Nine Cents Refining

Vol 3 Chapter 2730: Neglected genius

Good guys, there are still such things. Sun Hao is also sighing at the same time as the magical application of the Stars and Ice Butterfly. He can’t be guilty at any time.

Bringing out two big points, Sun Hao is also considered to have some powerful combat power when the deity is not suitable for appearance.

Feeling about himself, Sun Hao found that in addition to the extinction of the golden silkworm and the star-shaped ice butterfly, other branches and two deputy souls are not suitable for appearance.

Among the two deputy souls, Luo Pengfei was in charge of Sun Hao’s yin attribute, and led them to confront the Yang property of the Taoist system, but one thing, Luo Pengfei’s practice to the height of Mahayana has already shown that the yin and yang complement each other. Characteristics, his confrontation with the heavens is not a pure yin-yang battle, but a struggle between yin and yang, which is exactly the struggle between divinity and devil.

Sun Hao did not guide Luo Peng to fly out to help. After all, for Sun Hao, the practice of pure Yin is the most important thing. Everything that may have obstacles to pure Yin practice should be avoided as much as possible.

After Sun Hao guided the star-shaped ice butterfly and the annihilation of the golden silkworm, he began to sink into the practice of a new power system. Some practices of the practice of 勐拉里沙 gradually began to be implemented.

I don't know how long it has been. Sun Hao felt that she was consciously exploring the situation in the crystal enamel. When she was moved, she called: "Who?"

Outside, someone suddenly screamed in surprise: "The three young masters woke up, and the three young masters woke up."

Then, a lot of transparent monks floated over and took themselves out of the crystal urn and began testing.

After a busy day, Sun Hao discovered that the atmosphere of the Mengla family has become extremely strange.

Without him, Sun Hao, that is, the current state of 勐拉里沙, but it is not good, the fusion of shell and soul is only 20%, and the color of the fire of the soul is only yellow.

Two degrees of integration! I don't know how 勐拉里沙 wakes up. This kind of integration can keep your normal walking difficult, but don't think about anything to improve quickly.

The fire of the yellow soul, okay, two hundred fire festivals, that is, the limit. At that time, it is estimated that this new three young masters will never be able to go to sleep again. I can imagine that this former genius, this time is completely The mediocrity, not the future is worrying, but the future is not bright.

Perceive the state of Sun Hao, Meng La deeply sighs, and there is always a huge gap between ideals and reality. What is the third child already like this? Sadness does not help, and anger is also unhelpful. Simply, the third child is sent out, and he is asked to find something for him. He went with him.

Sun Hao, the incarnation of Sun Hao, became a tragic figure. The family found him a fairly peaceful town and gave him some privileges to let him go to the elderly.

Basically, there is no hope for the world’s 勐拉里沙, and the eyes are not calm.

Sun Hao did not argue that this arrangement is just right. Sun Hao now needs a relatively stable time to adapt to the rules of the black hole world, to understand some practices of the black hole world, as well as history and existential forces.

Sun Hao, who was accustomed to low-key and rushing, moved to the town and stayed in the town.

After the two fire festivals, Sun Hao basically clarified some basic laws of the black hole world, and basically adapted to some basic rules of action in the black hole world, and began to really enter the learning process.

The most typical feature of the black hole world is the phenomenon of illusion. The monks and mortals who exist in the world, as well as the existence of the wild, make Sun Hao feel incredible and stunned.

Everything is imaginary, weak, so-called body, that is a relatively fixed virtual image.

Many times, Sun Hao walks in the town, walking and walking, you will find that a resident around him is inexplicably turned into a starlight, disappeared, that is, this resident Shouyuan is over, and disappears automatically.

Sometimes, Sun Hao stayed in his own home and suddenly found that there was a ghost in his living room or bedroom, that is, a new body was born...

If Sun Hao is willing, Sun Hao can even adopt the body that was born in his house, so that this body will often become his own generation!

