear of yang leakage, Sun Hao has not dared to automatically Break the **** of the deity.

Now, the solution is found.

Seriously aware of the practice of spiritual practice, I don’t know how long it took, Sun Hao’s body shook a little, and a golden little flying silkworm fanned its wings and drilled out from Sun Hao’s new body.

The golden silkworm was destroyed and directed by Sun Hao.

When the golden silkworm came out, Sun Hao suddenly felt that he was safer. The strange black hole world made Sun Hao always cautious, for fear that he would carelessly plant a big heel.

Nowadays, the birth of the golden silkworm has represented that Sun Hao’s self-defense power has reached a relatively high level.

The annihilation of the golden silkworm is the third strongest of the three souls of Sun Hao. The strongest representative of the icy cold attribute is enough to compete with the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird. Moreover, compared with the Dapeng Golden Winged Bird, the Golden Silkworm is more The difference is unpredictable.

With the destructive gold silkworm self-defense, inexplicably peace of mind.

After a while, Sun Hao’s body was gently shocked. A beautiful little ice butterfly flashed its wings, leaving a star, appearing in front of Sun Hao, Xinghui Ice Butterfly, The world.

Xinghui Ice Butterfly is one of Sun Hao's souls. It is very strange and very mysterious. The predecessor of this ice butterfly is the ancient silkworm. When Sun Hao absorbed a lot of chills, It has been practiced for a long time, and this has broken into a butterfly, turned into a star-shaped ice butterfly, and led a branch of Sun Hao.

Among the seven scorpions of Sun Hao, the attributes of the three great yangs are the sacred sorcerer, the Taikoo Lei Beast and the Dapeng garuda; the three major yin attributes are the annihilation of the golden silkworm, the ghost of the ghost, and the starry ice butterfly.

Overall, it seems that the chilly property is slightly weaker, but for many years, Sun Hao’s body has always been a balance between yin and yang, and there is no sign of weaker.

That is to say, in fact, the low-key star-shaped ice butterfly is enough to exist with the same level of Taikoo Lei beast, punishment Tianwu.

In the past, Sun Hao has not used Xinghui Ice Butterfly very often, but this hail's combat power, when it happens by chance, is very powerful.

For example, when Sun Hao battled with scales and evil eyes, when a cold air spit out, it frozen a few hundred miles of sea surface. This is the powerful application of Xinghui Ice Butterfly.

Moreover, after Sun Hao exported the star-shaped ice butterfly, there was a very strange feeling in an instant, that is, the moment, his own mind was more sober, and the memory of his own digested 勐拉里沙 seemed to be more transparent.

A moment later, Sun Hao’s face showed a weird expression.

If it wasn’t for the star-shaped ice butterfly, in fact, Sun Hao had entered a strange state of incomprehensibility, a kind of Zhuang Zhou’s dream, not knowing whether Zhuang Zhou was dreaming or whether the butterfly was dreaming.

In the front, Sun Hao was the memory of Yan Laisha himself.

However, in the secret surgery of the Zhazu people, this is actually a kind of waking up. As long as the memory of Zhala Lisha is still there, it represents the new life of the 勐拉里沙.

Moreover, according to the mystery and memory of the Zhazu people, the final effect of this awakening is that in the end, the awakened 勐拉里沙 will still be a member of the 勐拉族, and will play a role in the growth of the 勐拉族.

In other words, when Sun Hao forcibly integrated the memory of 勐拉里沙, there was a realization that it was the one of the two roads. He could choose to integrate 勐拉里沙 and assume his responsibilities. Among them, there is a clear understanding of responsibility, which is actually a subtle influence.

After the appearance of the star-shaped ice butterfly, Sun Hao suddenly perceives that there are still spots that he has neglected in the memory of the 勐拉里沙. These spots are hidden in their own memories, and subtly affecting their own decisions.

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