The strange and mysterious black hole world completely disrupts a world that Sun Hao routinely knows, and a completely different world from Sun Hao’s understanding.

On one occasion, Sun Hao had a whimsy and concentrated spirit. He envisioned a new body in his house. What is interesting is that after a long time, there is actually a relatively fixed body inside his house. There is actually a sense of autonomy, which is called Sun Hao "Lao."

This phenomenon makes Sun Hao feel very different in mind, but also has to doubt that these existences in the black hole world, these shells, will not be the result of many mixed ideas.

Will it be that the dreams of the monks of the imaginary world will reach a certain level, and then a corresponding body will be born in the black hole?

If this is the case, then the nightmare of the monk in the virtual world may make the dark forces of the black hole world.

A completely different world with a huge difference from your own imagination.

The way of practice can be understood. These bodies are illusory in themselves. If they want to exist for a long time, if they want to be more powerful, then it is very important to cultivate the entity and cultivate the strength.

Feeling the strange nature of the virtual world, Sun Hao remembered the ability of Xinghui Ice Butterfly to break all fantasy, and ran to a mountainous area with some special phantoms.

As a result, Sun Hao was shocked.

The star-shaped ice butterfly sprinkles under the layers of stars, the stars are everywhere, the huge virtual image of Sun Hao is in the mountains, and there are many small animals and small creatures inside, all under the shining of the stars. Turn into nothingness.

Throughout the black hole world, it seems that there is a huge, traumatic black hole, constantly greedily engulfing the existence of the surrounding images.

After doing such a bad thing, his majesty screamed, and Sun Hao did not know how to deal with such an unexpected situation, and quickly fled.

Soon after, the black imaginary family came to many masters. It is said that a lot of black crystals were spent, which blocked the big hole.

Then, in the area where Sun Hao is located, the black imaginary people exercised a full-scale vigilance, which is said to be guarding against the invasion of the abominable Mozhai people.

Nervous and defensive, prepared for a long time, did not see half of the enemy, the black scorpion announced loudly, because of the discovery, in time, cleared a large transmission matrix of the Mo Lizu, and eliminated the vanguard of the Mo’s invasion. The black emptiness is celebrated in the same day.

Sun Hao thoroughly understands that his own star-shaped ice butterfly, for the black hole world, is a thing that should not appear, the general nature of the demon king exists As long as you are willing to drive the star-shaped ice butterfly, kill the whole Black imaginary people are not a problem.

In this incident, Sun Hao basically understood some of the essence of the dark world, and also discovered the true treasure of the dark world, black crystal.

Without a trace of light, all black crystals are the most common things in the black hole world. Every town or city is built of black crystals, and within the entire black hole world, there may be real entities, in fact, Black crystal everywhere.

The holes in the star-shaped ice butterfly can only be blocked by black crystal. Because black crystal is really there, it is not a shadow.

Sun Hao also found that the reason why black crystal will become the basic raw material for building a house and building a city is like the raw material of the virtual stone. It is also that under the protection of black crystal, the body of the monk can be preserved for a longer period of time.

Black crystal, there are also grades, the size of the difference, exists in all aspects of the life of the black virtual family. In the past, because the black crystal is too much too common, Sun Hao did not attract high attention.

After discovering the magic of black crystal, Sun Hao suddenly felt that perhaps, in the black hole world, it is actually a cluster of black crystals, and the so-called black hole monks are only born in the world of black crystal. The illusory shadow, the inner part of the black hole, is a black crystal generated by some highly compressed particles.

Among the black holes, the real baby, if it is not good, is the black crystal that I have neglected before. After this cognition, Sun Hao began to study the experience of black crystal, do not know not to study, a study scared.

Black crystal has what Sun Hao can't imagine, many different properties with the material of the virtual world, for example, the ability to isolate the sense of isolation, what is inside the black crystal, what is hidden in the black crystal, to the grandson Hao's knowledge can't penetrate.

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